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refactor: one entrypoint for Plan/Response/Query
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- deduplicates timing calculation for the different steps
- enabling query logging later on will be simpler
  • Loading branch information
steve-chavez committed Apr 4, 2024
1 parent a66738b commit 5ab317c
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Showing 5 changed files with 137 additions and 140 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/ApiRequest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ data DbAction
data Action
= ActDb DbAction
| ActRelationInfo QualifiedIdentifier
| ActRoutineInfo QualifiedIdentifier
| ActRoutineInfo QualifiedIdentifier InvokeMethod
| ActSchemaInfo

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ getAction resource schema method =
(ResourceRoutine rout, "HEAD") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ InvRead True
(ResourceRoutine rout, "GET") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ InvRead False
(ResourceRoutine rout, "POST") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRoutine (qi rout) Inv
(ResourceRoutine rout, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActRoutineInfo (qi rout)
(ResourceRoutine rout, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActRoutineInfo (qi rout) $ InvRead True
(ResourceRoutine _, _) -> Left $ InvalidRpcMethod method

(ResourceRelation rel, "HEAD") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationRead (qi rel) True
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86 changes: 22 additions & 64 deletions src/PostgREST/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,9 @@ import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (defaultSettings, setHost, setPort,

import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Hasql.Transaction.Sessions as SQL
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp

import qualified PostgREST.Admin as Admin
import qualified PostgREST.ApiRequest as ApiRequest
Expand All @@ -40,15 +39,13 @@ import qualified PostgREST.Query as Query
import qualified PostgREST.Response as Response
import qualified PostgREST.Unix as Unix (installSignalHandlers)

import PostgREST.ApiRequest (Action (..), ApiRequest (..),
DbAction (..))
import PostgREST.ApiRequest (ApiRequest (..))
import PostgREST.AppState (AppState)
import PostgREST.Auth (AuthResult (..))
import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..), LogLevel (..))
import PostgREST.Config.PgVersion (PgVersion (..))
import PostgREST.Error (Error)
import PostgREST.Observation (Observation (..))
import PostgREST.Query (DbHandler)
import PostgREST.Response.Performance (ServerTiming (..),
import PostgREST.SchemaCache (SchemaCache (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,66 +140,27 @@ postgrestResponse appState conf@AppConfig{..} maybeSchemaCache pgVer authResult@

body <- lift $ Wai.strictRequestBody req

(parseTime, apiRequest) <-
calcTiming configServerTimingEnabled $
liftEither . mapLeft Error.ApiRequestError $
ApiRequest.userApiRequest conf req body sCache

let jwtTime = if configServerTimingEnabled then Auth.getJwtDur req else Nothing
handleRequest authResult conf appState (Just authRole /= configDbAnonRole) configDbPreparedStatements pgVer apiRequest sCache jwtTime parseTime observer

runDbHandler :: AppState.AppState -> AppConfig -> SQL.IsolationLevel -> SQL.Mode -> Bool -> Bool -> (Observation -> IO ()) -> DbHandler b -> Handler IO b
runDbHandler appState config isoLvl mode authenticated prepared observer handler = do
dbResp <- lift $ do
let transaction = if prepared then SQL.transaction else SQL.unpreparedTransaction
AppState.usePool appState config (transaction isoLvl mode $ runExceptT handler) observer

resp <-
liftEither . mapLeft Error.PgErr $
mapLeft (Error.PgError authenticated) dbResp

liftEither resp

handleRequest :: AuthResult -> AppConfig -> AppState.AppState -> Bool -> Bool -> PgVersion -> ApiRequest -> SchemaCache ->
Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> (Observation -> IO ()) -> Handler IO Wai.Response
handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@ApiRequest{..} sCache jwtTime parseTime observer =
case iAction of
ActDb dbAct -> do
(planTime', plan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.actionPlan dbAct conf apiReq sCache
(txTime', queryResult) <- withTiming $ runDbHandler appState conf (Plan.planIsoLvl conf authRole plan) (Plan.planTxMode plan) authenticated prepared observer $ do
Query.setPgLocals plan conf authClaims authRole apiReq
Query.runPreReq conf
Query.actionQuery plan conf apiReq pgVer sCache
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.actionResponse queryResult (dbActQi dbAct) apiReq (T.decodeUtf8 prettyVersion, docsVersion) conf sCache iSchema iNegotiatedByProfile
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRelationInfo identifier -> do
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.infoIdentResponse identifier sCache
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime Nothing Nothing respTime') pgrst

ActRoutineInfo identifier -> do
(planTime', cPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq $ ApiRequest.InvRead True
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.infoProcResponse (Plan.crProc cPlan)
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' Nothing respTime') pgrst

