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refactor: use LogLevel in Logger
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* remove Logger dependency on Auth.
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steve-chavez committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent c57ec52 commit 69c6ce9
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Showing 9 changed files with 77 additions and 64 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/Admin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ import qualified PostgREST.Config as Config
import Protolude

runAdmin :: AppConfig -> AppState -> Warp.Settings -> IO ()
runAdmin conf@AppConfig{configAdminServerPort, configObserver=observer} appState settings =
runAdmin conf@AppConfig{configAdminServerPort} appState settings =
whenJust (AppState.getSocketAdmin appState) $ \adminSocket -> do
observer $ AdminStartObs configAdminServerPort
void . forkIO $ Warp.runSettingsSocket settings adminSocket adminApp
adminApp = admin appState conf
observer = AppState.getObserver appState

-- | PostgREST admin application
admin :: AppState.AppState -> AppConfig -> Wai.Application
Expand All @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ admin appState appConfig req respond = do
isConnectionUp <-
if configDbChannelEnabled appConfig
then AppState.getIsListenerOn appState
else isRight <$> AppState.usePool appState appConfig (SQL.sql "SELECT 1")
else isRight <$> AppState.usePool appState (SQL.sql "SELECT 1")

case Wai.pathInfo req of
["ready"] ->
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ type Handler = ExceptT Error

run :: AppState -> IO ()
run appState = do
conf@AppConfig{configObserver=observer, ..} <- AppState.getConfig appState
let observer = AppState.getObserver appState
conf@AppConfig{..} <- AppState.getConfig appState

observer $ AppServerStartObs prettyVersion

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ postgrest logLevel appState connWorker =
traceHeaderMiddleware appState .
Cors.middleware appState .
Auth.middleware appState .
Logger.middleware logLevel $
Logger.middleware logLevel Auth.getRole $
-- fromJust can be used, because the auth middleware will **always** add
-- some AuthResult to the vault.
\req respond -> case fromJust $ Auth.getResult req of
Expand Down
74 changes: 43 additions & 31 deletions src/PostgREST/AppState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module PostgREST.AppState
, reReadConfig
, connectionWorker
, runListener
, getObserver
) where

import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
Expand All @@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ import qualified Hasql.Transaction.Sessions as SQL
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as HTTP
import qualified Network.Socket as NS
import qualified PostgREST.Error as Error
import qualified PostgREST.Logger as Logger
import PostgREST.Observation
import PostgREST.Version (prettyVersion)
import System.TimeIt (timeItT)
Expand All @@ -57,7 +59,6 @@ import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicWriteIORef, newIORef,
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)

import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..),
LogLevel (..),
import PostgREST.Config.Database (queryDbSettings,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,19 +110,26 @@ data AppState = AppState
, stateSocketREST :: NS.Socket
-- | Network socket for the admin UI
, stateSocketAdmin :: Maybe NS.Socket
-- | Logger state
, stateLogger :: Logger.LoggerState
-- | Observation handler
, stateObserver :: ObservationHandler

type AppSockets = (NS.Socket, Maybe NS.Socket)

init :: AppConfig -> IO AppState
init conf = do
init conf@AppConfig{configLogLevel} = do
loggerState <- Logger.init
let observer = Logger.observationLogger loggerState configLogLevel
pool <- initPool conf
(sock, adminSock) <- initSockets conf
state' <- initWithPool (sock, adminSock) pool conf
pure state' { stateSocketREST = sock, stateSocketAdmin = adminSock }
state' <- initWithPool (sock, adminSock) pool conf loggerState observer
pure state' { stateSocketREST = sock, stateSocketAdmin = adminSock}

initWithPool :: AppSockets -> SQL.Pool -> AppConfig -> Logger.LoggerState -> ObservationHandler -> IO AppState
initWithPool (sock, adminSock) pool conf loggerState observer = do

initWithPool :: AppSockets -> SQL.Pool -> AppConfig -> IO AppState
initWithPool (sock, adminSock) pool conf = do
appState <- AppState pool
<$> newIORef minimumPgVersion -- assume we're in a supported version when starting, this will be corrected on a later step
<*> newIORef Nothing
Expand All @@ -136,6 +144,8 @@ initWithPool (sock, adminSock) pool conf = do
<*> C.newCache Nothing
<*> pure sock
<*> pure adminSock
<*> pure loggerState
<*> pure observer

debWorker <-
let decisecond = 100000 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,17 +203,16 @@ initPool AppConfig{..} =
(toUtf8 $ addFallbackAppName prettyVersion configDbUri)

