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DataTable displays data in tabular format.


Name Value
Tag dataTable
Component Class org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTable
Component Type org.primefaces.component.DataTable
Component Family org.primefaces.component
Renderer Type org.primefaces.component.DataTableRenderer
Renderer Class org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTableRenderer


Name Default Type Description
ariaRowLabel null String Label to read by screen readers on checkbox selection.
binding null Object An el expression that maps to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean
caseSensitiveSort false Boolean Case sensitivity for sorting, insensitive by default.
cellEditMode eager String Defines the cell edit behavior, valid values are "eager" (default) and "lazy".
cellSeparator null String Separator text to use in output mode of editable cells with multiple components.
clientCache false Boolean Caches the next page asynchronously, default is false.
currentPageReportTemplate null String Template of the currentPageReport UI.
dataLocale null Object Locale to be used in features such as filtering and sorting, defaults to view locale.
dir ltr String Defines text direction, valid values are ltr and rtl.
disableContextMenuIfEmpty false Boolean Decides whether to disable context menu or not if a table has no records.
disabledSelection false Boolean Disables row selection when true. Overrides p:column's disabledSelection attr. Example: var="xxx" disabledSelection="#{xxx.year > 1960}"
disabledTextSelection true Boolean Disables text selection on row click.
draggableColumns false Boolean Columns can be reordered with dragdrop when enabled.
draggableRows false Boolean When enabled, rows can be reordered using dragdrop.
draggableRowsFunction null MethodExpression Method expression to execute after dragging row.
editInitEvent null String Defines a client side event to open cell on editable table.
editMode row String Defines edit mode, valid values are row and cell.
editable false Boolean Controls incell editing.
editingRow false Boolean Defines if cell editors of row should be displayed as editable or not.
emptyMessage No records found. String Text to display when there is no data to display. Alternative is emptyMessage facet.
escapeText true Boolean Defines if headerText and footerText values on columns are escaped or not. Default is true.
expandableRowGroups false Boolean Makes row groups toggleable, default is false.
expandedRow false Boolean Defines if row should be rendered as expanded by default.
filterBy null List List of FilterState objects to filter table by default.
filterDelay 300 Integer Delay in milliseconds before sending an ajax filter query.
filterEvent keyup String Event to invoke filtering for input filters.
filteredValue null List List to keep filtered data.
first 0 Integer Index of the first row to be displayed
frozenColumns 0 Integer Number of columns to freeze from start index 0.
frozenRows null Object Collection to display as fixed in scrollable mode.
globalFilter null String Value of the global filter to use when filtering by default.
id null String Unique identifier of the component
initMode load String Defines when the datatable is initiated at client side, valid values are "load" (default) and "immediate".
lazy false Boolean Controls lazy loading.
liveResize false Boolean Columns are resized live in this mode without using a resize helper.
liveScroll false Boolean Enables live scrolling.
liveScrollBuffer 0 Integer Percentage height of the buffer between the bottom of the page and the scroll position to initiate the load for the new chunk. Value is defined in integer and default is 0.
meaning null String Values are placed at the end in ascending mode and at beginning in descending mode. Set to "-1" for the opposite behavior.
multiViewState false Boolean Whether to keep table state across views, defaults to false.
nativeElements false Boolean Uses native radio-checkbox elements for row selection.
