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505 lines (413 loc) · 17.4 KB

File metadata and controls

505 lines (413 loc) · 17.4 KB


New features:

  • Tile layer components now support an opacity property.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed px-map-marker-group not updating when its data prop is updated with an empty features collection
  • Tweaked px-map-control-scale font-size so that it always fits within the scale element. Font-size can be configured with --px-map-scale-font-size CSS variable.


New features:

  • Map will now clamp internal minZoom and maxZoom values based on the supported bounds of all children layers. This new behaviour can be suppressed by setting the unclamp-zoom-to-layers property on the px-map component

Bug fixes

  • Fixed regression in feature properties popup width from px-map-layer-geojson component
  • Fixed fit-to-markers prop not applying the correct zoom level when there's greater than 1 marker in map viewport


Bug fixes

  • Fixed regression in popup width when defined in the properties of a px-map-marker-group component


New features:

  • Added maxWidth (Defaults to 400) and minWidth (Defaults to 300) properties to px-map-popup-info and px-map-popup-data. They are used to manually set max and min width of the popup container.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing disabled styling on control zoom buttons


New features:

  • Add the opened property to px-map-popup-info and px-map-popup-data. Use this property to programmatically open or close a popup without user interaction on the popup's parent. See examples/popup-open-close-api.html for a demo.


  • Update deps


  • Add custom mouseover & mouseout events to px-map-marker-static elements


Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where markers (or other layers) that are imperatively detached from the DOM and then re-attached were not re-attached to the map


  • fix documentation typos


  • fixing demo pages for IE11


  • Unpin leaflet.markercluster version


  • Pin leaflet.markercluster to ~1.2.0 until leaflet bug is resolved
  • Update .travis.yml
  • Update tests


  • fix relative path for geojson demo


  • replace html w markdown in docs


  • Add Polymer 1.x/2.x hybrid element support


  • Remove broken import from demo page.


New features

  • Adds the px-map-tile-layer-wms layer to support querying WMS services to request base tile images

Other changes

  • Fix path to API source file for px-map-tile-layer-google demo


This is a major release and includes new features and breaking changes.

Important breaking changes

  • The px-map code is written in ES6 format, and in previous versions the code was shipped in transpiled format in the dist/ directory. This built code has been deleted. If you were relying on it you should switch over to use the px-map/px-map-*.html files directly instead of px-map/dist/px-map-*.html. If you need to transpile the px-map code for older browsers, you should do so as part of your app's build process. See the Transpile ES6 guide on the Predix Design System website for guidance on how to implement this in your build system.

New features

  • All px-map marker colors can now be set in a fully dynamic, customizable way. This allows developers to set up to 100 custom colors for markers, which is especially valuable for marker group visualizations with custom asset types. See the documentation in px-map-marker-* documentation pages for more info on using this new feature.


Other changes

  • Add device flags


New features

  • We're adding the new px-map-tile-layer-google subcomponent in this release. Thanks to Ollie Sims as his team for this contribution. Teams using px-map can now choose from a variety of tile providers, including Google, Bing, and any provider that exposes an x/y/z API.


New features

  • Expose the disableDoubleClickZoom property to allow the developer to disable zooming on double click for mouse or touch input.


Bug fixes

  • Set the cluster icon container to use the box-sizing border-box model to determine how to size itself. Fixes a bug that happened when the cluster icon inherited box-sizing context-box from the app, causing the icon to look broken.


Bug fixes

  • Fix misc. bugs in demo for px-map-layer-geojson


Other changes

  • Fix wording in documentation


Bug fixes

  • Add Object.assign polyfill for IE
  • Check that zoom is set before trying to draw the map
  • Check for parent.getPopup method before calling it in addInst for px-map-behavior-popup

New features

  • Add title tag for px-map-marker-locate
  • Add hideError argument to latLngIsValid method so developer can choose to hide the console error if lat or lng is invalid


Bug fixes

  • Fix paths for px-map API viewer


New features

  • Adds the --px-map-z-index property to px-map which can be used to position the map in the correct layer within your application. Note that the z-indices of Leaflet layers exist in their own stacking context, and so are not affected by the z-index set on px-map. Read more about the stacking context here.
  • Adds the invalidateSize() method to px-map, which can be used to check whether the map container has changed size or visibility, and - if so - updates the map accordingly by refreshing the tile layer.


