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Setting up C/C++ compiler
C programming
C++ programming
scientific programming
numerical programming
numerical integration

I will be using GNU C Compiler (GCC) to compile codes in a Linux computer. You can install GCC in Ubuntu/Debian by:

apt install gcc

Command to compile:

gcc filename.c

# linking math lib
gcc filename.c -lm

# show all compiler warnings
gcc -Wall filename.c

g++ filename.cpp

# compile with specific standard (might require for latest language features)
g++ -std=c++17 filename.cpp
g++ -std=c++2a filename.cpp

This would produce executable with default name a.out. You can specify the executable name by using the -o flag:

gcc filename.c -o program_name

For complex programs, you can use -g flag to generate debugging information. -O flag can be used to optimize the executable file (-O2, -O3 denotes various levels of optimization).

Compiler (GCC/Clang) flags for warnings: -Wall, -Wextra, -Wpedantic, -Wunused.


For large/complex projects with multiple source/header files and might require linking various various libraries, unix makefile is very helpful to write the compilation rules and build the program. Here is a very simple example:

import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; import makefile from '!!raw-loader!/src/cpp/basics/Makefile';


A makefile is consists of a set of rules. A rule consists of a target, a list of prerequisites, and a command. In the above example, we have several rules: all, hello, hello.o, and clean. In case of all, we have prerequisite hello, while there is no command. In case of hello, prerequisite is hello.o and rule is: ${CC} -o hello hello.o and so on. If we run make without any argument, the first rule will run, which is in this case all. We can run another rule, we can run it by providing its name, e.g., make clean. Later we will see use of more complex makefile.


sudo apt update && sudo apt install gdb

We can use gdb to debug our program. We can embeed debugging information to our code by using -g or -g3 flag. It might be helpful also to disable optimizations with -O0 while debugging. We compile the program:

gcc -g -O0 -Wall filename.c -o filename.o

Using gdb:

gdb filename.o

Useful gdb commands:

Commands Description
break/b line-number create breakpoint at specific line
break filename:line-number create breakpoint at specific line and file
run/r run program
c continue execution
next execute next line
step/s execute next line or step into function
quit/q quit gdb
print expression print current value of a specified expression
help [command] in-program help
bt print the stack trace
clear line-number clear break point
clear filename:line-number clear break point in a specific file and line
info/i break/b list all break points
del breakpoint Num delete a break point
del start-br-pt-end-br-pt delete break points from start-breakpoint-Num to end-breakpoint-Num


Sometimes I will be using cppcheck to debug codes as well.

apt install cppcheck
cppcheck --enable=all filename.cpp


Install valgrind in Ubuntu/Debian:

apt install valgrind

Valgrind is a memory profiling tool (includes memcheck, cachegrind, callgrind, etc). First compile your program with debug flag:

gcc -g filename.c
valgrind ./a.out
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=20 --track-fds=yes ./a.out

Valgrind can also detect:

  • invalid pointer use
  • use of uninitialized variables
  • double frees

Valgrind does not check bounds on statically allocated arrays.