ActSchemaInfo -> do
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither Response.infoRootResponse
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime Nothing Nothing respTime') pgrst

(parseTime, apiReq@ApiRequest{..}) <- withTiming $ liftEither . mapLeft Error.ApiRequestError $ ApiRequest.userApiRequest conf req body sCache
(planTime, plan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.actionPlan iAction conf apiReq sCache
(queryTime, queryResult) <- withTiming $ Query.runQuery appState conf authResult apiReq plan sCache pgVer (Just authRole /= configDbAnonRole) observer
(respTime, resp) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.actionResponse queryResult apiReq (T.decodeUtf8 prettyVersion, docsVersion) conf sCache iSchema iNegotiatedByProfile

return $ toWaiResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime queryTime respTime) resp

pgrstResponse :: ServerTiming -> Response.PgrstResponse -> Wai.Response
pgrstResponse timing (Response.PgrstResponse st hdrs bod) = Wai.responseLBS st (hdrs ++ ([serverTimingHeader timing | configServerTimingEnabled conf])) bod

withTiming = calcTiming $ configServerTimingEnabled conf

calcTiming :: Bool -> Handler IO a -> Handler IO (Maybe Double, a)
calcTiming timingEnabled f = if timingEnabled
then do
(t, r) <- timeItT f
pure (Just t, r)
else do
r <- f
pure (Nothing, r)
toWaiResponse :: ServerTiming -> Response.PgrstResponse -> Wai.Response
toWaiResponse timing (Response.PgrstResponse st hdrs bod) = Wai.responseLBS st (hdrs ++ ([serverTimingHeader timing | configServerTimingEnabled])) bod

withTiming :: Handler IO a -> Handler IO (Maybe Double, a)
withTiming f = if configServerTimingEnabled
then do
(t, r) <- timeItT f
pure (Just t, r)
else do
r <- f
pure (Nothing, r)

traceHeaderMiddleware :: AppState -> Wai.Middleware
traceHeaderMiddleware appState app req respond = do
Expand Down
59 changes: 30 additions & 29 deletions src/PostgREST/Plan.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ module PostgREST.Plan
, ActionPlan(..)
, DbActionPlan(..)
, InspectPlan(..)
, inspectPlan
, callReadPlan
, planTxMode
, planIsoLvl
, InfoPlan(..)
, CrudPlan(..)
, CallReadPlan(..)
) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,13 +92,14 @@ import Protolude hiding (from)
-- Setup for doctests
-- >>> import Data.Ranged.Ranges (fullRange)

data DbActionPlan
data CrudPlan
= WrappedReadPlan
{ wrReadPlan :: ReadPlanTree
, pTxMode :: SQL.Mode
, wrHandler :: MediaHandler
, wrMedia :: MediaType
, wrHdrsOnly :: Bool
, crudQi :: QualifiedIdentifier
| MutateReadPlan {
mrReadPlan :: ReadPlanTree
Expand All @@ -108,15 +108,18 @@ data DbActionPlan
, mrHandler :: MediaHandler
, mrMedia :: MediaType
, mrMutation :: Mutation
, crudQi :: QualifiedIdentifier
| CallReadPlan {

data CallReadPlan = CallReadPlan {
crReadPlan :: ReadPlanTree
, crCallPlan :: CallPlan
, pTxMode :: SQL.Mode
, crTxMode :: SQL.Mode
, crProc :: Routine
, crHandler :: MediaHandler
, crMedia :: MediaType
, crInvMthd :: InvokeMethod
, crQi :: QualifiedIdentifier

data InspectPlan = InspectPlan {
Expand All @@ -126,46 +129,44 @@ data InspectPlan = InspectPlan {
, ipSchema :: Schema

data ActionPlan = Db DbActionPlan | MaybeDb InspectPlan
data DbActionPlan = DbCrud CrudPlan | DbCall CallReadPlan | MaybeDb InspectPlan
data InfoPlan = RelInfoPlan QualifiedIdentifier | RoutineInfoPlan CallReadPlan | SchemaInfoPlan
data ActionPlan = Db DbActionPlan | NoDb InfoPlan

planTxMode :: ActionPlan -> SQL.Mode
planTxMode (Db x) = pTxMode x
planTxMode (MaybeDb x) = ipTxmode x

