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File metadata and controls

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This is a collection of Kubernetes FlexVolume plugins. So far I just have DigitalOcean, and Packet is in progress. Since FlexVolumes are unstable, so too is this. Use at your own risk. Contributions are welcome.


go get
govendor sync
go build ./provider/digitalocean
go build ./provider/packet


Copy the plugin binary (e.g., digitalocean) to the Kubernetes volume plugin directory:

mkdir -p /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/digitalocean/digitalocean
cp digitalocean /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/digitalocean/digitalocean

Note that CoreOS mounts /usr as read-only so instead you'll want to add --volume-plugin-dir=/etc/kubernetes/volumeplugins to KUBELET_ARGS in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.env and put the plugins there instead.

Restart kubelet with systemctl restart kubelet.service.


See example. Fill in your DigitalOcean API key in secret.yaml and upload:

kubectl create -f secret.yaml

Next, create a volume on DigitalOcean if you haven't already done so, and find its id. From the website it looks like the best way to do it is to inspect element on the volumes page and look for a div with data-id="...", or use their API, or if you're using terraform inspect the state. Fill in the id in pod.yaml. Then:

kubectl create -f pod.yaml