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  • Owner: @divyenduz
  • Stakeholders: @mavilein @timsuchanek
  • State:
    • Spec: Stable ✅
    • Implementation: In Progress 🚧

Binaries are the artifacts generated by compiling Prisma's core (written in Rust).


Binaries are at the core of Prisma Client JS, Migrate and Prisma CLI via the Prisma SDK.

Architecture of how tools like Prisma Client JS use the Prisma binaries via the Prisma SDK -> Whoever has the original shoud update this to include the introspection binary.

They are, however, compiled for a specific platform, that leads to the following requirements:

  • Minimal configuration, simple mental model.
  • Possibility of a deterministic binary resolution both locally and production setup.
  • Easy setup of development and deployment workflows.

The binaries are used in multiple use cases, some of which are noted below:


Binaries are the artifacts generated by compiling the Prisma's core (written in Rust). The following binaries are generated:

Prisma Query Engine Binary

Prisma query engine binary has the following use cases:

A generator like Photon

  • Uses this binary to run queries against a data source (at runtime of generated code).
  • Binary is downloaded when Photon is generated.

Prisma CLI

  • Generation uses this binary to fetch internal schema representation (at the time of running generate CLI command).
  • Binary is downloaded when the CLI is installed.

Prisma Introspection Engine Binary

Prisma introspection engine binary has the following use cases:

The CLI uses the binary to:

  • List available databases in a database reachable by a given connection string.
  • Request metadata about specific databases.
  • Introspect a database to generate a Prisma schema.

Prisma Migration Engine Binary

Prisma migration engine binary has the following use cases:

A generator like prisma-test-utils

  • Uses this binary to perform migrations (at runtime of generated code)
  • Binary is downloaded when prisma-test-utils is generated.

Prisma CLI

  • Migrate commands use the binary to perform migrations or calculate pending migrations (at the time of running various migrate commands like up, save etc).
  • Binary is downloaded when the CLI is installed.

Utility Binaries

Prisma Format Binary

VSCode Prisma extension uses this binary for providing code formatting features.

Binary Files

Prisma provides multiple binaries for various platforms and operating systems.


We need different binaries because operating systems such as Windows and Linux work fundamentally different. Some Linux distributions have the same issue. On top of that, different versions of Linux distributions have different versions of OpenSSL installed, which is why we need different binaries for those as well.


We build multiple binaries on common operating systems with different combinations of OpenSSL versions. This results in a few binaries, which work on a large selection of operating systems, distributions, and cloud platforms.

Initially, we built specific binaries for given platforms (e.g. Netlify), which resulted in many binaries which couldn't be shared with similar platforms and it was hard to maintain.


The following table lists the pre-built binaries provided by Prisma. These include Windows and Mac, and multiple variations for Linux distributions.

URL schema

The binaries are published under the following URL schema.

  • Latest:
    <base url>/<branch>/latest/<platform family>/<binary>(.<file extension>).gz
  • Specific commit:
    <base url>/<branch>/<commit>/<platform family>/<binary>(.<file extension>).gz

The commit SHAs can be found in our prisma-engines repository.


  • The <base url> is
  • <commit> and <branch> always correspond to the git branch and commit the binary was built for.
  • The binary names are:
    • prisma
    • migration-engine
    • introspection-engine
    • prisma-fmt

Binary build targets

Build name Build OS OpenSSL Downloads (.gz)
darwin Mac n/a prisma migration introspection prisma-fmt
windows Windows n/a prisma.exe migration.exe introspection.exe prisma-fmt.exe
debian-openssl-1.0.x Debian 8 1.0.x prisma migration introspection prisma-fmt
debian-openssl-1.1.x 1.1.x prisma migration introspection prisma-fmt
rhel-openssl-1.0.x CentOS 6 1.0.x prisma migration introspection prisma-fmt
rhel-openssl-1.1.x 1.1.x prisma migration introspection prisma-fmt

Linux distributions and versions

This table shows which Linux distributions are compatible with our pre-built binaries.

OS Version Build Status ? OpenSSL [1] Comment
Debian 8 (Jessie) debian (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.0.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
9 (Stretch) (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.1.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
10 (Buster) (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.1.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) debian (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.0.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
16.04 (xenial) (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.0.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
18.04 (bionic) (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.1.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
19.04 (disco) (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.1.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
CentOS 6 rhel ✔️ 1.0.x
7 ✔️ 1.0.x
Fedora 28 rhel ✔️ 1.1.x
29 ✔️ 1.1.x
30 ✔️ 1.1.x
Linux Mint 18 debian (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.0.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
19 (:heavy_check_mark:) 1.1.x [2] install nodejs or openssl
Arch Linux 2019.09.01 debian ✔️ 1.1.x
Alpine * n/a ? see prisma/photonjs#173

This is also continuously tracked on our build system.