planIsoLvl :: AppConfig -> ByteString -> ActionPlan -> SQL.IsolationLevel
planIsoLvl AppConfig{configRoleIsoLvl} role actPlan = case actPlan of
Db CallReadPlan{crProc} -> fromMaybe roleIsoLvl $ pdIsoLvl crProc
_ -> roleIsoLvl
roleIsoLvl = HM.findWithDefault SQL.ReadCommitted role configRoleIsoLvl
actionPlan :: Action -> AppConfig -> ApiRequest -> SchemaCache -> Either Error ActionPlan
actionPlan act conf apiReq sCache = case act of
ActDb dbAct -> Db <$> dbActionPlan dbAct conf apiReq sCache
ActRelationInfo ident -> pure . NoDb $ RelInfoPlan ident
ActRoutineInfo ident inv -> NoDb . RoutineInfoPlan <$> callReadPlan ident conf sCache apiReq inv
ActSchemaInfo -> pure $ NoDb SchemaInfoPlan

actionPlan :: DbAction -> AppConfig -> ApiRequest -> SchemaCache -> Either Error ActionPlan
actionPlan dbAct conf apiReq sCache = case dbAct of
dbActionPlan :: DbAction -> AppConfig -> ApiRequest -> SchemaCache -> Either Error DbActionPlan
dbActionPlan dbAct conf apiReq sCache = case dbAct of
ActRelationRead identifier headersOnly ->
Db <$> wrappedReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq headersOnly
DbCrud <$> wrappedReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq headersOnly
ActRelationMut identifier mut ->
Db <$> mutateReadPlan mut apiReq identifier conf sCache
DbCrud <$> mutateReadPlan mut apiReq identifier conf sCache
ActRoutine identifier invMethod ->
Db <$> callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq invMethod
DbCall <$> callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq invMethod
ActSchemaRead tSchema headersOnly ->
MaybeDb <$> inspectPlan apiReq headersOnly tSchema

wrappedReadPlan :: QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> ApiRequest -> Bool -> Either Error DbActionPlan
wrappedReadPlan :: QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> ApiRequest -> Bool -> Either Error CrudPlan
wrappedReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest@ApiRequest{iPreferences=Preferences{..},..} headersOnly = do
rPlan <- readPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest
(handler, mediaType) <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf apiRequest identifier iAcceptMediaType (dbMediaHandlers sCache) (hasDefaultSelect rPlan)
if not (null invalidPrefs) && preferHandling == Just Strict then Left $ ApiRequestError $ InvalidPreferences invalidPrefs else Right ()
return $ WrappedReadPlan rPlan SQL.Read handler mediaType headersOnly
return $ WrappedReadPlan rPlan SQL.Read handler mediaType headersOnly identifier

mutateReadPlan :: Mutation -> ApiRequest -> QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> Either Error DbActionPlan
mutateReadPlan :: Mutation -> ApiRequest -> QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> Either Error CrudPlan
mutateReadPlan mutation apiRequest@ApiRequest{iPreferences=Preferences{..},..} identifier conf sCache = do
rPlan <- readPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest
mPlan <- mutatePlan mutation identifier apiRequest sCache rPlan
if not (null invalidPrefs) && preferHandling == Just Strict then Left $ ApiRequestError $ InvalidPreferences invalidPrefs else Right ()
(handler, mediaType) <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf apiRequest identifier iAcceptMediaType (dbMediaHandlers sCache) (hasDefaultSelect rPlan)
return $ MutateReadPlan rPlan mPlan SQL.Write handler mediaType mutation
return $ MutateReadPlan rPlan mPlan SQL.Write handler mediaType mutation identifier

callReadPlan :: QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> ApiRequest -> InvokeMethod -> Either Error DbActionPlan
callReadPlan :: QualifiedIdentifier -> AppConfig -> SchemaCache -> ApiRequest -> InvokeMethod -> Either Error CallReadPlan
callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest@ApiRequest{iPreferences=Preferences{..},..} invMethod = do
let paramKeys = case invMethod of
InvRead _ -> S.fromList $ fst <$> qsParams'
Expand All @@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiRequest@ApiRequest{iPreferences=Preferenc
cPlan = callPlan proc apiRequest paramKeys args rPlan
(handler, mediaType) <- mapLeft ApiRequestError $ negotiateContent conf apiRequest relIdentifier iAcceptMediaType (dbMediaHandlers sCache) (hasDefaultSelect rPlan)
if not (null invalidPrefs) && preferHandling == Just Strict then Left $ ApiRequestError $ InvalidPreferences invalidPrefs else Right ()
return $ CallReadPlan rPlan cPlan txMode proc handler mediaType invMethod
return $ CallReadPlan rPlan cPlan txMode proc handler mediaType invMethod identifier
qsParams' = QueryParams.qsParams iQueryParams

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