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Wrap PyTorch Native Functions

At the very core of PyTorch is a C++ library libtorch, which contains about 1600 basic deep learning operations known as native functions, most of which operate tensors.

In PyTorch, Python functions in package torch.nn.functional and modules classes in torch.nn call native functions via pybind. In GoTorch, the corresponding packages gotorch/nn/functional and gotorch/nn call Go wrappers of these native functions.

This tutorial explains how to wrap native functions using Cgo. We will go over three layers of the wrapping:

  1. the PyTorch native functions defined in C++ and released with libtorch,
  2. the C wrapper functions of native functions callable by Go wrappers via Cgo, and
  3. the Go wrapper functions callable by higher-level Go APIs in gotorch/nn and gotorch/nn/functional.

Native Functions and C++ Tensor

The PyTorch build system generates the C++ source code of native functions from the YAML file native_functions.yaml.

In this tutorial, let us try to wrap the following function mm, which is short for matrix multiplication and appear in native_functions.yaml as the following.

- func: mm(Tensor self, Tensor mat2) -> Tensor
  use_c10_dispatcher: full
  variants: function, method
    CPU: mm_cpu
    CUDA: mm_cuda
    SparseCPU, SparseCUDA: _sparse_mm

This YAML segment tells that mm has three implementations: mm_cpu, mm_cuda, and _sparse_mm. The definition of mm calls the dispatcher defined in c10, a sub-package of libtorch, to look up and call the best-matching implementation.

The variants field tells that mm has two forms: a C++ global function and the method of C++ class at::Tensor, where at stands for ATen, which is another sub-package that defines the fundamental data type Tensor.

This tutorial covers the wrapping of the form of global function. Readers are welcome to take the wrapping of the method form as an exercise.

The PyTorch build system generates declarations of global function forms in ATen/Functions.h. Download and unzip the official release of libtorch zip archives, you will find the file as libtorch/include/ATen/Functions.h. The declaration of the native function mm is as the following.

namespace at {
CAFFE2_API Tensor mm(const Tensor & self, const Tensor & mat2);
}  // namespace at

The method at::Tensor::mm is in libtorch/include/ATen/core/TensorBody.h.

namespace at {
class CAFFE2_API Tensor {
  Tensor mm(const Tensor & mat2) const;
  c10::intrusive_ptr<TensorImpl, UndefinedTensorImpl> impl_;
}  // namespace at

The only data member of class at::Tensor is impl_, a smart pointer pointing to an object that implements the details.

C Wrappers and C Tensor

The native functions are in C++, and Go can only call C but not C++ functions, so we need to write a C wrapper for each native function.

There are additional reasons for C wrappers:

  1. If a native function returns a Tensor, its C wrapper creates a reference object on the heap that points to the underlying tensor, so it will not be free up by C++ smart pointers so that the Go code can use it.
  2. Encapsulate the C++ class at::Tensor by a C type that can be used by Go code.
  3. The native functions might throw C++ exceptions. The C wrappers convert exceptions into C strings, which, in turn, converted by the Go wrapper into Go panics.

With Cgo, Go programs can refer to C symbols with their names prefixed by C.. For example, the following Go function MyExit calls the C standard function exit declared in stdlib.h as C.exit.

// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
func MyExit(x int) {

We put all C wrappers of native functions in the subdirectory cgotorch. In cgotorch/cgotorch.h, we can see the wrapper of at::Tensor and at::mm.

extern "C" {
typedef at::Tensor* Tensor;
const char *MM(Tensor a, Tensor b, Tensor *result);

C does not have classes, but C has pointers, so we define C type Tensor as a pointer to at::Tensor. Go programs can use C pointers as of type unsafe.Pointer.

The C wrapper MM returns a string serialization of the possible C++ exception thrown by libtorch if there is any, or nullptr.

The implementation of the C wrapper MM is in C++ and in cgotorch/

const char *MM(Tensor a, Tensor b, Tensor *result) {
  try {
    at::Tensor c = at::mm(*a, *b);
    *result = new at::Tensor(c);
    return nullptr;
  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
    return exception_str(e.what());

It runs the following steps, which are in most other wrappers too.

  1. It calls the native function mm and creates the result tensor c on the stack.
  2. It allocates a heap object *result and "copies" c to *result. This step is necessary because the return from MM will destruct c. This step is highly efficient as it doesn't actually copy the content of c, because at::Tensor contains only a smart pointer to the underlying tensor content.
  3. It returns the string-serialization of the exception if there is any, or nullptr.

Go Wrappers and Go Tensor

In package gotorch, we define the Go wrappers of native functions, which operates the Go type Tensor defined in tensor.go.

// Tensor wrappers a pointer to C.Tensor
type Tensor struct {
    T *unsafe.Pointer

At first glance, this definition looks too much more complicated than the C type Tensor, which is a pointer.

The literal translation of the C type Tensor into Go is

type Tensor unsafe.Pointer

The Go type unsafe.Pointer represents any C pointer type.

However, this is not enough because we need to attach to each Tensor a finalizer to free the underlying at::Tensor object when a Go tensor is out-of-use. Only Go pointers but not C pointers could have finalizers attached, so we add a *, indicating a Go pointer, to the above definition, this makes it a Go pointer to a C pointer.

type Tensor *unsafe.Pointer

This pointer-to-pointer is still not enough as we need to attach methods of at::Tensor, like MM, Add, and To, to the Go type. Again, Go types with pointer base type cannot have methods, so we wrap the above pointer-to-pointer in a struct.

Given the Go type Tensor, the Go wrapper MM is as follows.

package gotorch

func MM(a, b Tensor) Tensor {
    var t C.Tensor
    MustNil(unsafe.Pointer(C.MM(C.Tensor(*a.T), C.Tensor(*b.T), &t)))
    return Tensor{(*unsafe.Pointer)(&t)}

It runs the following steps:

  1. It passes the address of t of type C.Tensor to the C wrapper, C.MM. Because C.Tensor is a pointer to at::Tensor, the line *result = new at::Tensor(c) in the C wrapper makes t pointing to the newly allocated tensor on the heap.
  2. It calls MustNil to check the C string returned from the C wrapper. MustNil panics if the string is not nullptr.
  3. It calls gotorch.SetTensorFinalizer to attach the finalizer to the tensor returned by C.MM.
  4. It returns a value of the Go type Tensor that encapsulates t.