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The document provides a comprehensive guide on how to add new members to an existing type using the Metalama Framework. It covers both declarative and programmatic methods, and includes instructions for overriding existing implementations and referencing introduced members.

Introducing members

In previous articles, you learned how to override the implementation of existing type members. This article will teach you how to add new members to an existing type.

Currently, you can add the following types of members:

  • Methods
  • Fields
  • Properties
  • Events
  • Operators
  • Conversions

However, the following types of members are not yet supported:

  • Constructors

Introducing members declaratively

The simplest way to introduce a member from an aspect is to implement this member in the aspect and annotate it with the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IntroduceAttribute?text=[Introduce] custom attribute. This custom attribute has the following notable properties:

Property Description
xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.TemplateAttribute.Name Sets the name of the introduced member. If not specified, the name of the introduced member is the name of the template itself.
xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IntroduceAttribute.Scope Determines whether the introduced member will be static or not. See xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IntroductionScope for possible strategies. By default, it is copied from the template, except when the aspect is applied to a static member, in which case the introduced member is always static.
xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.TemplateAttribute.Accessibility Determines if the member will be private, protected, public, etc. By default, the accessibility of the template is copied.
xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.TemplateAttribute.IsVirtual Determines if the member will be virtual. By default, the characteristic of the template is copied.
xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.TemplateAttribute.IsSealed Determines if the member will be sealed. By default, the characteristic of the template is copied.

Example: ToString

The following example demonstrates an aspect that implements the ToString method. It will return a string that includes the object type and a reasonably unique identifier for that object.

Please note that this aspect will replace any hand-written implementation of ToString, which is not desirable. Currently, this can only be avoided by introducing the method programmatically and conditionally.

[!metalama-test ~/code/Metalama.Documentation.SampleCode.AspectFramework/IntroduceMethod.cs name="ToString"]

Introducing members programmatically

The main limitation of declarative introductions is that the name, type, and signature of the introduced member must be known upfront. They cannot depend on the aspect target. The programmatic approach allows your aspect to fully customize the declaration based on the target code.

There are two steps to introduce a member programmatically:

Step 1. Implement the template

Implement the template in your aspect class and annotate it with the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.TemplateAttribute?text=[Template] custom attribute. The template does not need to have the final signature.

Step 2. Invoke IAdviceFactory.Introduce*

In your implementation of the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IAspect`1.BuildAspect* method, call one of the following methods and store the return value in a variable:

  • xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.IAdviceFactory.IntroduceMethod* returning an xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationBuilders.IMethodBuilder
  • xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.IAdviceFactory.IntroduceProperty* returning an xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationBuilders.IPropertyBuilder
  • xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.IAdviceFactory.IntroduceEvent* returning an xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationBuilders.IEventBuilder
  • xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.IAdviceFactory.IntroduceField* returning an xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationBuilders.IFieldBuilder

A call to one of these methods creates a member by default that has the same characteristics as the template (name, signature, etc.), taking into account the properties of the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.TemplateAttribute?text=[Template] custom attribute.

To modify the name and signature of the introduced declaration, use the buildMethod, buildProperty, buildEvent, or buildField parameter of the Introduce* method.

Example: Update method

The following aspect introduces an Update method that assigns all writable fields in the target type. The method signature is dynamic: there is one parameter per writable field or property.

[!metalama-test ~/code/Metalama.Documentation.SampleCode.AspectFramework/UpdateMethod.cs name="Update method"]

Overriding existing implementations

Specifying the override strategy

When you want to introduce a member to a type, it may happen that the same member is already defined in this type or in a parent type. The default strategy of the aspect framework in this case is simply to report an error and fail the build. You can change this behavior by setting the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.OverrideStrategy for this advice:

  • For declarative advice, set the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IntroduceAttribute.WhenExists property of the custom attribute
  • For programmatic advice, set the whenExists optional parameter of the advice factory method

Accessing the overridden declaration

Most of the time, when you override a method, you will want to invoke the base implementation. The same applies to properties and events. In plain C#, when you override a base-class member in a derived class, you call the member with the base prefix. A similar approach exists in Metalama.

  • To invoke the base method or accessor with exactly the same arguments, call xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.meta.Proceed?text=meta.Proceed
  • To invoke the base method with different arguments, use xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.IMethodInvoker.Invoke(System.Object[])?text=meta.Target.Method.Invoke
  • To call the base property getter or setter, use xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.IExpression.Value?text=meta.Property.Value
  • To access the base event, use xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.IEventInvoker.Add*?text=meta.Event.Add, xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.IEventInvoker.Remove*?text=meta.Event.Remove or xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.IEventInvoker.Raise*?text=meta.Event.Raise

Referencing introduced members in a template

When you introduce a member to a type, you will often want to access it from templates. There are three ways to do it:

Option 1. Access the aspect template member

[!metalama-test ~/code/Metalama.Documentation.SampleCode.AspectFramework/IntroducePropertyChanged1.cs name="Introduce OnPropertyChanged"]

Option 2. Use meta.This and write dynamic code

[!metalama-test ~/code/Metalama.Documentation.SampleCode.AspectFramework/IntroducePropertyChanged3.cs name="Introduce OnPropertyChanged"]

Option 3. Use the invoker of the builder object

If neither of the approaches above offer you the required flexibility (typically because the name of the introduced member is dynamic), use the invokers exposed on the builder object returned from the advice factory method.


Declarations introduced by an aspect or aspect layer are not visible in the meta code model exposed to in the same aspect or aspect layer. To reference builders, you have to reference them differently. For details, see xref:sharing-state-with-advice.

For more details, see xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.

[!metalama-test ~/code/Metalama.Documentation.SampleCode.AspectFramework/IntroducePropertyChanged2.cs name="Introduce OnPropertyChanged"]

Referencing introduced members from source code

If you want the source code (not your aspect code) to reference declarations introduced by your aspect, the user of your aspect needs to make the target types partial. Without this keyword, the introduced declarations will not be visible at design time in syntax completion, and the IDE will report errors. Note that the compiler will not complain because Metalama replaces the compiler, but the IDE will because it does not know about Metalama, and here Metalama, and therefore your aspect, has to follow the rules of the C# compiler. However inconvenient it may be, there is nothing you as an aspect author, or us as the authors of Metalama, can do.

If the user does not add the partial keyword, Metalama will report a warning and offer a code fix.


In test projects built using Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting, the Metalama compiler is not activated. Therefore, the source code of test projects cannot reference introduced declarations. Since the present documentation relies on Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting for all examples, we cannot include an example here.