-- | Run an action with a database connection.
usePool :: AppState -> AppConfig -> SQL.Session a -> IO (Either SQL.UsageError a)
usePool AppState{..} AppConfig{configLogLevel, configObserver=observer} sess = do
usePool :: AppState -> SQL.Session a -> IO (Either SQL.UsageError a)
usePool AppState{stateObserver=observer,..} sess = do
res <- SQL.use statePool sess

when (configLogLevel > LogCrit) $ do
whenLeft res (\case
SQL.AcquisitionTimeoutUsageError -> observer $ PoolAcqTimeoutObs SQL.AcquisitionTimeoutUsageError
-- TODO We're using the 500 HTTP status for getting all internal db errors but there's no response here. We need a new intermediate type to not rely on the HTTP status.
| Error.status (Error.PgError False error) >= HTTP.status500 -> observer $ QueryErrorCodeHighObs error
| otherwise -> pure ())
whenLeft res (\case
SQL.AcquisitionTimeoutUsageError -> observer $ PoolAcqTimeoutObs SQL.AcquisitionTimeoutUsageError
-- TODO We're using the 500 HTTP status for getting all internal db errors but there's no response here. We need a new intermediate type to not rely on the HTTP status.
| Error.status (Error.PgError False error) >= HTTP.status500 -> observer $ QueryErrorCodeHighObs error
| otherwise -> pure ())

return res

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,19 +290,22 @@ getSchemaCacheLoaded = readIORef . stateSchemaCacheLoaded
putSchemaCacheLoaded :: AppState -> Bool -> IO ()
putSchemaCacheLoaded = atomicWriteIORef . stateSchemaCacheLoaded

getObserver :: AppState -> ObservationHandler
getObserver = stateObserver

-- | Schema cache status
data SCacheStatus
= SCLoaded
| SCOnRetry
| SCFatalFail

-- | Load the SchemaCache by using a connection from the pool.
loadSchemaCache :: AppState -> AppConfig -> IO SCacheStatus
loadSchemaCache appState AppConfig{configObserver=observer} = do
loadSchemaCache :: AppState -> IO SCacheStatus
loadSchemaCache appState@AppState{stateObserver=observer} = do
conf@AppConfig{..} <- getConfig appState
(resultTime, result) <-
let transaction = if configDbPreparedStatements then SQL.transaction else SQL.unpreparedTransaction in
timeItT $ usePool appState conf (transaction SQL.ReadCommitted SQL.Read $ querySchemaCache conf)
timeItT $ usePool appState (transaction SQL.ReadCommitted SQL.Read $ querySchemaCache conf)
case result of
Left e -> do
case checkIsFatal e of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,12 +345,12 @@ data ConnectionStatus
-- program.
-- 3. Obtains the sCache. If this fails, it goes back to 1.
internalConnectionWorker :: AppState -> IO ()
internalConnectionWorker appState = work
internalConnectionWorker appState@AppState{stateObserver=observer} = work
work = do
config@AppConfig{configObserver=observer, ..} <- getConfig appState
AppConfig{..} <- getConfig appState
observer DBConnectAttemptObs
connected <- establishConnection appState config
connected <- establishConnection appState
case connected of
FatalConnectionError reason ->
-- Fatal error when connecting
Expand All @@ -356,7 +368,7 @@ internalConnectionWorker appState = work
-- this could be fail because the connection drops, but the loadSchemaCache will pick the error and retry again
-- We cannot retry after it fails immediately, because db-pre-config could have user errors. We just log the error and continue.
when configDbConfig $ reReadConfig False appState
scStatus <- loadSchemaCache appState config
scStatus <- loadSchemaCache appState
case scStatus of
SCLoaded ->
-- do nothing and proceed if the load was successful
Expand All @@ -378,8 +390,8 @@ internalConnectionWorker appState = work
-- The connection tries are capped, but if the connection times out no error is
-- thrown, just 'False' is returned.
establishConnection :: AppState -> AppConfig -> IO ConnectionStatus
establishConnection appState config@AppConfig{configObserver=observer} =
establishConnection :: AppState -> IO ConnectionStatus
establishConnection appState@AppState{stateObserver=observer} =
retrying retrySettings shouldRetry $
const $ flushPool appState >> getConnectionStatus
Expand All @@ -389,7 +401,7 @@ establishConnection appState config@AppConfig{configObserver=observer} =

getConnectionStatus :: IO ConnectionStatus
getConnectionStatus = do
pgVersion <- usePool appState config (queryPgVersion False) -- No need to prepare the query here, as the connection might not be established
pgVersion <- usePool appState (queryPgVersion False) -- No need to prepare the query here, as the connection might not be established
case pgVersion of
Left e -> do
observer $ ConnectionPgVersionErrorObs e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,12 +430,12 @@ establishConnection appState config@AppConfig{configObserver=observer} =