nullSortOrder 1 Integer Defines where the null values are placed in ascending sort order. Default value is "1" meaning null values are placed at the end in ascending mode and at beginning in descending mode. Set to "-1" for the opposite behavior.
onExpandStart null String Client side callback to execute before expansion.
onRowClick null String Client side callback to execute after clicking row.
pageLinks 10 Integer Maximum number of page links to display.
paginator false Boolean Enables pagination.
paginatorAlwaysVisible true Boolean Defines if paginator should be hidden if total data count is less than number of rows per page.
paginatorPosition both String Paginator can be positioned at the "top," "bottom," or "both." Default setting is "both."
paginatorTemplate null String Template of the paginator.
reflow false Boolean Reflow mode is a responsive mode to display columns as stacked depending on screen size.
rendered true Boolean Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false component will not be rendered.
resizableColumns false Boolean Enables column resizing.
resizeMode fit String Defines the resize behavior, valid values are "fit" (default) and expand.
rowDragSelector td,span:not(.ui-c) String Defines the element used to reorder rows using dragdrop. Default selector is "td,span:not(.ui-c)"
rowEditMode eager String Defines the row edit behavior, valid values are "eager" (default) and "lazy".
rowExpandMode new String Defines row expand mode, valid values are "single" and "multiple" (default).
rowHover false Boolean Adds hover effect to rows, default is false. Hover is always on when selection is enabled.
rowIndexVar null String Name of iterator to refer each row index.
rowKey null String Unique identifier of a row.
rowSelectMode new String Defines row selection mode for multiple selection. Valid values are "new", "add" and "checkbox".
rowSelector null String Client side check if rowclick triggered row click event not a clickable element in row content.
rowStatePreserved false Boolean Keeps state of its children on a per-row basis. Default is false.
rowStyleClass null String Style class for each row.
rows null Integer Number of rows to display per page.
rowsPerPageLabel null String Label for the rowsPerPage dropdown.
rowsPerPageTemplate null String Template of the rowsPerPage dropdown.
saveOnCellBlur true Boolean Saves the changes in cell editing on blur, when set to false changes are discarded..
scrollHeight null Integer Scroll viewport height.
scrollRows 0 Integer Number of rows to load on live scroll.
scrollWidth null Integer Scroll viewport width.
scrollable false Boolean Makes data scrollable with fixed header.
selection null Object Reference to the selection data.
selectionMode null String Enables row selection, valid values are “single” and “multiple”.
skipChildren false Boolean Ignores processing of children during lifecycle, improves performance if table only has output components.
sortBy null Object Property to be used for default sorting.
sortField null String Name of the field to pass lazy load method for sorting. If not specified, sortBy expression is used to extract the name.
sortMode single String Defines sorting mode, valid values are single and multiple.
sortOrder ascending String “ascending” or “descending”.
stickyHeader false Boolean Sticky header stays in window viewport during scrolling.
stickyTopAt null String Selector to position on the page according to other fixing elements on the top of the table. Default is null.
style null String Inline style of the component.
styleClass null String Style class of the component.
summary null String Summary attribute for WCAG.
tabindex null String Position of the element in the tabbing order.
tableStyle null String Inline style of the table element.
tableStyleClass null String Style class of the table element.
value null Object Data to display.
var null String Name of the request-scoped variable used to refer each data.
virtualScroll false Boolean Loads data on demand as the scrollbar gets close to the bottom. Default is false.
widgetVar null String Name of the client side widget.