Cloud environments

Build Base OS Status ? Comment
Netlify debian Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 ✔️ Use the latest build image
Codesandbox debian Debian 8 Jessie ✔️
Zeit rhel Amazon Linux (CentOS) ✔️
Lambda rhel Amazon Linux (CentOS) ✔️ Use the NodeJS 10 image or higher

Status legend

  • ✔️ Works out of the box with no configuration at all.
  • (:heavy_check_mark:) You may need to install dependencies.
  • ❌ Currently unsupported.


  1. OpenSSL

    The OpenSSL column in the tables above describe what the default OpenSSL version is on a given OS and version. It may not be installed per default, but it's always packaged through the native package manager (e.g. apt for Ubuntu), and in most cases you can simply install the package openssl.

  2. Dependencies

    You need dependencies on your machine to run the binary successfully. You can use your OS package manager, for example apt-get or yum. Check the table above which dependency you need exactly and then install it, e.g. sudo apt-get install nodejs.

Naming Convention

All downloaded binaries must follow the naming convention outlined by the Table of Binaries.

This includes both binaries downloaded for a generator and downloaded for CLI commands.

Custom Binary

In case a binary for your platform is not listed in the Pre-built Binary Targets. Please follow this section of the docs to build a custom binary.


Prisma uses OpenSSL to enable a secure communication to remote databases. This means OpenSSL has to be either shipped with the binary ("static linking") or exist on the users's machine ("dynamic linking").

As it is critical to always run the latest OpenSSL due to security reasons, Prisma dynamically links OpenSSL so the user can update OpenSSL (usually with their native operating system package manager) independent of Prisma. Installing OpenSSL downloads a few files in common directories, which are usually named after the package name libssl, such as, and the Prisma binaries automatically find and use these files. If they do not exist on the user's system or are incompatible, Prisma will crash and exits with an error which describes which file is missing.

Binary Protocols

Data Protocol

Prisma Query Engine Binary

Prisma query engine binary uses GraphQL over HTTP.

Prisma Migration Engine Binary

Prisma migration engine binary uses JSON RPC over stdio.

Prisma Introspection Engine Binary

Prisma migration engine binary uses JSON RPC over stdio.

Process Management

This is covered in the Prisma Engine Runtime (for JavaScript/TypeScript) spec.

Use Case: Prisma CLI

How to Fetch Binaries

Environment Variables

Environment variable to configure the binary for CLI (like prisma2 migrate or prisma2 generate):

Environment Variable Description Behavior
PRISMA_MIGRATION_ENGINE_BINARY (optional) Overrides the resolution path for migration engine binary for migrate commands. Can be a relative (from CWD) or an absolute path to the binary
PRISMA_INTROSPECTION_ENGINE_BINARY (optional) Overrides the resolution path for introspection engine binary. Can be a relative (from CWD) or an absolute path to the binary
PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY (optional) Overrides the resolution path for query engine binary for generate command. Can be a relative (from CWD) or an absolute path to the binary
PRISMA_FMT_BINARY (optional) Overrides the resolution path for format binary for format command. Can be a relative (from CWD) or an absolute path to the binary
  • CLI binaries can only be overridden by a path to a custom binary. It does not alter download behavior, it just overrides the binary path provided for respective commands. This means that using known binaries is not possible.

Environment Variables Error Handling

  • If the environment variable path to a custom binary is not found, the respective CLI command should throw.

  • If the environment variable path to a custom binary exists but the binary is incompatible with the current platform, the respective CLI command should throw.

Example Scenarios

1. Development machine is a Raspberry Pi and the deployment platform is AWS Lambda

As we do not have precompiled binaries for ARM architecture yet, the user would compile binaries manually for Prisma query engine and Prisma migration engine.

export PRISMA_INTROSPECTION_ENGINE_BINARY=<path to compiled introspection engine binary>
export PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY=<path to compiled query engine binary>
export PRISMA_MIGRATION_ENGINE_BINARY=<path to compiled migration engine binary>
export PRISMA_FMT_BINARY=<path to compiled format binary>

Then prisma2 migrate and prisma2 generate would use the respective compiled binaries.

2. We are using CLI in a build system from a provider for which we do not have a working pre-compiled binary

Since overriding CLI binary is an environment variable and these providers might not always allow compiling a binary. There will be no work around such a situation except us making the default downloaded binary for that provider work. We want to support all major providers out of the box and this use case should be rare.

Use Case: Prisma Client JS Generator

How to Fetch Binaries


Fields on the generator block to configure the availability of binaries for generators (like Prisma Client JS, nexus, etc):

Field Description
binaryTargets (optional) An array of binaries that are required by the application, string for known binary targets. These are downloaded at generation time. Note that custom binary paths should not be provided in the binaryTargets.