This is a major release and includes breaking changes.

Changes to existing APIs

Updates all icons to take svg icons (e.g. px-icon, iron-icon) rather than an icon font (e.g. font-awesome).

Components affected:

  • px-map-marker-symbol
  • px-map-marker-group
  • px-map-control-zoom
  • px-map-control-locate


  • px-map-marker-symbol: The symbol-class attribute has been removed and replaced with the icon attribute. Replace all references to symbol-class and symbolClass in your code with icon. Replace icon font icons with svg icons, either from px-icon-set or from another svg icon set.
  • px-map-control-zoom: The zoom-in-text and zoom-out-text attributes have been removed. The zoom in and zoom out icons are no longer configurable. Delete any references to these attributes in your code.
  • px-map-control-locate: The locate-text attribute has been removed. The locate icon is no longer configurable. Delete any references to this attribute in your code.

See px-icon-set to find new icons you can use to replace previous font-awesome icons. If you can't find the icons you need in px-icon-set, you can look at iron-icons. If you would like to define your own icons, look at iron-iconset-svg.

Other changes

  • Updates colors and icons for the Predix Design System refresh.


Bug fixes

  • Document choices for production tile services, add specific info on restrictions of OpenStreetMap tile service.


Other changes

  • Document CSS variables (#91)


New features

  • Adds the attributionPrefix attribute to px-map. You can now customize the attribution prefix (replace the 'Leaflet' link) or turn the prefix off altogether. Thanks to William Chang of GE Energy Connections for this contribution.

Other changes

  • Speeds up style configuration lookups in px-map-layer-geojson by memoizing them at creation time and updating them when needed. Thanks to Dave Fox of GE Energy Connections for this contribution.


Other changes

  • Fixes a property documentation typo


Other changes

  • Replace inuit-clearfix with px-clearfix-design
  • Update documentation for px-map-popup-info
  • Fix travis WCT version to v5.x.x


Bug fixes

  • Ensures data popups are not shown if the popup has no data


New features

  • Adds tap events to px-map-marker-group that fire when clusters or any individual marker inside a cluster is tapped


Other changes

  • Remove mapbox tile layer example. Please do not use this tile layer in production.


Bug fixes

  • Removes a stray debugger statement from px-map-layer-geojson

Other changes

  • Fix documentation data loading issue for px-map-layer-geojson


Major bug fix

  • Update to import d3 library using px-d3-imports instead of pxd3 to prevent Px.d3 from being undefined when called in px-map-marker group. Be sure to test that d3 is imported in your app before using this version in production.


Other changes

  • Update documentation for px-map-popup-info


Other changes

  • Remove extraneous demo config for px-map-layer-geojson


New features

  • We're excited to add the px-map-layer-geojson subcomponent in this release. Thanks to Dave Fox and his team at GE Energy Connections for this contribution. The new component can draw GeoJSON geometries as vector shapes on the map. The component allows for complex, feature-level styling. It should be very helpful for anyone looking to draw additional feature/asset types with px-map.

Bug fixes

  • A bug that caused data popups to pan the map wildly when they were opened has been fixed. This bug was only present in shady DOM.


Bug fixes

  • Validates that lat and lng are valid numbers and handles invalid values gracefully (#54). Adds tests.


Bug fixes

  • Allows developers to force the px-map-tile-layer URL to be decoded if a browser behavior encodes it (#86).


Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug that causes popups to collapse when their content is too short


Bug fixes

  • Adds a default minZoom and maxZoom for map to fix a bug where marker group permanently fails if it attaches before a tile layer and no minZoom and maxZoom are defined (#76). This bug seems to be related to a limitation in the underlying library we use for marker group. See this issue, which seems to have solved a related bug in the past: Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster#198. It's possible a regression in Leaflet.markercluster caused this bug to happen again — this may require future investigation.


Other changes

  • Adds disableTouchZoom and disableScrollZoom to demos to make it easier to browse the demo site.


Bug fixes

  • Fixes moveMaxZoom attribute bug in px-map-locate-control, adds test


This release adds a new subcomponent that loads base layer tiles from the Bing Maps API. It handles authentication and communication with the API, making it simple to add Bing's aerial or road imagery to your map.

New features

  • Load tiles from the Bing Maps API with px-map-tile-layer-bing. See the new component's API docs page for more information and a demo.