Getting started with the DataTable

We will be using the same Car and CarBean classes described in DataGrid section.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
        <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="Model" />
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    //more columns

Header and Footer

Both datatable itself and columns can have custom content in their headers and footers using header and footer facets respectively. Alternatively for columns there are headerText and footerText shortcuts to display simple texts.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
    <f:facet name="header">
        List of Cars
        <f:facet name="header">
        <f:facet name="footer">
            8 digit code
    <p:column headerText="Year" footerText="1960-2010">
    //more columns
    <f:facet name="footer">
        In total there are #{fn:length(} cars.


DataTable has a built-in ajax based paginator that is enabled by setting paginator option to true, see pagination section in dataGrid documentation for more information about customization options.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" paginator="true" rows="10">

Optionally enabling clientCache property loads the next page asynchronously so that when user clicks the second page, data is displayed instantly from client side.

Paginator Template

Paginator is customized using paginatorTemplateOption that accepts various keys of UI controls.

  • FirstPageLink
  • LastPageLink
  • PreviousPageLink
  • NextPageLink
  • PageLinks
  • CurrentPageReport
  • RowsPerPageDropdown
  • JumpToPageDropdown
  • JumpToPageInput

Note that {RowsPerPageDropdown} has it’s own template, options to display is provided via rowsPerPageTemplate attribute (e.g. rowsPerPageTemplate="9,12,15").

Also {CurrentPageReport} has it’s own template defined with currentPageReportTemplate option. You can use {currentPage},{totalPages},{totalRecords},{startRecord},{endRecord} keyword within currentPageReportTemplate. Default is "{currentPage} of {totalPages}". Default UI is;

which corresponds to the following template.

  • {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink}

Here are more examples based on different templates;

  • {CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}

  • {PreviousPageLink} {CurrentPageReport} {NextPageLink}

Paginator Position

Paginator can be positoned using paginatorPosition attribute in three different locations, "top", "bottom" or "both" (default).

Custom Content in Paginator

Custom content can be placed inside a paginator using a facet name matching a token in the template.

<p:dataTable paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {MyContent} ...">
    <f:facet name="{MyContent}">
        //Any content here


Defining sortBy attribute enables ajax based sorting on that particular column.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
    <p:column sortBy="#{car.model}" headerText="Model">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    ...more columns

Instead of using the default sorting algorithm which uses a java comparator, you can plug-in your own sort method as well.

public int sortByModel(Object car1, Object car2) {
    //return -1, 0 , 1 if car1 is less than, equal to or greater than car2
<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
    <p:column sortBy="#{car.model}" sortFunction="#{carBean.sortByModel}" headerText="Model">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    ...more columns

Multiple sorting is enabled by setting sortMode to multiple. In this mode, clicking a sort column while metakey is on adds sort column to the order group.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" sortMode="multiple">

DataTable can display data sorted by default, to implement this use the sortBy option of datatable and the optional sortOrder. Table below would be initially displayed as sorted by model.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" sortBy="#{car.model}">
    <p:column sortBy="#{car.model}" headerText="Model">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    <p:column sortBy="#{car.year}" headerText="Year">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.year}" />
    ...more columns


Ajax based filtering is enabled by setting filterBy at column level and providing a list to keep the filtered sublist. It is suggested to use a scope longer than request like viewscope to keep the filteredValue so that filtered list is still accessible after filtering.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" filteredValue="#{carBean.filteredCars}">
    <p:column filterBy="#{car.model}" headerText="Model">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    ...more columns

Filtering is triggered with keyup event and filter inputs can be styled using filterStyle , filterStyleClass attributes. If you’d like to use a dropdown instead of an input field to only allow predefined filter values use filterOptions attribute and a collection/array of selectitems as value. In addition, filterMatchMode defines the built-in matcher which is startsWith by default.

Following is a basic filtering datatable with these options demonstrated;

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" filteredValue="#{carBean.filteredCars}" widgetVar="carsTable">
    <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="Search all fields:" />
            <h:inputText id="globalFilter" onkeyup="PF('carsTable').filter()" />
    <p:column filterBy="#{car.model}" headerText="Model" filterMatchMode="contains">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    <p:column filterBy="#{car.year}" headerText="Year" footerText="startsWith">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.year}" />
    <p:column filterBy="#{car.manufacturer}" headerText="Manufacturer" filterOptions="#{carBean.manufacturerOptions}" filterMatchMode="exact">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.manufacturer}" />
    <p:column filterBy="#{car.color}" headerText="Color" filterMatchMode="endsWith">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.color}" />
    <p:column filterBy="#{car.price}" headerText="Price" filterMatchMode="exact">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.price}" />

Filter located at header is a global one applying on all fields, this is implemented by calling client side API method called filter(), important part is to specify the id of the input text as globalFilter which is a reserved identifier for datatable.

In addition to default filtering with generated elements, custom elements can also be used as a filter facet. Example below uses custom filter components in combination with generated elements. When a custom component is used as a filter facet, filtering needs to be called manually from a preferred event such as onchange="PF('carsTable').filter()". Also defining a converter might be necessary if the value of the filter facet is not defined.

