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Hi There!

You're looking at the development repository of web interface of the Biology Softwares catalogue. This is an academic project at @ClusterInnovationCentre carried out by @devkhan and @prashnts.

Getting Started

To setup a development instance of BioDB, please make sure you setup a development enviroment consisting of:

  • Python 3.5
  • NodeJS v4 or above
  • NPM 3.9 or above

0. Clone this repository and make a virtual environment

For BioDB to have clean environment to run in, it's recommended to use a virtualenvironemnt. Please check and install virtualenvwrapper if you're unfamiliar.

  • git clone
  • cd BioDB
  • mkvirtualenv BioDB -p python3

1. Install required packages

To install the packages, open your terminal and run the following from the root directory.

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • npm install

This will download and install all the required packages. Please note that you may need to install brunch as a global module. In that case, run:

  • npm install -g brunch/brunch#aaaee25

2. Update your configurations

Several parameters can be controlled via configuration file.

To create your own, first create a copy of the config file:

  • cp biodb/ biodb/

In your favourite editor, open this file and update the configuration.

3. Running

To begin, run the following command which will build assets, and database for you:

  • npm run firstrun

To start the server at any point, simply run:

  • npm start

Go to http://localhost:8900/ to visit the server.

To rebuild the frontend assets and (optionally) watch for changes, run:

  • brunch w