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.. module:: pygame_menu.themes

Creating themes

:py:mod:`pygame-menu` offers many parameters to control the visual aspect of the menu. For an easier usage, all of them are gathered in a specific object called a theme. It is used to customize the menu window itself and all its widgets.

menu = pygame_menu.Menu(300, 400,


The theme parameters can be overwritten locally when adding a widget to the menu. See the overwritable ones in the :ref:`add... methods <Adding widgets>`

Default themes

Several predefined themes are proposed by :py:mod:`pygame-menu`.

Theme name Example
:py:data:`pygame_menu.themes.THEME_DEFAULT` ../_static/theme_default.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.themes.THEME_BLUE` ../_static/theme_blue.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.themes.THEME_DARK` ../_static/theme_dark.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.themes.THEME_GREEN` ../_static/theme_green.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.themes.THEME_ORANGE` ../_static/theme_orange.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.themes.THEME_SOLARIZED` ../_static/theme_solarized.png

Create a theme

If none of the proposed theme fit to the needs, the :py:class:`Theme` give the opportunity to create custom themes.

mytheme = Theme(background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), # transparent background
                title_background_color=(4, 47, 126),

menu = Menu(..., theme=mytheme)

Of course it is also possible to start from a predefined theme by copying it first.

mytheme = pygame_menu.themes.THEME_ORANGE.copy()
mytheme.title_background_color=(0, 0, 0)

menu = Menu(..., theme=mytheme)


The alignment (str) can take one of the three following values:

Alignment Description
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.ALIGN_LEFT` Left alignment
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.ALIGN_CENTER` Center alignment
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.ALIGN_RIGHT` Right alignment

Background Color/Images

Theme background can be both a color or an image. All colors can be defined using a tuple or a list of 3 or 4 numbers between 0 and 255. The format of the numbers are:

color_opaque = (R, G, B)
color_transparent = (R, G, B, A)

A alpha channels goes from 0 to 255. 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque. For using images as a background color, class :py:class:`pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage` must be used.

Images needs a Path (file location on disk), a drawing mode, and an optional offset.

myimage = pygame_menu.baseimage.BaseImage(
mytheme.background_color = myimage
Image drawing modes Description
:py:data:`pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_CENTER` Centers the image in the surface
:py:data:`pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_FILL` Fill the image on the surface
:py:data:`pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_REPEAT_X` Repeat the image on x axis
:py:data:`pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_REPEAT_XY` Repeat the image on x and y axis
:py:data:`pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_REPEAT_Y` Repeat the image on y axis
:py:data:`pygame_menu.baseimage.IMAGE_MODE_SIMPLE` Write the image on top-left location

Currently, :py:class:`Theme` class only supports images for :py:attr:`background_color` and :py:attr:`widget_background_color`. Also, only IMAGE_MODE_FILL drawing mode is valid for :py:attr:`widget_background_color`.


This library also has some fonts to use (TTF format). To load a font, run this code:

import pygame_menu

font = pygame_menu.font.FONT_NAME
my_theme = Theme(widget_font=font, ...)
Available fonts Preview
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_8BIT` ../_static/font_8bit.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_BEBAS` ../_static/font_bebas.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_COMIC_NEUE` ../_static/font_comic_neue.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_DIGITAL` ../_static/font_digital.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_FRANCHISE` ../_static/font_franchise.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_HELVETICA` ../_static/font_helvetica.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_MUNRO` ../_static/font_munro.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_NEVIS` ../_static/font_nevis.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_OPEN_SANS` ../_static/font_open_sans.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_OPEN_SANS_BOLD` ../_static/font_open_sans_bold.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_OPEN_SANS_ITALIC` ../_static/font_open_sans_italic.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_OPEN_SANS_LIGHT` ../_static/font_open_sans_light.png
:py:class:`pygame_menu.font.FONT_PT_SERIF` ../_static/font_pt_serif.png

System fonts can also be used. The available system fonts can be listed using the following command in a python shell:

import pygame

Menubar style

The visual style of the menubar is managed using the theme parameter title_bar_style which can take the following values:

Menubar style Example
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_ADAPTIVE` ../_static/menubar_adaptive.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_SIMPLE` ../_static/menubar_simple.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_TITLE_ONLY` ../_static/menubar_title_only.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_TITLE_ONLY_DIAGONAL` ../_static/menubar_title_only_diagonal.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_NONE` ../_static/menubar_none.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_UNDERLINE` ../_static/menubar_underline.png
:py:data:`pygame_menu.widgets.MENUBAR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_TITLE` ../_static/menubar_underline_title.png


Several possible positions are accepted by some configurations:

Position Description
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_EAST` East position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_NORTH` North position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_NORTHEAST` North/East position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_NORTHWEST` North/West position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_SOUTH` South position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_SOUTHEAST` South/East position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_SOUTHWEST` South/West position
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.POSITION_WEST` West position

Special positions used by Menu :py:class:`pygame_menu._scrollarea.ScrollArea` (all above are available):

Position Description
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.SCROLLAREA_POSITION_BOTH_HORIZONTAL` Scroll on both X axis
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.SCROLLAREA_POSITION_BOTH_VERTICAL` Scroll on both Y axis
:py:data:`pygame_menu.locals.SCROLLAREA_POSITION_FULL` Scroll on both X and Y axis

Widget selection effect

A selection effect is a drawing class used to define the way to highlight the focused widget. An instance of the selection effect class is defined in the :py:attr:`Theme.widget_selection_effect` Theme property. See example on how to add a selection effect in :ref:`Create a selection effect` chapter.

The available selection effects are:

Class Selection effect
:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.HighlightSelection` Rectangular highlight
:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.LeftArrowSelection` Left arrow on the widget
:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.NoneSelection` No selection
:py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.RightArrowSelection` Right arrow on the widget

The selection color is defined in :py:attr:`Theme.widget_selection_color`.

Theme API

.. autoclass:: Theme