Please make sure that the filter is using the same type as the column field if you are using comparable filter match modes (like greater than). For example, if the column field is an integer, and you would like to add a greater than filter, make sure to convert the filter to integer as well. Do so by adding a f:converter (see example below).

<p:dataTable id="dataTable" var="car" value="#{tableBean.carsSmall}" widgetVar="carsTable" filteredValue="#{tableBean.filteredCars}">
    <p:column id="modelColumn" filterBy="#{car.model}" headerText="Model" footerText="contains" filterMatchMode="contains">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
    <p:column id="yearColumn" filterBy="#{car.year}" headerText="Year" footerText="lte" filterMatchMode="lte">
        <f:facet name="filter">
            <p:spinner onchange="PF('carsTable').filter()" min="1960" max="2010">
                <f:converter converterId="javax.faces.Integer" />
        <h:outputText value="#{car.year}" />
    <p:column id="manufacturerColumn" filterBy="#{car.manufacturer}" headerText="Manufacturer" footerText="exact" filterMatchMode="exact">
        <f:facet name="filter">
            <p:selectOneMenu onchange="PF('carsTable').filter()" >
                <f:selectItems value="#{tableBean.manufacturerOptions}" />
        <h:outputText value="#{car.manufacturer}" />
    <p:column id="colorColumn" filterBy="#{car.color}" headerText="Color" footerText="in" filterMatchMode="in">
        <f:facet name="filter">
            <p:selectCheckboxMenu label="Colors" onchange="PF('carsTable').filter()">
                <f:selectItems value="#{tableBean.colors}" />
        <h:outputText value="#{car.color}" />
    <p:column id="soldColumn" filterBy="#{car.sold}" headerText="Status" footerText="equals" filterMatchMode="equals">
        <f:facet name="filter">
            <p:selectOneButton onchange="PF('carsTable').filter()">
            <f:converter converterId="javax.faces.Boolean" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="All" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Sold" itemValue="true" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Sale" itemValue="false" />
        <h:outputText value="#{car.sold? 'Sold': 'Sale'}" />

filterMatchMode defines which built-in filtering algorithm would be used per column, valid values for this attribute are;

  • startsWith : Checks if column value starts with the filter value.
  • endsWith : Checks if column value ends with the filter value.
  • contains : Checks if column value contains the filter value.
  • exact : Checks if string representations of column value and filter value are same.
  • lt : Checks if column value is less than the filter value.
  • lte : Checks if column value is less than or equals the filter value.
  • gt : Checks if column value is greater than the filter value.
  • gte : Checks if column value is greater than or equals the filter value.
  • equals : Checks if column value equals the filter value.
  • in : Checks if column value is in the collection of the filter value.

In case the built-in methods do not suffice, custom filtering can be implemented using filterFunction approach.

<p:column filterBy="#{car.price}" filterFunction="#{tableBean.filterByPrice}">
    <h:outputText value="#{car.price}">
        <f:convertNumber currencySymbol="$" type="currency"/>

filterFunction should be a method with three parameters; column value, filter value and locale. Return value is a boolean, true accepts the value and false rejects it.

public boolean filterByPrice(Object value, Object filter, Locale locale) {
    //return true or false

Locale is provided as optional in case you need to use a locale aware method like toLowerCase(Locale locale). Note that | String | based filters like startsWith, endsWith uses toLowerCase already and dataLocale attribute is used to provide the locale to use when filtering.

