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71 lines (44 loc) · 2.08 KB

M1 C

File metadata and controls

71 lines (44 loc) · 2.08 KB

Edit Code ‘C’



Edit Code C is used for only updating the parcel based Council Reference number (Crefno). This edit code can be used to populate or null a Crefno.


If more than one C edit record is supplied for a single parcel, will any of them succeed (or will they all fail)?

If the details are the same, the first one will be loaded and the second tagged as a duplicate otherwise all records will fail to be loaded.


Where Vicmap crefno value is blank or doesn't exist in any Council record that shares the same spi value, then update with crefno value from Council which has the same spi value (only one).

Note this will never replace an existing Vicmap crefno with a blank one, even if the Vicmap one does not exist in Council. The soltuion to this is for the council to have a valid spi with the desired crefno value.


Complete SQL

M1 C Edits.sql


Include only Vicmap parcels with a valid parcel description.

vp.spi <> ''

Match the Vicmap and Council parcels on parcel description.

vp.spi = cp.spi

Exclude parcels where the crefno values already match.

vp.crefno <> cp.crefno

Exclude parcels where Council crefno value is blank.

cp.crefno <> ''

Include only parcels where the Vicmap crefno value is blank or does not exist in any Council parcel with the same simplified parcel description.

( vp.crefno = '' or
  vp.crefno not in ( select cpx.crefno from pc_council_parcel cpx where cpx.simple_spi = vp.simple_spi ) )

Include only parcels where the Vicmap plan_number field is populated (due to the higher standard of plan descriptions rather then crown description) OR where the Vicmap and Council propnum values already match (which is a good indicator that the correct parcel is matched, despite it being only a crown description).

( vp.plan_number <> '' or
  vp.propnum = cp.propnum )

Include only one record per parcel

group by vp.spi