-- | Re-reads the config plus config options from the db
reReadConfig :: Bool -> AppState -> IO ()
reReadConfig startingUp appState = do
config@AppConfig{configObserver=observer, ..} <- getConfig appState
reReadConfig startingUp appState@AppState{stateObserver=observer} = do
AppConfig{..} <- getConfig appState
pgVer <- getPgVersion appState
dbSettings <-
if configDbConfig then do
qDbSettings <- usePool appState config (queryDbSettings (dumpQi <$> configDbPreConfig) configDbPreparedStatements)
qDbSettings <- usePool appState (queryDbSettings (dumpQi <$> configDbPreConfig) configDbPreparedStatements)
case qDbSettings of
Left e -> do
observer ConfigReadErrorObs
Expand All @@ -439,15 +451,15 @@ reReadConfig startingUp appState = do
pure mempty
(roleSettings, roleIsolationLvl) <-
if configDbConfig then do
rSettings <- usePool appState config (queryRoleSettings pgVer configDbPreparedStatements)
rSettings <- usePool appState (queryRoleSettings pgVer configDbPreparedStatements)
case rSettings of
Left e -> do
observer $ QueryRoleSettingsErrorObs e
pure (mempty, mempty)
Right x -> pure x
pure mempty
readAppConfig dbSettings configFilePath (Just configDbUri) roleSettings roleIsolationLvl observer >>= \case
readAppConfig dbSettings configFilePath (Just configDbUri) roleSettings roleIsolationLvl >>= \case
Left err ->
if startingUp then
panic err -- die on invalid config if the program is starting up
Expand All @@ -468,7 +480,7 @@ runListener conf@AppConfig{configDbChannelEnabled} appState = do
-- NOTIFY <db-channel> - with an empty payload - is done, it refills the schema
-- cache. It uses the connectionWorker in case the LISTEN connection dies.
listener :: AppState -> AppConfig -> IO ()
listener appState conf@AppConfig{configObserver=observer, ..} = do
listener appState@AppState{stateObserver=observer} conf@AppConfig{..} = do
let dbChannel = toS configDbChannel

-- The listener has to wait for a signal from the connectionWorker.
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/PostgREST/CLI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,17 +25,14 @@ import PostgREST.Version (prettyVersion)
import qualified PostgREST.App as App
import qualified PostgREST.AppState as AppState
import qualified PostgREST.Config as Config
import qualified PostgREST.Logger as Logger

import Protolude hiding (hPutStrLn)

main :: CLI -> IO ()
main CLI{cliCommand, cliPath} = do
loggerState <- Logger.init

conf@AppConfig{..} <-
either panic identity <$> Config.readAppConfig mempty cliPath Nothing mempty mempty (Logger.observationLogger loggerState)
either panic identity <$> Config.readAppConfig mempty cliPath Nothing mempty mempty

-- Per, we want to
-- explicitly close the connections to PostgreSQL on shutdown.
Expand All @@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ dumpSchema appState = do
conf@AppConfig{..} <- AppState.getConfig appState
result <-
let transaction = if configDbPreparedStatements then SQL.transaction else SQL.unpreparedTransaction in
AppState.usePool appState conf
AppState.usePool appState
(transaction SQL.ReadCommitted SQL.Read $ querySchemaCache conf)
case result of
Left e -> do
Expand Down
14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions src/PostgREST/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ import PostgREST.Config.Proxy (Proxy (..),
import PostgREST.SchemaCache.Identifiers (QualifiedIdentifier, dumpQi,

import PostgREST.Observation

import Protolude hiding (Proxy, toList)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +112,6 @@ data AppConfig = AppConfig
, configRoleSettings :: RoleSettings
, configRoleIsoLvl :: RoleIsolationLvl
, configInternalSCSleep :: Maybe Int32
, configObserver :: ObservationHandler

data LogLevel = LogCrit | LogError | LogWarn | LogInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,13 +210,13 @@ instance JustIfMaybe a (Maybe a) where