Row Selection

There are several ways to select row(s) from datatable. Let’s begin by adding a Car reference for single selection and a Car array for multiple selection to the CarBean to hold the selected data.

public class CarBean {
    private List<Car> cars;
    private Car selectedCar;
    private Car[] selectedCars;

    public CarBean() {
        cars = new ArrayList<Car>();
        //populate cars
    //getters and setters

Single Selection with a Command Component

This method is implemented with a command component such as commandLink or commandButton. Selected row can be set to a server side instance by passing as a parameter if you are using EL 2.2 or using f:setPropertyActionListener.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
        <p:commandButton value="Select">
            <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{car}" target="#{carBean.selectedCar}" />

Single Selection with Row Click

Previous method works when the button is clicked, if you’d like to enable selection wherever the row is clicked, use selectionMode option.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" selectionMode="single" selection="#{carBean.selectedCar}" rowKey="#{}">

Multiple Selection with Row Click

Multiple row selection is similar to single selection but selection should reference an array or a list of the domain object displayed and user needs to use press modifier key(e.g. ctrl) during selection *.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" selectionMode="multiple" selection="#{carBean.selectedCars}" rowKey="#{}" >

Single Selection with RadioButton

Selection a row with a radio button placed on each row is a common case, datatable has built-in support for this method so that you don’t need to deal with h:selectOneRadios and low level bits. In order to enable this feature, define a column with selectionMode set as single.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" selection="#{carBean.selectedCar}" rowKey="#{}">
    <p:column selectionMode="single"/>

Multiple Selection with Checkboxes

Similar to how radio buttons are enabled, define a selection column with a multiple selectionMode. DataTable will also provide a selectAll checkbox at column header.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" selection="#{carBean.selectedCars}" rowKey="#{}" >
    <p:column selectionMode="multiple"/>

Tip: Use rowSelectMode option to customize the default behavior on row click of a multiple selection enabled datatable. Default value is "new" that clears previous selections, "add" mode keeps previous selections same as selecting a row with mouse click when metakey is on and "checkbox" mode allows row selection with checkboxes only.


RowKey should a unique identifier from your data model and used by datatable to find the selected rows. You can either define this key by using the rowKey attribute or by binding a data model which implements org.primefaces.model.SelectableDataModel.

Dynamic Columns

Dynamic columns is handy in case you can’t know how many columns to render. Columns component is used to define the columns programmatically. It requires a collection as the value, two iterator variables called var and columnIndexVar.

<p:dataTable var="cars" value="#{}">
    <p:columns value="#{tableBean.columns}" var="column" sortBy="#{}" filterBy="#{}">
        <f:facet name="header">
        <h:outputText value="#{cars[]}" />
public class CarBean {
    private List<ColumnModel> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnModel>();
    private List<Car> cars;

    public CarBean() {
        cars = //populate cars;
    public void populateColumns() {
        String[] columnKeys = new String[]{"model","year","color"};
        for(String columnKey : columnKeys) {
            columns.add(new ColumnModel(columnKey.toUpperCase(), columnKey));
    //getters and setters

    static public class ColumnModel implements Serializable {
        private String header;
        private String property;

        public ColumnModel(String header, String property) {
            this.header = header;
   = property;
        public String getHeader() {
            return header;
        public String getProperty() {
            return property;

Column Grouping

Grouping is defined by ColumnGroup component used to combine datatable header and footers.

<p:dataTable var="sale" value="#{carBean.sales}">
    <p:columnGroup type="header">
            <p:column rowspan="3" headerText="Manufacturer" />
            <p:column colspan="4" headerText="Sales" />
            <p:column colspan="2" headerText="Sales Count" />
            <p:column colspan="2" headerText="Profit" />
            <p:column headerText="Last Year" />
            <p:column headerText="This Year" />
            <p:column headerText="Last Year" />
            <p:column headerText="This Year" />
    <p:columnGroup type="footer">
            <p:column colspan="3" style="text-align:right" footerText="Totals:"/>
            <p:column footerText="#{tableBean.lastYearTotal}$" />
            <p:column footerText="#{tableBean.thisYearTotal}$" />
public class CarBean {
    private List<Sale> sales;

    public CarBean() {
        sales = //create a list of BrandSale objects
    public List<Sale> getSales() {
        return this.sales;

For frozen columns, use frozenHeader , frozenFooter , scrollableHeader and scrollableFooter types.

