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406 lines (292 loc) · 16.1 KB

File metadata and controls

406 lines (292 loc) · 16.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Add KeepAfterDelete in .Spec.VolumeSpec to keep pvc after mysql cluster been deleted.
  • Add default resource to init container.




[0.6.3] - 2023-05-22


  • MysqlDatabase MysqlUser Add delete policy
  • Add PtHeartbeatResources in .Spec.PodSpec to allow the user specifying resources for pt-heartbeat.
  • Set MysqlCluter.Spec.BackupSchedule to empty string to disable recurrent backups
  • Add support for backing up to HDFS


  • Set default MySQL server version to 5.7.35
  • Bump Orchestrator to 3.2.6
  • Change policy/v1beta1 to policy/v1
  • Add RBAC permissions when deploying on OpenShift


  • Remove PodSecurityPolicy


  • Bump to 0.8 (fix: CVE-2022-41723, CVE-2022-27664, CVE-2021-33194)
  • Orchestrator can't properly update or migrate when it more than one
  • Operator service account have no access to update mysqlbackups/status
  • Recurrent backup remote delete policy can not update according to the cluster.Spec.BackupRemoteDeletePolicy
  • When the operator is restarted, it will process the Pod list once to prevent the state of the pod from being changed automatically because it is not updated (especially if the PVC is full).

[0.6.2] - 2021-12-28


  • orchestrator.secretName is ignored in helm charts

[0.6.1] - 2021-12-22



  • Fix the app version in the published Helm charts

[0.6.0] - 2021-12-21


  • If you want to save mysql backup to AWS S3, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY were the only options, but now you can use AWS_SESSION_TOKEN or AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE
  • Add orchestrator.persistence.selector.matchLabels and orchestrator.persistence.annotations for persistence depolyment with constraints
  • Add orchestrator.persistence.fsGroupWorkaroundEnabled for persistent volume provisioners wich don't support fsGroup in security context (fixes #615)
  • Add appSecretLabels, appSecretAnnotations, backupSecretLabels, backupSecretAnnotations to provide custom labels and annotations to created app and backup secrets
  • Update rclone to v1.57.0
  • For s3, enable the no_check_bucket option for rclone
  • Allow setting metrics and health checking listening addresses


  • Allow setting pod security context when deploying with Helm
  • Use distroless as base image for orchestrator container
  • Use instead of extensions/v1beta1 for ingress
  • Use Service.spec.publishNotReadyAddresses instead of
  • Use git-semver for setting versions
  • Gracefull shutdown is enabled by default


  • Removed support for Helm 2


[0.5.3] - 2021-12-06





[0.5.2] - 2021-11-23


  • If you want to save mysql backup to AWS S3, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY were the only options, but now you can use AWS_SESSION_TOKEN or AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE


  • Update rclone to v1.57.0



  • Make sure orchestrator can find its templates #741

[0.5.1] - 2021-10-12


  • Add orchestrator.persistence.fsGroupWorkaroundEnabled for persistent volume provisioners wich don't support fsGroup in security context (fixes #615)


  • Allow setting pod security context when deploying with Helm
  • Use distroless as base image for orchestrator container



[0.5.0] - 2021-10-06


  • Add image and mysqlVersion options to MysqlCluster chart. This bumps the chart version to 0.3.1
  • Add backupAffinity, backupNodeSelector, backupPriorityClassName, backupTolerations to .Spec.PodSpec to allow specifying custom scheduling constraints for backup jobs.
  • Add the ability to set the imagePullSecrets for the operator statefulset.
  • Add Google Drive via service account as backup option.
  • Add initBucketURL and initBucketSecretName options to MysqlCluster chart. This bumps the chart version to 0.3.0
  • Add an example of how initContainers can be used to fix hostPath permissions.
  • Add a lifecycle preStop hook for the mysql container. Before killing the master MySQL process, it triggers a graceful-master-takeover-auto command in Orchestrator. This is disabled by default, to enable it set gracefulShutdown.enabled=true in chart values or set the controller command argument failover-before-shutdown to true.
  • Add mysqlLifecycle to .Spec.PodSpec to allow overriding the default lifecycle hook for the mysql container.
  • Add backupCompressCommand and backupDecompressCommand to allow using different compressors/decompressors when backing up or restoring.
  • Add support for MySQL version 8.0
  • Add go modules cache
  • Support cron timezone


