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Develop Functionals And Modules For GoTorch

This tutorial demonstrates how to develop modules and functionals for GoTorch. Wrap PyTorch Native Functions explains how to wrap PyTorch native functions for GoTorch. Functionals are high-level functions built on native functions. Modules are structs that encapsulate multiple native functions or functionals. Modules and functionals are the main interface to GoTorch end users.

Define GoTorch Functionals

In general, functionals in libtorch are in the form of C++ global functions: exactly the same as native functions. We can follow the same steps of wrapping native functions to wrap libtorch functionals as described in Wrap PyTorch Native Functions.

On the other hand, functionals can also be implemented in pure Go by calling the wrapped native functions. Let's take the activation ReLU6 as an example.

ReLU6 is an activation commonly used in deep convolutional neural networks. It comes up fairly often in mobile machine learning cases because it's ready for fixed-point inference, which is highly efficient in both space and time.

In PyTorch, the ReLU6 implementation in Python looks like:

def relu6(input, inplace=False):
    # type: (Tensor, bool) -> Tensor
    if inplace:
        return torch._C._nn.hardtanh_(input, 0., 6.)
    return torch._C._nn.hardtanh(input, 0., 6.)

As you can see, the relu6 functional just wraps the libtorch C++ function hardtanh. This is a common paradigm in PyTorch functionals.

In GoTorch, we can write the ReLU6 activation function in a similar manner:

func ReLU6(input torch.Tensor, inplace bool) {
    if inplace {
        return torch.HardtanhI(input, 0, 6);
    return torch.Hardtanh(input, 0, 6);

Define GoTorch Modules

PyTorch requires modules to subclass the torch.nn.Module base class or its subclasses. Similarly, the PyTorch C++ frontend also requires modules to derive from the base class torch::nn::Cloneable<>, which itself derives from torch::nn::Module.

Go doesn't support subclassing, as a result, GoTorch uses struct embedding and the reflect package to achieve a similar user experience.

A GoTorch module should be defined as a struct, and the torch.Module struct should be embedded in a GoTorch module by value. In addition, a GoTorch module has to call an Init method in its constructor function.

Most modules have lots of code, so let's take a simple module Linear as an example to demonstrate how to define a GoTorch module. The following code demonstrates the implementations of the Linear module in Python and Go, respectively.

Implement Linear In Python

At first, let's look back on how to define a module in Python. The implementation of the Linear module in Python looks like:

class Linear(Module):
    __constants__ = ['in_features', 'out_features']
    in_features: int
    out_features: int

    # The learned weight.
    weight: Tensor

    def __init__(self,
                 in_features: int,
                 out_features: int,
                 bias: bool = True) -> None:
        super(Linear, self).__init__()
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features
        self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_features, in_features))
        if bias:
            self.bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_features))
            self.register_parameter('bias', None)
        init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5))
        if self.bias is not None:
            fan_in, _ = init._calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(self.weight)
            bound = 1 / math.sqrt(fan_in)
            init.uniform_(self.bias, -bound, bound)

    # Transforms the `input` tensor by multiplying with the `weight` and
    # optionally adding the `bias`, if `with_bias` is true.
    def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        return functional.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias)

As we can see, the Python Linear module requires the module author to do the following steps:

  1. Define a class that derives from the base class Module.
  2. Register parameters (call register_parameter or Parameter) or buffers (call register_buffer) in the constructor. Buffers are Tensors that don't need gradients. The Linear module doesn't need buffers.
  3. Define a forward method in the class that does the actual computation of Linear.

Implement Linear In GoTorch

Like PyTorch, GoTorch defined a base struct torch.Module to facilitate module definition.

package gotorch

type LinearModule struct {
    InFeatures  int64
    OutFeatures int64
    // The learned weight.
    Weight      torch.Tensor `gotorch:param`
    // The learned bias.  If `withBias` is false, this tensor is undefined.
    Bias        torch.Tensor `gotorch:param`

func Linear(in, out int64, withBias bool) *LinearModule {
    l := &LinearModule{
        Module:      Module{isTraining: true},
        InFeatures:  in,
        OutFeatures: out,
    l.Weight = torch.Empty([]int64{out, in}, true)
    if withBias {
        l.Bias = torch.Empty([]int64{out}, true)
        &l.Weight, math.Sqrt(5.0), "fan_in", "leaky_relu")
    if l.Bias.T != nil {
        fanIn, _ := initializer.CalculateFanInAndFanOut(l.Weight)
        bound := 1.0 / math.Sqrt(float64(fanIn))
        initializer.Uniform(&l.Bias, -bound, bound)
    return l

// Forward transforms the `input` tensor by multiplying with the `weight` and
// optionally adding the `bias`, if `with_bias` is true in the options.
func (l *LinearModule) Forward(x torch.Tensor) torch.Tensor {
    return F.Linear(x, l.Weight, l.Bias)

In the above Linear definition, we do the following steps:

  1. Define a struct LinearModule that embeds torch.Module by value. All the fields of type torch.Tensor or torch.Module in the struct should be exported.
  2. Define a constructor function Linear that initializes the LinearModule object. The constructor has to call Init on the newly constructed object and pass a pointer to the object itself to the Init method. This is like Python's requirement to call super().__init__() in the constructor of a derived class.
  3. Define a Forward method that does the actual computation.

Compared to the Python versions, GoTorch has an advantage: A module author doesn't have to call register_module, register_buffer, or Parameter anymore. Instead, GoTorch uses the tags gotorch:param and gotorch:buffer to mark whether a Tensor is a parameter or a buffer. gotorch:param is the default and can be omitted.


  1. As in the C++ and Python frontend, GoTorch doesn't require the signature of the Forward method of modules. A module author of GoTorch has the flexibility to define her Forward method with any type and any number of parameters and return values. This is very useful for containers like Sequential.
  2. The examples in this section omitted some boilerplate code: #includes, imports, and methods that prettily print tensors. Readers can add the omitted code for practice.


In this tutorial, we learned how to define functionals and modules in GoTorch.

  1. To define functionals, we either wrap the corresponding C++ functionals or write new functions in pure Go.
  2. To create a GoTorch module, we define a struct that embeds torch.Module by value, call Init in its constructor function, and define a Forward method.