Row Grouping

Rows can be grouped in two ways, using headerRow, summaryRow components or with groupRow attribute on a column.

!> Row Grouping does not work with Lazy Loading and LiveScroll as the grouping needs to know about all rows to properly group the rows.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" sortBy="#{car.brand}">
        <p:column colspan="3">
            <h:outputText value="#{car.brand}" />
    <p:column headerText="Year">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.year}" />
    <p:column headerText="Color">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.color}" />
    <p:column headerText="Id">
        <h:outputText value="#{}" />
        <p:column colspan="2" style="text-align:right">
            <h:outputText value="Total:" />
            <h:outputText value="#{dtRowGroupView.randomPrice}">
                <f:convertNumber type="currency" currencySymbol="$" />

Optionally rows can be made toggleable using expandableRowGroups property.

Alternative approach is using row spans where a row can group multiple rows within the same group. To enable this method, set groupRow to true on the grouping column.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" sortBy="#{car.brand}">
    <p:column headerText="Brand" groupRow="true">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.brand}" />
    <p:column headerText="Year">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.year}" />
    <p:column headerText="Color">
        <h:outputText value="#{car.color}" />
    <p:column headerText="Id">
        <h:outputText value="#{}" />


Scrolling makes the header-footer of the table fixed and the body part scrollable. Scrolling is enabled using scrollable property and has 3 modes; x, y and x-y scrolling that are defined by scrollHeight and scrollWidth. These two scroll attributes can be specified using integer values indicating fixed pixels or percentages relative to the container dimensions.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="150">
    <p:column />

Simple scrolling renders all data to client whereas virtual scrolling combined with lazy loading is useful to deal with huge data, in this case data is fetched on-demand. Set virtualScroll to enable this option and provide LazyDataModel;

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="150" virtual="true">
    <p:column />

Frozen Rows

Certain rows can be fixed in a scrollable table by using the frozenRows attribute that defines the number of rows to freeze from the start.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="150" frozenRows="2">
    <p:column />

Frozen Columns

Specific columns can be fixed while the rest of them remain as scrollable. frozenColumns defines the number of columns to freeze from the start.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" scrollable="true" scrollWidth="200" frozenColumns="2">
    <p:column />

Expandable Rows

RowToggler and RowExpansion facets are used to implement expandable rows.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
    <f:facet name="header">
        Expand rows to see detailed information
        <p:rowToggler />
        //Detailed content of a car

p:rowToggler component places an expand/collapse icon, clicking on a collapsed row loads expanded content with ajax. If you need to display a row as expanded by default, use expandedRow attribute which is evaluated before rendering of each row so value expressions are supported. Additionally, rowExpandMode attribute defines if multiple rows can be expanded at the same time or not, valid values are "single" and "multiple" (default).


Incell editing provides an easy way to display editable data. p:cellEditor is used to define the cell editor of a particular column. There are two types of editing, row and cell. Row editing is the default mode and used by adding a p:rowEditor component as row controls.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" editable="true">
    <f:facet name="header">
        In-Cell Editing
    <p:column headerText="Model">
            <f:facet name="output">
                <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" />
            <f:facet name="input">
                <h:inputText value="#{car.model}"/>
    //more columns with cell editors
        <p:rowEditor />

When pencil icon is clicked, row is displayed in editable mode meaning input facets are displayed and output facets are hidden. Clicking tick icon only saves that particular row and cancel icon reverts the changes, both options are implemented with ajax interaction.

Another option for incell editing is cell editing, in this mode a cell switches to edit mode when it is clicked, losing focus triggers an ajax event to save the change value.

Lazy Loading

Lazy Loading is an approach to deal with huge datasets efficiently, regular ajax based pagination works by rendering only a particular page but still requires all data to be loaded into memory. Lazy loading datatable renders a particular page similarly but also only loads the page data into memory not the whole dataset. In order to implement this, you’d need to bind a org.primefaces.model.LazyDataModel as the value and implement load method and enable lazy option. Also it is required to implement getRowData and getRowKey if you have selection enabled.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{carBean.model}" paginator="true" rows="10" lazy="true">
public class CarBean {
    private LazyDataModel model;
    public CarBean() {
        model = new LazyDataModel() {
            public void load(int first, int pageSize, | String | sortField,
            SortOrder sortOrder, Map<String,Object> filters) {
            //load physical data
        int totalRowCount = //logical row count based on a count query
    public LazyDataModel getModel() {
        return model;

DataTable calls your load implementation whenever a paging, sorting or filtering occurs with following parameters;

  • first: Offset of first data to start from
  • pageSize: Number of data to load
  • sortField: Name of sort field
  • sortOrder: SortOrder enum.
  • filter: Filter map with field name as key (e.g. "model" for filterBy="#{car.model}") and value.

In addition to load method, totalRowCount needs to be provided so that paginator can display itself according to the logical number of rows to display.

It is suggested to use field attribute of column component to define the field names passed as sortField and filterFields, otherwise these fields would be tried to get extracted from the value expression which is not possible in cases like composite components.

Sticky Header

Sticky Header feature makes the datatable header visible on page scrolling.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{carBean.model}" stickyHeader="true">

Column Toggler

Visibility of columns can be toggled using the column toggler helper component.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}">
    <f:facet name="header">
        List of Cars
        <p:commandButton id="toggler" type="button" value="Columns" style="float:right" icon="ui-icon-calculator" />
        <p:columnToggler datasource="cars" trigger="toggler" />
    <p:column headerText="Model">
    <p:column headerText="Year" sortBy="year">
    <p:column headerText="Manufacturer" sortBy="manufacturer">
    <p:column headerText="Color" sortBy="color">

On page load, column chooser finds all columns of datatable and generates the ui. If you'd like some of the columns to be ignored, set toggleable option of a column as false and for certain ones to be hidden by default, set visible as false. Optional toggle ajax behavior is provided by columnChooser component to listen to toggle events at server side. Listener of this behavior gets an org.primefaces.event.ToggleEvent as a parameter that gives the visibility and index of the column being toggled.

Add Row

When a new data needs to be added to the datatable, instead of updating the whole table to show it, just call addRow() client side method and it will append the tr element only.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" widgetVar="dt">
    <p:column headerText="Id">
        <h:inputText value="#{}" />
    <p:column headerText="Year">
        <h:inputText value="#{car.year}" />
    <p:column headerText="Brand">
        <h:inputText value="#{car.brand}" />
<p:commandButton value="Add" action="#{dtBasicView.addCar}" oncomplete="PF('dt').addRow()" process="@this"/>

Reordering Rows

Rows of the table can be reordered using drag&drop. Set draggableRows attribute to true to enable this feature.

Optional rowReorder ajax behavior is provided to listen to reorder events at server side. Listener of this behavior gets an org.primefaces.event.ReorderEvent as a parameter that gives the past and current index of the row being moved.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" draggableRows="true">
    <p:ajax event="rowReorder" listener="#{tableBean.onRowReorder}" />
    <p:column headerText="Model">
public class TableBean {
    public void onRowReorder(ReorderEvent event) {
        //int from = event.getFromIndex();
        //int end = event.getEndIndex();

Reordering Columns

Columns of the table can be reordered using drag&drop as well. Set draggableColumns attribute to true to enable this feature. Optional colReorder ajax behavior is provided to listen to reorder events at server side.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" draggableColumns="true">
    <p:column headerText="Model">

Responsive DataTable

DataTable has two responsive modes; priority and reflow. In priority mode, responsiveness is based on column priorities that vary between 1 and 6. Lower value means higher priority. On the other hand in reflow mode that is enabled by setting reflow to true, all columns will be visible but displayed as stacked.

