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Metalama 2023.3 release introduces new features including ready-made aspect implementations for caching and contracts, auxiliary templates, and a revamped Metalama.Framework.Sdk. It also includes platform updates, enhancements, minor breaking changes, and bug fixes.

Metalama 2023.3

Metalama 2023.3 introduces several new features: ready-made aspect implementations for caching and contracts, auxiliary templates, greatly revamped Metalama.Framework.Sdk, and several enhancements and bug fixes.

Platform updates

  • Roslyn 4.7.
  • Visual Studio Code:
    • C# Dev Kit is now supported.
    • Omnisharp is deprecated and no longer tested.
  • Visual Studio for Mac is deprecated and no longer tested, as Microsoft announced its sunsetting.

New Features

Auxiliary templates

It is now possible to call a template from a template. This allows to remove redundancy in templates and use abstraction and encapsulation thanks to virtual templates and delegate-like template invocations.

For details, see xref:auxiliary-templates.


Metalama Contracts y is an open-source, aspect-oriented implementation of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations. Unlike Microsoft's annotations, Metalama Contracts works with any C# code, not just ASP.NET MVC or Entity Framework, as it utilizes aspects to inject validation logic during compilation.

In 2023.3, we are releasing Metalama.Patterns.Contracts under the preview quality label. Conceptual documentation is not available at the moment. For conceptual documentation, see xref:Metalama.Patterns.Contracts.


We've also ported our PostSharp-based caching framework to Metalama and completely open-sourced it. We updated the codebase to take full advantage of modern .NET and C#, including the use of IReadOnlySpan<char> to further reduce garbage collection load.

As for contracts, we are currently releasing Metalama.Patterns.Caching under the preview quality label. Conceptual documentation is not available at the moment. For conceptual documentation, see xref:Metalama.Patterns.Caching.


You can now seamlessly use the Roslyn API for low-level code model analysis using the Metalama.Framework.Sdk package. Although this package was available before, it wasn't directly accessible from an aspect project. That limitation has been removed.

For details, see xref:sdk.


Debugging and troubleshooting

  • In the error list, with most errors and warnings reported by aspects, you can now see which aspect class and target declaration reported the diagnostic.
  • It is now possible to enable performance profiling of Metalama processes. See xref:profiling for details.
  • Visual Studio Tools for Metalama and PostSharp has improved reporting of errors in compile-time code.
  • The debugging experience of templates and compile-time code has been dramatically improved. However, it is still required to use Debugger.Break() or meta.DebugBreak() to add an initial breakpoint.

Object model

  • The xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.IDeclaration interface has a new xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.IDeclaration.Sources property exposes references to the source code. You can now get any declaration's file path, line, and column.
  • The xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.IMethodInvoker.Invoke* method has a new overload that accepts an IEnumerable<IExpression> to generate dynamic method calls.
  • Invoking a method from the target type with xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.Invokers.InvokerOptions.Base?text=InvokerOptions.Base and an instance (other than base) is now possible if the base layer is in the current type.
  • Any aspect can now reflect on any other xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IAspectInstance added before the current aspect thanks to the new API xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationEnhancements`1.GetAspectInstances?text=declaration.Enhancements().GetAspectInstances() returning an IEnumerable<IAspectInstance>. The previous method, xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationEnhancements`1.GetAspects*, did not return the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IAspectInstance and gave no access to the xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.IAspectState.
  • xref:Metalama.Extensions.DependencyInjection: You can now introduce a dependency programmatically thanks to the xref:Metalama.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionExtensions.TryIntroduceDependency* method.
  • New xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.RunTimeAttribute?text=[RunTime] attribute that restricts to run-time the scope of a type that derives from a xref:Metalama.Framework.Aspects.RunTimeOrCompileTimeAttribute?text=[RunTimeOrCompileTime] base class or interface.
  • xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.IAdviceFactory: introduction methods like xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.AdviceKind.IntroduceMethod now return the existing member even for xref:Metalama.Framework.Advising.AdviceOutcome.Ignore?text=AdviceOutcome.Ignore.
  • xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.AsyncEnumerableList`1.AsyncEnumerator now has a xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.AsyncEnumerableList`1.AsyncEnumerator.Parent property which gets the xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.AsyncEnumerableList`1 over which the enumerator enumerates. This allows methods such as xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.RunTimeAspectHelper.BufferToListAsync* (see below) to avoid creating a new xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.AsyncEnumerableList`1 when an enumerator is already based on an xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.AsyncEnumerableList`1.
  • The xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.RunTimeAspectHelper.BufferToListAsync* method has a new overload accepting an IAsyncEnumerator<T> which buffers an async enumerator into an xref:Metalama.Framework.RunTime.AsyncEnumerableList`1, and returns the list. This supports scenarios such as caching.


  • The design-time performance of reference validators has been improved.
  • Performance improvement of xref:Metalama.Framework.Workspaces, especially useful while using the Metalama driver for LinqPad.


  • Overriding asynchronous methods with a template has been improved.

Breaking changes

There will be a few minor breaking changes in 2023.3. We think that there are still relatively few users and certainly little legacy code to maintain compatibility with, so we are prioritizing usability improvements over backward compatibility.

  • T#: foreach and while expressions now give preference to run-time scope.

    Previously, while ( true ) would be interpreted as a compile-time loop. Now, it will be considered as a run-time loop.

    Previously, the way to get a compile-time for loop was to do a foreach ( var in in Enumerable.Range(...) ). Now, Enumerable.Range(...) will be interpreted as run-time by default because it is inside a foreach, so you need to specifically mark it as compile-time using foreach ( var in in meta.CompileTime( Enumerable.Range(...) ) ).

  • In xref:Metalama.Framework.Eligibility.EligibilityExtensions, the method overload void MustSatisfy<T>( this IEligibilityBuilder<T> eligibilityBuilder, Action<IEligibilityBuilder<T>> requirement ) has been renamed to xref:Metalama.Framework.Eligibility.EligibilityExtensions.AddRules* in order to avoid ambiguities with the first and principal overload of xref:Metalama.Framework.Eligibility.EligibilityExtensions.MustSatisfy*.

  • The IDiagnosticSink interface is now internal. The xref:Metalama.Framework.Diagnostics.ScopedDiagnosticSink type is now used in all public APIs.

  • The type SyntaxReference has been renamed xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.SourceReference.

Bug fixes & changelogs

For a detailed list of bugs fixed in this release, see the detailed changelogs: