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File metadata and controls

512 lines (326 loc) 路 10.3 KB

import Warning from 'components/Markdown/Warning'

export const meta = { title: "CLI Command Reference", position: 60, }

prisma init

Launches an interactive CLI wizard helping you to bootstrap the service configuration for a new Prisma service.

The generated files are:

  • prisma.yml
  • datamodel.graphql
  • docker-compose.yml (optional)

If you provide a directory name as an argument to the command, the generated files will be placed inside a new directory with that name.


prisma init DIRNAME


Create service configuration for Prisma service in a directory called myapp

prisma init myapp

prisma deploy

Deploys a service configuration to a Prisma service.

Every time you're changing a file deom your service configuration, you need to synchronize these changes with the running Prisma service.

Upon the very first deploy of a service, the command will perform initial data seeding if the seed property in prisma.yml is provided. You can prevent this by passing the --no-seed option.

If no endpoint property is specifed in prisma.yml, the command will prompt you to interactively select a Prisma server as a deployment target for the service. After you selected a Prisma server, the CLI writes the endpoint into prisma.yml as the default for future deploys. To bring up the interactive prompt again, simply remove the endpoint property from prisma.yml manually or pass the --new option.


prisma deploy [flags]


-d, --dry-run              Perform a dry-run of the deployment
-e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars
-f, --force                Accept data loss caused by schema changes
-j, --json                 JSON Output
-n, --new                  Force interactive mode to select the cluster
-w, --watch                Watch for changes
--no-seed                  Disable seed on initial service deploy


Deploy service configuration in current directory

prisma deploy

Deploy service and interactively select a Prisma server as deployment target:

prisma deploy --new

Deploy service with environment variables specified in

prisma deploy --env-file

prisma introspect

Creates a data model by introspecting the schema of an existing database.

prisma introspect currently only works for Postgres databases.

The command launches an interactive wizard asking you to provide your database connection details:

  • Host: The host of your Postgres server, e.g. localhost.
  • Port: The port where your Postgres server listens, e.g. 5432.
  • User & Password: The credentials for your Postgres server.
  • Name of existing database: The name of the Postgres database.
  • Use SSL (Yes/No): If your database connection is using SSL, you need to select Yes, otherwise No.
  • Name of existing schema: The name of the Postgres schema, e.g. public.

Learn more about database introspection with Prisma here.


prisma introspect


Introspect an existing database

prisma introspect

Here is a sample interaction where the database connection details are provided through the wizard:

? What kind of database do you want to introspect? Postgres
? Enter database host localhost
? Enter database port 5432
? Enter database user prisma
? Enter database password ****
? Enter name of existing database prisma-db
? Enter name of existing schema public

Introspecting database 402ms
Created datamodel mapping based on 7 database tables.

Created 1 new file:               

  datamodel-[TIMESTAMP].graphql    GraphQL SDL-based datamodel (derived from existing database)

The generated datamodel file will contain a timestamp in its name to avoid overriding your existing datamodel.graphql file.

prisma info

Display service information:

  • Service name
  • Service stage
  • API endpoints (HTTP and Websocket)


prisma info


 -e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars
 -j, --json                 JSON Output
 -s, --secret               Print secret in JSON output (requires --json option)


Print information about current service

prisma info

Print information about current service in JSON

prisma info --json

Print information about current service in JSON and include service secret

prisma info --json --secret

The service secret is only printed if both the --json and --secret flags are provided.

prisma token

Generate a new service token. The service token is a JWT that is signed with the service secret.


prisma token [flags]


-c, --copy                 Copy token to clipboard
-e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars


Print service token

prisma token

Copy service token to clipboard

prisma token --copy

prisma list

List all deployed services.


prisma list


List all deployed services

prisma list

prisma delete

Delete an existing service from the Prisma server its running on.

This command needs to be executed inside the root directory of the Prisma service you want to delete (as the CLI needs access to the service's prisma.yml).


prisma delete [flags]


 -e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars
 -f, --force                Force delete, without confirmation


Delete an existing service (with confirmation prompt)

prisma delete

Delete an existing service (without confirmation prompt)

prisma delete --force

prisma playground

Opens a GraphQL Playground for the current service.

By default, this opens the Desktop version of the Playground (if installed). The browser-based Playground can be opened by passing the --web flag.

The Playground is running on port 3000.


prisma playground [flags]


--dotenv DOTENV          Path to .env file to inject env vars
-w, --web                Open browser-based Playground


Open Playground (Desktop version, if installed)

prisma playground

Open Playground (browser-based version)

prisma playground --web

prisma seed

Seeds the service with data.

This command expects that the seed property in prisma.yml is specified.


prisma seed [flags]


-e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars
-r, --reset                Reset the service before seeding


Seed service with initial data

prisma seed

Seed service with initial data after deleting all of the service's data first

prisma seed --reset

prisma import

Imports data into the database of your Prisma service.

The data needs to be formatted according to the Normalized Data Format. For more info, read the Data Import & Export page.


prisma import [flags]


-d, --data PATH            (required) Path to zip or directory with import data (NDF)
-e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars

prisma export

Exports your service data to a local zip directory. For more info, read the Data Import & Export page.


prisma export [flags]


-e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars
-p, --path PATH            Path to export .zip file


Export data to file with default name (export-<timestamp>.zip)

prisma export

Export data to file called

prisma export --path

prisma reset

Delete all service data.


prisma reset [flags]


 -e, --env-file ENV-FILE    Path to .env file to inject env vars
 -f, --force                Force reset data without confirmation


Delete all of the service's data (with confirmation prompt).

prisma reset

Delete all of the service's data (without confirmation prompt).

prisma reset --force

prisma login

Authenticate with Prisma Cloud.

This command opens the Prisma Cloud Console where you need to sign up or sign in.

After a successful authentication in the browser, the CLI writes the cloudSessionKey into ~/.prisma/config.yml. From there it is used for all subsequent requests made by the CLI against Prisma Cloud.

Note that rather than providing your cloud session key via the --key flag, you can also set the PRISMA_CLOUD_SESSION_KEY environment variable, this is especially useful for CI environments.


prisma login [flags]


-k, --key KEY    Cloud session key


Authenticate with Prisma Cloud (opens browser)

prisma login

Authenticate with Prisma Cloud by manually passing the cloud session key

prisma login --key KEY

In the above command, the KEY placeholder needs to be replaced with the value of your valid cloud session key. You can find the cloudSessionKey in ~/.prisma/config.yml.

prisma logout

Logout from Prisma Cloud.

This command simply deletes the cloudSessionKey from ~/.prisma/config.yml.


prisma logout


Log out of Prisma Cloud

prisma logout

prisma console

Opens the Prisma Cloud Console in the browser.


prisma console


Open the Prisma Cloud Console in the browser

prisma console

prisma account

Displays account information of the authenticated Prisma Cloud user (based on the cloudSessionKey in ~/.prisma/config.yml).

The displayed information includes:

  • Username
  • Email address


prisma account


Display account information of the authenticated Prisma Cloud user

prisma account