Ajax Behavior Events

Event Listener Parameter Fired
page On pagination.
sort When a column is sorted.
filter On filtering.
rowSelect org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent When a row is being selected.
rowUnselect org.primefaces.event.UnselectEvent When a row is being unselected.
rowEdit org.primefaces.event.RowEditEvent When a row is edited.
rowEditInit org.primefaces.event.RowEditEvent When a row switches to edit mode
rowEditCancel org.primefaces.event.RowEditEvent When row edit is cancelled.
colResize org.primefaces.event.ColumnResizeEvent When a column is being selected.
toggleSelect org.primefaces.event.ToggleSelectEvent When header checkbox is toggled.
colReorder - When columns are reordered.
rowSelectRadio org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent Row selection with radio.
rowSelectCheckbox org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent Row selection with checkbox.
rowUnselectCheckbox org.primefaces.event.UnselectEvent Row unselection with checkbox.
rowDblselect org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent Row selection with double click.
rowToggle org.primefaces.event.ToggleEvent Row expand or collapse.
contextMenu org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent ContextMenu display.
cellEdit org.primefaces.event.CellEditEvent When a cell is edited.
cellEditInit org.primefaces.event.CellEditEvent When a cell edit begins.
cellEditCancel org.primefaces.event.CellEditEvent When a cell edit is cancelled e.g. with escape key
rowReorder org.primefaces.event.ReorderEvent On row reorder.

For example, datatable below makes an ajax request when a row is selected with a click on row.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{carBean.model}">
    <p:ajax event="rowSelect" update="another_component" />

Moreover, and, are available to be used with f:event tag.

Client Side API

Widget: PrimeFaces.widget.DataTable

Method Params Return Type Description
getPaginator() - Paginator Returns the paginator insance.
clearFilters() - void Clears all column filters
getSelectedRowsCount() - Number Returns number of selected rows.
selectRow(r, silent) r : number or tr element as jQuery object, silent : flag to fire row select ajax behavior void Selects the given row.
unselectRow(r, silent) r : number or tr element as jQuery object, silent : flag to fire row select ajax behavior void Unselects the given row.
unselectAllRows() - void Unselects all rows.
toggleCheckAll() - void Toggles header checkbox state.
filter() - void Filters the data.
selectAllRows() - void Select all rows.
selectAllRowsOnPage() - void Select all rows on current page.
unselectAllRowsOnPage() - void Unselect all rows on current page.
addRow() - void Fetches the last row from the backend and inserts a row instead of updating the table itself.


DataTable resides in a main container element which style and styleClass options apply. As skinning style classes are global, see the main theming section for more information. Following is the list of structural style classes;

Class Applies
.ui-datatable Main container element
.ui-datatable-data Table body
.ui-datatable-empty-message Empty message row
.ui-datatable-header Table header
.ui-datatable-footer Table footer
.ui-sortable-column Sortable columns
.ui-sortable-column-icon Icon of a sortable icon
.ui-expanded-row-content Content of an expanded row
.ui-row-toggler Row toggler for row expansion
.ui-editable-column Columns with a cell editor
.ui-cell-editor Container of input and output controls of an editable cell
.ui-cell-editor-input Container of input control of an editable cell
.ui-cell-editor-output Container of output control of an editable cell
.ui-datatable-even Even numbered rows
.ui-datatable-odd Odd numbered rows
.ui-datatable-scrollable Main container element of a scrollable table.
.ui-datatable-scrollable-header Header wrapper of a scrollable table.
.ui-datatable-scrollable-header-box Header container of a scrollable table.
.ui-datatable-scrollable-body Body container of a scrollable table.
.ui-datatable-scrollable-footer Footer wrapper of a scrollable table.
.ui-datatable-scrollable-footer-box Footer container of a scrollable table.
.ui-datatable-resizable Main container element of a resizable table.
.ui-datatable-frozencolumn Frozen columns.