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File metadata and controls

124 lines (92 loc) · 4.11 KB
.. index::
   single: Modules


By default, one module is provided with the SkeletonApp, named Application. It provides a simple route pointing to the homepage. A simple controller to handle the "home" page of the application. This demonstrates using routes, controllers and views within your module.

Module Structure

Your module starts with Module.php. You can have configuration on your module. Your can have routes which result in controllers getting dispatched. Your controllers can render view templates.

├── Module.php
├── resources
│   ├── config
│   │   └── config.yml
│   ├── routes
│   │   ├── laravel.php
│   │   └── symfony.yml
│   └── views
│       └── index
│           └── index.html.php
├── src
│   ├── Controller
│   │   ├── Index.php
│   │   └── Shared.php

The Module.php class

Every PPI module looks for a Module.php class file, this is the starting point for your module.

namespace MyModule;
use PPI\Framework\Module\AbstractModule;

class Module extends AbstractModule


Registering your namespace can be done using the Zend Framework approach below. You can also skip this and register your module's namespace to your composer.json file

namespace MyModule;
use PPI\Framework\Module\AbstractModule;

class Module extends AbstractModule
    public function getAutoloaderConfig()
        return array(
            'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
                'namespaces' => array(
                    __NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/',


The above code shows you the Module class, and the all important init() method. Why is it important? If you remember from The Skeleton Application section previously, we have defined in our modules.config.php config file an activeModules option, when PPI is booting up the modules defined activeModules it looks for each module's init() method and calls it.

The init() method is run for every page request, and should not perform anything heavy. It is considered bad practice to utilize these methods for setting up or configuring instances of application resources such as a database connection, application logger, or mailer.

namespace MyModule;
use PPI\Framework\Module\AbstractModule;

class Module extends AbstractModule
    public function init()


Expanding on from the previous code example, we're now adding a getConfig() method. This must return a raw PHP array. You may require/include a PHP file directly or use the loadConfig() helper that works for both PHP and YAML files. When using loadConfig() you don't need to tell the full path, just the filename.

All the modules with getConfig() defined on them will be merged together to create 'modules config' and this is merged with your global app's configuration file at /app/app.config.php. Now from any controller you can get access to this config by doing $this->getConfig(). More examples on this later in the Controllers section.

namespace MyModule;
use PPI\Framework\Module\AbstractModule;

class Module extends AbstractModule
     * Returns configuration to merge with application configuration.
     * @return array
    public function getConfig()
        return $this->loadConfig(__DIR__ . '/resources/config/config.yml');


To help you troubleshoot the configuration loaded by the framework you may use the app/console config:dump command


Lets move onto Services and Routing for our modules on the next pages.