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Quick Start

This section highlights the basic features of Clorm by way of a simple example. This example covers:

  • Defining a simple data model,
  • Combining a statically written ASP program with dynamically generated data,
  • Running the Clingo solver,
  • Querying and processing the solution returned by the solver.

This example is located in the project's examples/quickstart sub-directory; where the ASP program is quickstart.lp and the Python program is There is also a version embedded_quickstart.lp that can be called directly from Clingo:

$ clingo embedded_quickstart.lp

This document is about the Clingo ORM API and it is therefore assumed that the reader is reasonably familiar with ASP syntax and how to write an ASP program. However, if this is not the case it is worth going to the Clingo docs for links to some good reference material.

While we assume that the reader is familiar with ASP, we do not assume that the reader is necessarily familiar with the official Clingo Python API. Since Clorm is designed to be used with the Clingo API we therefore provide some basic explanations of the relevant steps necessary to run the Clingo solver. However, for more detailed documentation see the Clingo API.

An Example Scenario

Imagine you are running a courier company and you have drivers that need to make daily deliveries. An item is delivered during one of four time slots, and you want to assign a driver to deliver each item, while also ensuring that all items are assigned and drivers aren't double-booked for a time slot.

You also want to apply some optimisation criteria. Firstly, you want to minimise the number of drivers that you use (for example, because bringing on a driver for a day has some fixed cost). Secondly, you want to deliver items as early in the day as possible.

The ASP Program

The above crieria can be encoded with the following simple ASP program:


1 { assignment(I, D, T) : driver(D), time(T) } 1 :- item(I).
:- assignment(I1, D, T), assignment(I2, D, T), I1 != I2.

working_driver(D) :- assignment(_,D,_).

#minimize { 1@2,D : working_driver(D) }.
#minimize { T@1,D : assignment(_,D,T) }.

You will notice that while the above ASP program encodes the problem domain, but it does not specify the problem instance, which in this case means specifying the individual delivery drivers and items to be delivered.

The Python Program

Unlike the ASP encoding of the problem domain, which is largely static and changes only if the requirements change, the problem instance changes daily. Hence it cannot be a simple static encoding but must instead be generated as part of the Python application that calls the ASP solver and processes the solution. Clorm is designed with this use-case in mind.

First the relevant libraries need to be imported.

from clorm import Predicate, ConstantStr
from clorm.clingo import Control


Importing from clorm.clingo instead of clingo.

While it is possible to use Clorm with the raw clingo library, a wrapper library is provided to make the integration seemless. This wrapper (should) behave identically to the original module, except that it extends the functionality to offer integration with Clorm objects. It is also possible to monkey patch Clingo if this is your preferred approach (see :ref:`api_clingo_integration`).

Defining the Data Model

The most important step is to define a data model that maps the Clingo predicates to Python classes. Clorm provides the :class:`~clorm.Predicate` base class for this purpose; a :class:`~clorm.Predicate` sub-class defines a direct mapping to an underlying ASP logical predicate. The parameters of the predicate are specified using a number of fields, similar to a standard Python dataclass. In the Clorm context the fields can be thought of as term definitions, as they define how a logical term is converted to, and from, a Python object.

ASP's logic programming syntax allows for three primitive types: integer, string, and constant. From the Python side this corresponds to the standard types int and str, as well as a special Clorm defined type ConstantStr. Note: ConstantStr is sub-classed from str in order to disambiguate between ASP constants and strings, while still offering the same Python type checking behaviour of the str parent class.

class Driver(Predicate):
    name: ConstantStr

class Item(Predicate):
    name: ConstantStr

class Assignment(Predicate):
    item: ConstantStr
    driver: ConstantStr
    time: int

The above code defines three classes to match the ASP program's input and output predicates, where the name of the predicate to map to is derived from the declared class name.

Driver maps to the driver/1 predicate, Item maps to item/1, and Assignment maps to assignment/3 (note: the /n is a common logic programming notation for specifying the arity of a predicate or function). A predicate can contain zero or more fields.

The number of fields in the :class:`~clorm.Predicate` declaration must match the predicate arity and the order in which they are declared must also match the position of each term in the ASP predicate.

One thing to note here is that there is no :class:`~clorm.Predicate` sub-class that was defined corresponding to the working_driver/1 predicate. Clorm does not require that all ASP predicates have a corresponding Python :class:`~clorm.Predicate` sub-class. In this case working_driver/1 is only of interest within the ASP program itself and is not used for defining the relevant inputs and outputs of the solver, so there is no need to define any Python interface.

Using the Data Model to Generate Solutions

Once the data model has been defined it can be used to instantiate facts that are asserted to, or extract from, the ASP solver. In particular, it will be used to dynamically add the facts that make up a problem instance, and then to extract and print the models that correspond to solutions to the problem.

First, the :class:`~clorm.clingo.Control` object needs to be created and initialised, and the static problem domain encoding must be loaded.

ctrl = Control(unifier=[Driver,Item,Assignment])

The :class:`~clorm.clingo.Control` object controls the operations of the ASP solver. When the solver runs it generates models. These models constitute the solutions to the problem. Facts within a model are encoded as clingo.Symbol objects. The :class:`unifier<clorm.clingo.Control>` argument is important as it defines which symbols are turned into :class:`~clorm.Predicate` instances.