-- | Reads and parses the config and overrides its parameters from env vars,
-- files or db settings.
readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Text -> RoleSettings -> RoleIsolationLvl -> ObservationHandler -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri roleSettings roleIsolationLvl observer = do
readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Text -> RoleSettings -> RoleIsolationLvl -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri roleSettings roleIsolationLvl = do
env <- readPGRSTEnvironment
-- if no filename provided, start with an empty map to read config from environment
conf <- maybe (return $ Right M.empty) loadConfig optPath

case C.runParser (parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl observer) =<< mapLeft show conf of
case C.runParser (parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl) =<< mapLeft show conf of
Left err ->
return . Left $ "Error in config " <> err
Right parsedConfig ->
Expand All @@ -234,8 +231,8 @@ readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri roleSettings roleIsolationLvl observe
decodeJWKS <$>
(decodeSecret =<< readSecretFile =<< readDbUriFile prevDbUri parsedConfig)

parser :: Maybe FilePath -> Environment -> [(Text, Text)] -> RoleSettings -> RoleIsolationLvl -> ObservationHandler -> C.Parser C.Config AppConfig
parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl observer =
parser :: Maybe FilePath -> Environment -> [(Text, Text)] -> RoleSettings -> RoleIsolationLvl -> C.Parser C.Config AppConfig
parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl =
<$> parseAppSettings "app.settings"
<*> (fromMaybe False <$> optBool "db-aggregates-enabled")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +285,6 @@ parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl observer =
<*> pure roleSettings
<*> pure roleIsolationLvl
<*> optInt "internal-schema-cache-sleep"
<*> pure observer
parseAppSettings :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config [(Text, Text)]
parseAppSettings key = addFromEnv . fmap (fmap coerceText) <$> C.subassocs key C.value
Expand Down
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions src/PostgREST/Logger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ module PostgREST.Logger
( middleware
, observationLogger
, init
, LoggerState
) where

import Control.AutoUpdate (defaultUpdateSettings, mkAutoUpdate,
import Control.Debounce
import Control.AutoUpdate (defaultUpdateSettings,
mkAutoUpdate, updateAction)
import Control.Debounce
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

import Data.Time (ZonedTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime,
Expand All @@ -24,8 +26,6 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import PostgREST.Config (LogLevel (..))
import PostgREST.Observation

import qualified PostgREST.Auth as Auth

import Protolude

data LoggerState = LoggerState
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ logWithDebounce loggerState action = do
putMVar (stateLogDebouncePoolTimeout loggerState) newDebouncer

middleware :: LogLevel -> Wai.Middleware
middleware logLevel = case logLevel of
middleware :: LogLevel -> (Wai.Request -> Maybe BS.ByteString) -> Wai.Middleware
middleware logLevel getAuthRole = case logLevel of
LogInfo -> requestLogger (const True)
LogWarn -> requestLogger (>= status400)
LogError -> requestLogger (>= status500)
Expand All @@ -67,15 +67,19 @@ middleware logLevel = case logLevel of
Wai.ApacheWithSettings $
Wai.defaultApacheSettings &
Wai.setApacheRequestFilter (\_ res -> filterStatus $ Wai.responseStatus res) &
Wai.setApacheUserGetter Auth.getRole
Wai.setApacheUserGetter getAuthRole
, Wai.autoFlush = True
, Wai.destination = Wai.Handle stdout

observationLogger :: LoggerState -> ObservationHandler
observationLogger loggerState obs = case obs of
observationLogger :: LoggerState -> LogLevel -> ObservationHandler
observationLogger loggerState logLevel obs = case obs of
o@(PoolAcqTimeoutObs _) -> do
logWithDebounce loggerState $
when (logLevel >= LogError) $ do
logWithDebounce loggerState $
logWithZTime loggerState $ observationMessage o
o@(QueryErrorCodeHighObs _) -> do
when (logLevel >= LogError) $ do
logWithZTime loggerState $ observationMessage o
o ->
logWithZTime loggerState $ observationMessage o
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/PostgREST/Query.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ runQuery _ _ _ _ (NoDb x) _ _ _ = pure $ NoDbResult x
runQuery appState config AuthResult{..} apiReq (Db plan) sCache pgVer authenticated = do
dbResp <- lift $ do
let transaction = if prepared then SQL.transaction else SQL.unpreparedTransaction
AppState.usePool appState config (transaction isoLvl txMode $ runExceptT dbHandler)
AppState.usePool appState (transaction isoLvl txMode $ runExceptT dbHandler)

resp <-
liftEither . mapLeft Error.PgErr $
Expand Down

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