  • Only add binlog-space-limit for percona image
  • Make user-defined InitContainer take the precedence
  • Set timeout of 15s on connection between the operator and Orchestrator
  • Bump controller-util dependency to 0.3.0 which fixes some updates on pod spec.
  • Removed NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO from sql-mode to be inline with MySQL default value
  • Remove use go module instead of dep
  • Update k8s client to v0.21.2
  • Update kubebuilder (to v2.3.1) along with controller-runtime (to v0.9.2) and controller-gen
  • Update rclone to v1.53.1
  • Update Orchestrator version from v3.1.2 to v3.2.3
  • Set default MySQL server version to 5.7.31
  • Generate CRDs with controller-gen v0.5.0
  • Update getOrdinalFromHostname and IsFirstPodInSet
  • Use klog for logging
  • Use for building the project



  • Fix insufficient permissions during startup
  • Fix the xtrabackup --tables-exclude cannot take effect
  • Fix the pod unable to connect Orchestrator
  • Fix pod labels diff of map
  • Fixed backup cleanup job bug (#577)
  • Fix Kubebuilder path in Makefile.
  • Fix #632 lifeCycle preStop script is not copied to given directory.
  • Fix #637 mysqlbackup status is not updated correctly.
  • Fix #647 custom conf can't overwrite the default conf
  • Fix #627 let Orchestrator do the failover
  • Fix #694 the error caused by backing up without waiting for master to be created.

[0.4.0] - 2020-06-17


  • Added a ServiceMonitor to the operator chart that scrapes all MySQL instances.
  • Added a test suite for RunCloneCommand logic, along with a mock backup server.
  • Added checks for service availability when cloning.
  • Added "fail fast" logic when unexpected errors occur during cloning/download.
  • Added dataDir cleanup code so that interrupted cloning does not leave dataDir in an inconsistent state.
  • Added e2e test demonstrating cloning failure when PVC is removed and pod recreated.
  • Add MetricsExporterExtraArgs field on MySQLCluster resource that allows to specify command line arguments to pass to MySQL metrics exporter.
  • Allow using custom secret for app credentials in mysql-cluster chart.
  • Add XbstreamExtraArgs field on MySQLCluster resource that allows to specify extra command line arguments to xbstream.
  • Add XtrabackupExtraArgs, XtrabackupPrepareExtraArgs, XtrabackupTargetDir to parametrize xtrabackup.
  • Add RcloneExtraArgs to parametrize rclone command.
  • Add InitFileExtraSQL to insert custom init SQL queries that will be run at MySQL initialization.
  • Add Volumes and VolumesMounts in .Spec.PodSpec to allow the user specifying custom volume mounts.
  • Add InitContainers and Containers in .Spec.PodSpec to allow the user specifying custom containers.
  • Add MetricsExporterResources and MySQLOperatorSidecarResrouces in .Spec.PodSpec to allow the user specifying resources for thos sidecars containers.
  • Add command line flag to configure number of workers for orchestrator controller.
  • Add livenessProbe to controller


  • #422 adds the SidecarServerPort to the MasterService and introduces one new service, HealthyReplicasService, so that we can try to clone from replicas first, then fall back to master.
  • Changed the connect timeout from the default of 30s to 5s so that an empty k8s service will not cause cloning attempts to hang unnecessarily for 30s.
  • Update documentation structure and formatting.
  • Update Orchestrator version to v3.1.4
  • Update orchestrator base image to alpine:3.11.
  • Update FailoverInProgress condition to false when both Replicas and ReadyNodes are 0.
  • Fall back to current master, not pod 0, when no healthy replicas found for backup candidate.
  • Change the mysql-operator chart to be helm v3 compatible while keeping backward compatibility.
  • Change logging: change cluster logging field to key; normalize logging and more details; output Stackdrive compatible format.
  • Decrease MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY interval from 10 to 1 second.
  • Deprecate TmpfsSize because can be handled using ExtraVolumes and ExtraMySQLVolumesMounts.
  • Update cron documentation
  • Set InnoDB buffer parameter: innodb_buffer_pool_instances to min(resources.limit.cpu, floor(innodb_buffer_pool_size/1G)) (see #502)
  • Change default resource requests/limits for sidecar container: requested=10m/32Mi, limit=the same as .spec.podSpec.resources.limit
  • Change default resource requests/limits for exporter container: requested=10m/32Mi, limit=100m/128Mi
  • Change default resource requests/limits for heartbeat container: requested=10m/32Mi, limit=100m/64Mi
  • If extra_port is defined in the cluster spec, metrics exporter will use it to connect to MySQL providing that extra_max_connections is larger than the default 1. If MySQL server runs out of available connections, using extra_port allows the exporter to continue collecting MySQL metrics.
  • Change the default number of workers for orchestrator controller from 1 to 10.



