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File metadata and controls

285 lines (200 loc) · 9.59 KB

Package organization

The :py:mod:`pygame_menu.widgets` package contains the widget support for the Menu. Its structure consists of several sub-packages:

        core/           Main object classes for Widget and Selector
        selection/      Selection effect applied to widgets
        widget/         Menu widget objects

Create a widget

All widget classes shall inherit from :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget.Widget`, and they must be located in the :py:mod:`pygame_menu.widgets.widget` package. The most basic widget should contain this code:

from pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget import Widget
from pygame_menu._types import EventVectorType

class MyWidget(Widget):

    def __init__(self, params):
        super(MyWidget, self).__init__(params)

    def _apply_font(self) -> None:
        Function triggered after a font is applied to the widget
        by Menu._configure_widget() method.

    def _draw(self, surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None:
        Draw the widget on a given surface.
        This method must be overridden by all classes.
        # Draw the self._surface pygame object on the given surface
        surface.blit(self._surface, self._rect.topleft)

    def _render(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        Render the Widget surface.

        This method shall update the attribute ``_surface`` with a :py:class:`pygame.Surface`
        object representing the outer borders of the widget.

        .. note::

            Before rendering, check out if the widget font/title/values are
            set. If not, it is probable that a zero-size surface is set.

        .. note::

            Render methods should call
            to force Menu to update the drawing surface.

        :return: ``True`` if widget has rendered a new state, ``None`` if the widget has not changed, so render used a cache

        # Generate widget surface
        self._surface = pygame.surface....

        # Update the width and height of the Widget
        self._rect.width, self._rect.height = self._surface.get_size() + SomeConstants

        # Force menu to update its surface on next Menu.render() call

    def update(self, events: EventVectorType) -> bool:
        Update according to the given events list and fire the callbacks. This
        method must return ``True`` if it updated (the internal variables
        changed during user input).

        .. note::

            Update is not performed if the Widget is in ``readonly`` state or
            it's hidden. However, ``apply_update_callbacks`` method is called
            in most widgets, except :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.NoneWidget`.

        :param events: List/Tuple of pygame events
        :return: ``True`` if updated
        return False


After creating the widget, it must be added to the file of the
:py:mod:`pygame_menu.widgets` package.
from pygame_menu.widgets.widget.mywidget import MyWidget

To add the widget to the :py:class:`` class, a public method :py:meth:`add_mywidget` must be added to the :py:class:`pygame_menu._widgetmanager.WidgetManager` class with the following structure. Or :py:meth:`pygame_menu._widgetmanager.WidgetManager.generic_widget` can be used.

import pygame_menu.widgets

class WidgetManager(object):

    def mywidget(self, params, **kwargs):
        Add MyWidget to the menu.
        attributes = self._filter_widget_attributes(kwargs)

        # Create your widget
        widget = pygame_menu.widgets.MyWidget(..., **kwargs)

        self._configure_widget(widget=widget, **attributes)
        widget.set_default_value(default) # May add the default value

        return widget



This method uses the kwargs parameter for defining the settings of the Widget, such as the background, margin, etc. This is applied automatically by the Menu widget addition class (WidgetManager). If MyWidget needs additional parameters, please use some that are not named as the default kwargs used by the Menu Widget system.

The function must return the created widget object.


The widget _render method should always call :py:meth:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget.Widget.force_menu_surface_update` method, this ensures that Menu updates the surface and the positioning.


From v4 menu introduced a cache state for the draw surface. This cache is updated if any widget update its status (update() returned True) or the surface was rendered. Anyway, execution-time elements that changes over time (outside _render) should force cache rendering (for example the blinking cursor of text). If your widget has any property like this, the method :py:meth:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.widget.Widget.force_menu_surface_cache_update` must be called within your Widget.

Create a selection effect

The widgets in Menu are drawn with the following idea:

  1. Each time a new Widget is added, regenerate their position.

  2. Widgets can either be active or inactive. The active widget will catch user events as keyboard or mouse.

  3. Active widgets have a decoration, named Selection

  4. The drawing process is:

    1. Draw Menu background color/image
    2. Draw all widgets
    3. Draw Selection decoration on selected widget surface area
    4. Draw menubar
    5. Draw scrollbar

For defining a new selection effect, a new :py:class:`pygame_menu.widgets.core.Selection` subclass must be added to the :py:mod:`pygame_menu.widgets.selection` package. A basic class must contain the following code:

from pygame_menu.widgets.core.selection import Selection

class MySelection(Selection):

    def __init__(self):
        # Call the constructor of the Selection providing the left, right, top and bottom margins
        # of your Selection effect box.
        #  --------------------------
        # |          ^ top           |  In this example, XXXX represents the
        # | left  XXXXXXXXXXXX right |  Widget to be Selected.
        # |<----> XXXXXXXXXXXX<----->|  left, right, top and bottom must be described
        # |         v bottom         |  in pixels
        #  --------------------------
        super(MySelection, self).__init__(margin_left, margin_right, margin_top, margin_bottom)
        self.your_params = ...

    def draw(self, surface, widget):
        This method receives the surface to draw the selection and the
        widget itself. For retrieving the Selection coordinates the rect
        object from widget should be used.


After creating the selection effect, it must be added to file of the :py:mod:`pygame_menu.widgets` package.

from pygame_menu.widgets.selection.myselection import MySelection

Finally, this new selection effect can be set by following one of these two instructions:

  1. Pass it when adding a new widget to the menu

    import pygame_menu
    menu = pygame_menu.Menu(...)
    menu.add.button(..., selection_effect=pygame_menu.widgets.MySelection(...))
  2. To apply it on all menus and widgets (and avoid passing it for each added widget), a theme can be created

    import pygame_menu
    MY_THEME = pygame_menu.themes.Theme(
    menu = pygame_menu.Menu(..., theme=MY_THEME)

Decorate a Menu / Widgets

All menu objects can be decorated with polygons (lines, circles, rectangles, paths), images, text, or callable functions. The decorations can be drawn before the source object (prev) or after the object (post) depending of the object type.

To add a decoration, you must access the decorator class from the object (Menu, ScrollArea, any Widget) using get_decorator() method. And use the Decorator class API to add decorations to your object.


Decorations don't change the width/height of the object. These are visual/only. If applied on a widget, use padding to enlarge the widget rect if you need such feature.


For all decoration, the (0, 0) coordinate belongs to the center of the object.

decorator = my_widget.get_decorator()
decorator.add_polygon([(1, 1), (1, 10), (10, 1)], color=(255, 0, 0))

# If the widget needs a bigger margin
my_widget.set_padding((25, 25, 10, 10))

decorator = menu.get_decorator()
decorator.add_line((10, 10), (100, 100), color=(45, 180, 34), width=10)

Decorator API

.. autoclass:: pygame_menu._decorator.Decorator