This is the first minor release since v1.0.0 and it has a lot of great fixes, tweaks, and improvements to existing components. This release was focused on hardening the components to respond the way developers and users expect.

Changes to existing APIs

There are no breaking changes in this release, but some old APIs have been quietly deprecated.

Components affected:

  • px-map-marker-static
  • px-map-marker-symbol
  • px-map-marker-group
  • px-map-control-zoom


  • The showBadge attribute has been removed from px-map-marker-static and px-map-marker-symbol. The badges will now always appear on when those icons have their type set to 'important' or 'warning.' Search your code for show-badge or showBadge in your HTML or JavaScript and just delete any references. If you set the showBadge attribute on a component, nothing will happen, and no errors will be thrown.
  • Related to showBadge, you should update any GeoJSON FeatureCollection samples or generators you have created. You should no longer pass the key 'icon-show-badge' in your feature marker-icon properties. Search your code for the following regular expression and delete the line: /(?:\"|\')icon\-show\-badge(?:\"|\')[\s]?:[\s]?true/
  • The zoomInTitle and zoomOutTitle options have been removed from the px-map-control-zoom component. These were not well documented and didn't work as expected. The documentation for the component recommended using localization for setting these attributes anyway. If you happened to use them, switch over to using the localization behavior (see the component's API docs).

New features

  • You can now bind popups to markers in px-map-marker-group. See the API docs for that component for a thorough guide to setting up your features with marker icons and popups. You can also see examples/marker-clusters-with-popups.html for an example of it in use.
  • The px-map component had its fitToMarkers behavior majorly overhauled and improved. New configurations are now available to customize how the fitToMarkers event happens (fitToMarkersZoom and fitToMarkersPadding). See the API docs for details.
  • A lot of new events were added

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an incorrect call to addInst when a component is cleaning itself up. This may speed things up a bit and stop a small memory leak.
  • The px-map component fitToMarkers is much more consistent and should always fit the markers on the map.
  • Documentation on all components has been significantly improved to show correct examples of how to use components.
  • The imgSrc attribute on px-map-popup-info was sometimes not showing an image in the popup. That's fixed now.
  • All markers are now smaller, to match the design specifications for Predix UI Maps components. This should make it easier to place many markers near each other on a map without having them overlap.


Bug fixes

  • Add missing semicolon that causes a failure after inlining script


Bug fixes

  • Fix lat/lng/zoom set and notification timing bugs, add tests to cover


Bug fixes

  • Well, that was quick. Small patch for some build-time requirements (deploy key and travis configuration).



This is the first release of the px-map components. The map components make it easy to build an interactive map out of web components with simple, expressive APIs.

The 1.0.0 release is the first opportunity for developers to start using the map components. There are still some rough edges, open bugs, and improvements we'd like to make. (Nothing is every truly done.) Feedback in the form of bugs, comments, and feature requests is welcome. Please submit your feedback through issues on the px-map Github repository:

New components in this release

This is our first public release, so every component is a new component. (Woohoo.) Here's a list of all the sub-components available to build with. See the px-map documentation pages ( for more information on what these components do and how you can use them:

Core components

  • px-map


  • px-map-control-locate
  • px-map-control-scale
  • px-map-control-zoom


  • px-map-layer-group
  • px-map-marker-group
  • px-map-marker-locate
  • px-map-marker-static
  • px-map-marker-symbol

UI Elements

  • px-map-popup-data
  • px-map-popup-info

Base Layers

  • px-map-tile-layer

Browser support

The map components are built using new JavaScript language features (i.e. ES6 syntax and new built-in types and addons). Out of the box, these features are not supported by Internet Explorer 11 or older, Safari 9 or older, and some other out-of-date browsers. (But they work great in new Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge versions. Give 'em a test drive.)

You'll have to transpile and bundle the map components as part of your build process (e.g. with a transpilation plugin like babel as part of a webpack/browserify/etc. bundle). We'll have more documentation coming soon to help you use off-the-shelf tools like the Polymer CLI ( to build and distribute your code. Using an optimized build lets you decide how to tune your code for your users. It can also make things run much faster with the right tuning.

Check back on the px-map documentation pages and the Github repository for more information on preparing your code to run in production on older browsers.

What's coming in future releases

See our Github issues page for more information about planned upcoming enhancements and features. We also welcome contributions if your team builds something that can be used by and shared with others.