For every symbol fact in the model, Clorm will successively attempt to unify (or match) the symbol against the predicates in the unifier list. When a match is found the symbol is used to define an instance of the matching predicate. Any symbol that does not unify against any of the predicates is ignored.

Once the control object is created and the unifier predicates specified the static ASP program is loaded.

Next we generate a problem instance by generating a lists of Driver and Item objects. These items are added to a :class:`~clorm.FactBase` object, which is a specialised set-like container for storing facts (i.e., predicate instances).

from clorm import FactBase

drivers = [ Driver(name=n) for n in ["dave", "morri", "michael" ] ]
items = [ Item(name="item{}".format(i)) for i in range(1,6) ]
instance = FactBase(drivers + items)

The Driver and Item constructors use named parameters that match the declared field names. While Clorm supports the use of positional arguments to initialise instances, doing so will potentially make the code harder to refactor. So in general you should avoid using positional arguments except for a few cases (eg., simple tuples where the order is unlikely to change).

Now, these input facts can be added to the control object and combined with the previously loaded ASP program to produce a grounded ASP program.


At this point the control object is ready to be run and generate solutions. There are a number of ways in which the ASP solver can be run (see the Clingo API documentation). For this example we run it using a callback function, which is called each time a model is found.

def on_model(model):
    global solution     # Note: use `nonlocal` keyword depending on scope
    solution = model.facts(atoms=True)

if not solution:
    raise ValueError("No solution found")

The on_model() callback is triggered for every new model. Because of the ASP optimisation statements this callback can potentially be triggered multiple times before an optimal model is found. Also, note that if the problem is unsatisfiable then it will never be called and you should always check for this case.

The line solution = model.facts(atoms=True) extracts only instances of the predicates that were registered with the unifier parameter that was passed down through the :class:`~clorm.clingo.Control` object constructor. As mentioned earlier, any facts that fail to unify are ignored. In this case it ignores the working_driver/1 instances. The unified facts are stored and returned in a :class:`~clorm.FactBase` object.



As of Clorm 1.2.1 the new Query API should be the preferred query mechanism. It provides all the functionality of the old query interface and much more; including SQL-like JOIN clauses between predicates, and better control of how the query results are presented.

The final part of our Python program involves querying the solution to print out the relevant facts. In particular it would be useful to display all drivers and any jobs they have. To do this we call the factbase's :py:meth:`FactBase.query()<clorm.FactBase.query>` member function that returns a suitable :class:`~clorm.Query` object.

The query is defined in terms of a chaining over the member functions of a :class:`~clorm.Query` object. Each function call returns a modified copy of the :class:`~clorm.Query` object. This technique will be be familiar to users of Python ORM's such as SQLAlchemy or Peewee.

from clorm import ph1_

              .where(Assignment.driver == ph1_)\

The above query defines a search over the Assignment predicate to match the driver field to a special placeholder object ph1_ and to return the assignments for that driver sorted by the delivery time. The value of ph1_ will be provided when the query is executed. Here the :py:meth:`FactBase.query()<clorm.FactBase.query>` method mirrors a traditional SQL FROM clause.

We can now loop over the known drivers and execute the query for each driver. This is done by first binding the value of the placeholder ph1_ to a specific value and calling the :py:meth:`Query.all()<clorm.Query.all>` method. This function returns a Python generator which is then used to execute and iterate over the results.

for d in drivers:
    assignments = list(query.bind(
    if not assignments:
        print("Driver {} is not working today".format(
        print("Driver {} must deliver: ".format(
        for a in assignments:
            print("\t Item {} at time {}".format(a.item, a.time))

Calling query.bind( first creates a new query with the placeholder values assigned. Because is the first parameter to the function call it matches against the placeholder ph1_. Clorm has four predefined placeholders ph1_,... , ph4_, but more can be created using the ph_ function.

Running this example produces the following results:

$ cd examples
$ python
Driver dave must deliver:
         Item item5 at time 1
         Item item4 at time 2
Driver morri must deliver:
         Item item1 at time 1
         Item item2 at time 2
         Item item3 at time 3
Driver michael is not working today

Note, viewing the items for all drivers, including those drivers with no assignments, could be done simply with a single SQL OUTER JOIN query. Unfortunately, the Clorm Query API doesn't have an equivalent of an OUTER JOIN. While it can usually be simulated with a bit of extra Python code, in this case it was simplest to execute a query for each driver. Alternatively, if we were happy to only specify the drivers with assignments then the problem could be formulated in terms of a query with a grouping modifier.


for dname, grpit in query.all():
    print("Driver {} must deliver: ".format(dname))
    for item,time in grpit:
        print("\t Item {} at time {}".format(item, time))

Here the :py:meth:`Query.group_by()<clorm.Query.group_by>` method modifies the query generator output to return pairs of objects; where the first element of the pair consists of the elements specified by the grouping and the second element is an iterator over the matching elements for that group (here further ordered by delivery time). This is loosely analagous to how an SQL GROUP BY clause works. Similarly the :py:meth:`Query.order_by()<clorm.Query.order_by>` function operates like an SQL ORDER BY clause.

It is also worth noting that the :py:meth:`<>` projection operator performs a similar function to an SQL SELECT clause to modify the output. Here, instead of returning the assignment item itself, it returns the two relevant parameter values.