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Coupled Iterative Refinement for 6D Multi-Object Pose Estimation

This repository contains the source code for our paper:

Coupled Iterative Refinement for 6D Multi-Object Pose Estimation
CVPR 2022
Lahav Lipson, Zachary Teed, Ankit Goyal and Jia Deng
Poster / Video

  title={Coupled Iterative Refinement for 6D Multi-Object Pose Estimation},
  author={Lipson, Lahav and Teed, Zachary and Goyal, Ankit and Deng, Jia},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

drawing drawing drawing

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo using the --recursive flag
git clone --recursive
cd coupled-iterative-refinement
  1. Create a new anaconda environment using the provided .yaml file (requires an NVidia GPU)
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate cir


To download a sample of YCB-V, T-LESS and LM-O (513Mb), run

chmod ug+x && ./

Download pretrained model weights (2.4Gb) by running

chmod ug+x &&  ./

or downloaded from google drive

To demo a trained model on any the bop datasets, run

python --obj_models ycbv --scene_dir sample_ycbv --load_weights model_weights/refiner/ycbv_rgbd.pth

Replace ycbv with tless or lmo in the above arguments to use a different dataset. sample_ycbv can be downloaded using ./ or replaced with the path to a BOP scene directory. The refiner forward pass take ~1.12s using the default settings. The demo saves images of the pose refinement to qualitative_output/, which can be flipped through using any image viewer.

To demo our RGB-only method, use --rgb_only and replace _rgbd.pth with _rgb.pth

Full Datasets (for training and/or evaluation)

To evaluate/train Coupled Iterative Refinement, you will need to download at least one of the core BOP datasets:

To download and unzip any of the core BOP datasets, we provide a script:

python additional_scripts/ --bop_dataset ycbv --models ycbv

To download the Pascal VOC dataset used for background data-augmentation, run

python additional_scripts/ --augmentation_textures # Downloads VOC2012

By default will search for the datasets in these locations.

├── local_data
    ├── VOCdevkit
        ├── VOC2012
    ├── bop_datasets
        ├── hb
        ├── icbin
        ├── itodd
        ├── lm
        ├── lmo
        ├── tless
        ├── tudl
        ├── ycbv


Our method is trained separately for each of the BOP datasets. To train the YCB-V refinement model, run

python --dataset ycbv --batch_size 12 --num_inner_loops 10 --num_solver_steps 3

To train a refinement model on other BOP datasets, replace ycbv with one of the following: tless, lmo, hb, tudl, icbin, itodd

The above command runs on two NVIDIA RTX 3090s (48Gb GPU Memory). To use less memory, decrease batch_size, num_inner_loops or num_solver_steps.


To run our end-to-end pipeline to reproduce our results, run

python --save_dir my_evaluation --dataset ycbv --load_weights model_weights/refiner/ycbv_rgbd.pth

This will deposit a .tar file in my_evaluation/. The evaluation is slow, but can be run in parallel for different portions of the test set using --start_index and --num_images, with each run depositing a separate .tar file in my_evaluation/. If using a slurm array job to distribute testing, these arguments will be automatically set.

To evaluate the predictions, run

python additional_scripts/ --dataset ycbv --tar_dir my_evaluation

You can also evaluate a refiner model using random perturbations from the ground-truth pose (i.e. the validation setting) by using --evaluate

python --dataset ycbv --evaluate --batch_size 2 --load_weights model_weights/refiner/ycbv_rgbd.pth

RGB-Only Variant

To use the RGB-Only models, use --rgb_only when running python, python or python

We provide trained RGB-only refiners for YCB-V, T-LESS and Linemod (Occluded) which can be loaded using --load_weights

Trained Refiner Models

BOP Submission Input type Training split model
YCB-V (YCB-Video) RGB-D train_real x 1 + train_synt x 3 ycbv_rgbd.pth
T-LESS RGB-D train_pbr x 4 + train_primesense x 1 tless_rgbd.pth
LM-O (Linemod-Occluded) RGB-D train_pbr (Linemod) lmo_rgbd.pth
HB (HomebrewedDB) RGB-D train_pbr hb_rgbd.pth
IC-BIN (Doumanoglou et al.) RGB-D train_pbr icbin_rgbd.pth
ITODD (MVTec ITODD) RGB-D train_pbr itodd_rgbd.pth
TUD-L (TUD Light) RGB-D train_pbr x 3 + train_real x 4 tudl_rgbd.pth
YCB-V (YCB-Video) RGB train_real x 1 + train_synt x 3 ycbv_rgb.pth
T-LESS RGB train_pbr x 4 + train_primesense x 1 tless_rgb.pth
LM-O (Linemod-Occluded) RGB train_pbr (Linemod) lmo_rgb.pth

The code for training the detectors and coarse models is available in the Cosypose Github. The training procedure is outlined at the bottom of Appendix A in their paper.

(Optional) Faster Implementation

We provide a faster CUDA implementation of the correlation sampler. The code will default to this implementation if it is compiled (requires an NVidia GPU to compile, takes ~3 min).

cd pose_models/modules && pip install . && cd - # Compiles corr_sampler


This repository makes extensive use of code from the Cosypose Github repository. We thank the authors for open sourcing their implementation.


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