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Lookup vendor and device names using PCI IDs!

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To search for devices using the CLI, pass in either:

a) a pair of vendor and device PCI IDs b) two pairs, vendor and device PCI IDs as well as sub-vendor and sub-device PCI IDs:

Here are some examples:

$ pciids 1ed5
1ed5:0100 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S10
1ed5:0101 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S10
1ed5:0102 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S30
1ed5:0105 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S50
1ed5:0106 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S60
1ed5:0111 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S100
1ed5:0121 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S1000M
1ed5:0122 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S1000
1ed5:0123 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT S2000
1ed5:01ff - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT HDMI/DP Audio
1ed5:0201 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2D30
1ed5:0202 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2D20
1ed5:0203 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2D10
1ed5:0211 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2D40
1ed5:0221 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2S80
1ed5:0222 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2S85
1ed5:0223 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2S4
1ed5:0251 - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd G2N10
1ed5:02ff - Moore Threads Technology Co.,Ltd MTT HDMI/DP Audio
$ pciids 1d0f efa1
1d0f:efa1 -, Inc. Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)
$ pciids 10de 2206 10de 1467
10de:2206 10de:1467 - NVIDIA Corporation GA102 [GeForce RTX 3080]

If there are multiple matches then all matches are returned.

JSON output

The command can take the --json flag to produce JSON output:

$ pciids 121a 0009 121a 0009 --json
        "vendorID": "121a",
        "deviceID": "0009",
        "vendorName": "3Dfx Interactive, Inc.",
        "deviceName": "Voodoo 4 / Voodoo 5",
        "subVendorID": "121a",
        "subDeviceID": "0009",
        "subVendorName": "3Dfx Interactive, Inc.",
        "subDeviceName": "Voodoo5 AGP 5500/6000"

Debug output

The --debug flag to produce additional output while running:

$ pciids --json 121a 0009 121a 0009
DEBU looking up 121a:0009 121a:0009
DEBU downloading
DEBU parsing vendor IDs
DEBU parsing PCI IDs
DEBU found 1 results
121a:0009 121a:0009 - 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo5 AGP 5500/6000


Below outlines the various ways to obtain and install pciids.

From binary

Download the latest release of pciids for your platform and extract the tarball:

wget pciids<version>_<os>_<arch>.tar.gz
tar zxvf pciids<version>_<os>_<arch>.tar.gz

The tarball will extract the readme, license, and the pre-compiled binary.

From source

To build and install directly from source run:

git clone
cd pciids

The default make command will run go build and produce a binary in the root directory.

From go

To download using the go get command run:

go get

The executable object file location will exist at ${GOPATH}/bin/pciids

API usage

Users can take advantage of various functions in their own code:

  • All(): returns a list of all PCI ID devices
  • LatestFile(): string of the latest PCI ID database
  • Parse(string): parses a given PCI ID database string
  • QueryVendor(vendorID): Searches for devices matching a vendor ID
  • QueryDevice(vendorID, deviceID): Searches for devices matching a PCI ID pair
  • QuerySubDevice(vendorID, deviceID, subVendorID, subDeviceID): Like QueryDevice, but matches two PCI ID pairs (e.g. device and sub-device)

Additionally, the PCIID struct is available for use to create one-off IDs.

Below is an example of querying for matching devices using a PCI ID pair:

package main

import (


func main() {
  ids, err := pciids.QueryDevice("10de", "1467")
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error getting device info: %v", err)

  for _, id := range ids {