Environment variable to configure a specific binary for the generated code's runtime:

Environment Variable Description
PRISMA_MIGRATION_ENGINE_BINARY (optional) A string literal with a known binary name (like darwin or linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2" or path to a custom binary
PRISMA_INTROSPECTION_ENGINE_BINARY (optional) A string literal with a known binary name (like darwin or linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2" or path to a custom binary
PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY (optional) A string literal with a known binary name (like darwin or linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2" or path to a custom binary
PRISMA_FMT_BINARY (optional) A string literal with a known binary name (like darwin or linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2" or path to a custom binary
  • Both binaryTargets field and PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable are optional. Here are some scenarios

    • binaryTargets is not provided.

      generator client {
          provider = "prisma-client-js"

      We download and use the binary for the current platform.

    • Field binaryTargets provided with a single value

      generator client {
          provider = "prisma-client-js"
          binaryTargets = ["native"]

      We download the provided binary and resolve it at runtime.

    • Field binaryTargets provided with multiple values

      generator client {
          provider = "prisma-client-js"
          binaryTargets = ["native", "linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"]

      We download both binaries and resolve the correct binary at runtime by detecting the platform.

    • Field binaryTargets provided with multiple values and PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable provided.

      generator client {
        provider = "prisma-client-js"
        binaryTargets = ["native", "linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"]
      PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY=native # On Local
      PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY=linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2 # In Production

      We download all the binaries specified by binaryTargets and use the binary specified by PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable.

    Note: In production setups with a dedicated CI which has a different platform than the deployment machine (think CircleCI, Netlify), we can configure binaryTargets to only include the required binaries:

      generator client {
        provider = "prisma-client-js"
        binaryTargets = env("BINARY_TARGETS")

    With environment variable:

    BINARY_TARGETS=["linux-glibc-libssl1.1.0"] # In CI for CircleCI
    BINARY_TARGETS=["linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"] # In production for Netlify

    A configuration like binaryTargets = ["native", "linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"] is only needed when the development machine is also the machine responsible to build for production but the platform in production is different, like AWS lambda, now, etc.

  • Known binaries specified in binaryTargets downloads specified known binaries to an OS cache path and copies it to generator path on generate.

  • Not all generators require all the binaries, the generators spec outlines the generator API that defines which binaries are needed.

Configuration Error Handling

Note: pinned binary in this section refers to binary specified via PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable.

  • If the pinned binary is a known binary and it is not found during the generated code's runtime, it should throw.

  • If the pinned binary is a known binary but does not work for the current platform, try other known binaries from binaryTargets. This would make the use cases work where build machine is different from deploy machine, like in the case of zeit's now.

  • If the pinned binary is a known binary but not listed in the binaryTargets, throw because these binaries won't be downloaded.

  • If the pinned binary is a custom binary but does not work for the current platform or if its path does not exist, generated code's runtime should throw.


In the scenario where binaryTargets field is defined but no pinnedBinaryTarget field is defined, we resolve the binary at runtime by detecting the platform. This can be achieved by generating code similar to this pseudo-code in Photon.

function detectPlatform(): string { ... }

const binaryTarget = process.env.PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY
const binaries = {
  'mac': <path>,
  'lambda': <path>,
let binaryPath
if (!binaryTarget) {
  const inferredPlatform = detectPlatform()
  binaryPath = binaries[inferredPlatform]
} else {
  binaryPath = binaries[binaryTarget]

Example Scenarios

1. Development machine is Mac but the deployment platform is AWS lambda.

We can use binaryTargets without a PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable. Which binary to use will be resolved at runtime, see Runtime for more details.

generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"
    binaryTargets = ["native", "linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"]

2. Deterministically choose the binary-based a runtime environment variable

We can use binaryTargets and provide a specific binary using PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable.

generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"
    binaryTargets = ["native", "linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"]
PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY=linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2 # In Production

We define the binaryTargets and use one of the binaryTargets.

3. Development machine is Mac but we need a custom binary in production

We use "native" (binary of the current platform) in binaryTargets and provide PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY in production.

generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"
    binaryTargets = ["native"]
PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY=custom-prisma-binary # In production

4. Development machine is a Raspberry Pi and the deployment platform is AWS Lambda

As we do not have precompiled binaries for ARM architecture yet, the user would compile binaries manually for Prisma query engine and use it by providing PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable

generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"
    binaryTargets = ["linux-glibc-libssl1.0.2"]
PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY=./custom-query-engine-binary # On local

Unset PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY in production for it to pick the only binary specified in binaryTargets.

Examples for other deployment scenarios