  • Update and fix e2e tests
  • Fix double date string in backup path
  • Fix double date string in bakup path
  • Copy the nodeSelector as-is in the statefulset (fixes #454)
  • Fix flakines in ReadOnly cluster condition (fixes #434)
  • Fix rounding in computing innodb-buffer-pool-size (fixes #501)
  • rclone extra arguments are now properly passed to the backup job.

0.3.8 - 2020-01-22


  • Fixed TmpfsSize type in CRD

0.3.7 - 2020-01-22


  • Add support for mounting a tmpfs into /tmp. Add TmpfsSize field on the cluster

0.3.6 - 2020-01-08


  • Update mysql-cluster chart to support setting backupScheduleJobsHistoryLimit


  • Increase size of value column in sys.operator table (see #447) (fixes #446)
  • Determine master logic: prevent to follow infinit loops


  • Use custom server offset (MyServerIDOffset) when deciding to clone from bucket

0.3.5 - 2019-11-28


  • Update Orchestrator version to v3.1.2
  • Update Go lang to 1.13.4


  • Don't require backupSecretName if not set. Fixes delete on remove when using workload identity

0.3.4 - 2019-11-04


  • Update mysql-cluster chart to support custom server id offset


  • During failover don't interfere with readdable/wriatable master (fixes #411)
  • Imorove logging

0.3.3 - 2019-10-03


  • Allow server id offset to be set via MySQLCluster resource by adding MyServerIDOffset field


  • Make app credentials optional for mysql-cluster chart
  • Don't create user with empty password (fixes #385)


  • Fix wrong enviroment for mysql container
  • Fix pt-kill client configure file prefix

0.3.2 - 2019-07-26


  • Update docs structure on
  • Set limit on mysql mysql-init-only container the same as on the mysql container (fixes #371)
  • Don't limit memory on sidecars containers

0.3.1 - 2019-07-17


  • Upgrade path from version v0.2.x (#369)
  • Changes the default leader election id from controller-leader-election-helper to mysql-operator-leader-election (#368)

0.3.0 - 2019-07-08


  • add a new cluster condition FailoverInProgress that marks the cluster during a failover
  • set orchestrator related events on the cluster: OrcFailureDetection, OrcPostUnsuccessfulFailover, OrcPostMasterFailover, OrcPostIntermediateMasterFailover
  • new command line flag --mysql-versions-to-image to allow user to specify image for a mysql version
  • add print column in mysqlcluster CRD: Ready, Replicas, Age
  • allow specifying more PodSpec on MySQL cluster (9b6b46f)
  • add a node controller for MySQL configuration (1950812)
  • add "standard" labels on services created by the operator (#299)


  • merge Orchestrator chart with the mysql-operator chart. Now instead of deployment it uses a statefulset
  • nodes are removed from cluster status at scale down
  • use init container for MySQL initialization (#342)
  • enhance Backup Job Pod for Workload Identity (#366)
  • refactor of how the information flow works: from k8s -> Operator -> Orchestrator; the sidecar container does not connect to Orchestrator anymore.
  • rename of initBackupURI to initBackupURL (a3c6556)
  • use of Percona CentOS based images (#254)
  • don't run as root user in containers (#291)
  • rename orchestrator finalizer (to block cluster deletion while it's registered into Orchestrator) from OrchestratorFinalizer to (bfe4646)
  • improvement of getBackupCandidate function (9ce4e68)
  • configure MySQL using init-file (beb41ce, e5823cb)
  • rename AWS_SECRET_KEY field from bucket/backup secret to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (#301)
  • use an internal status table to store the MySQL status (181909f)
  • use a common headless service for all MySQL nodes to reduce the host-name length (#246)


  • cleanup of deprecated fields: bucketURI and top-level MySQLCluster.spec.volumeSpec PVC specification (d909ab9, df80b28)


  • fix readiness probe for MySQL container
  • fix remote storage delete bug
  • fix mysqlbackup deletion failure when cluster is not found
  • fix #350 where no backups were created when one fails
  • fix #107, the orchestrator RAFT issue