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  • Stakeholders: @janpio @sorenbs @timsuchanek @nikolasburk
  • State:
    • Spec: Almost up-to-date with the implementation
    • Implementation: In Progress 🚧


Prisma CLI offers essential workflows to Prisma users, including introspecting databases and generating a typesafe data-access client.

Note: During the Prisma 2 preview period, the cli command is prisma2. In this spec we will refer to it simply as prisma as that will be the name when we publish the first release candidate.

Note: This spec refers to other specs that do not yet exist

CLI Layout

Prisma CLI has a help screen and 3 commands. Additionally it has a flag to enable experimental features - primarily database migrations. Experimental features are to be treated as engineering prototypes and do not accurately reflect how the finished product will work. Experimental features will be properly specced in this document at a later time.

Help screen

The help message can be displayed by running prisma or prisma -h or prisma --help:

◭ Prisma is a modern DB toolkit to query, migrate and model your database (


  $ prisma2 [command]


            init   Setup Prisma for your app
      introspect   Get the datamodel of your database
        generate   Generate artifacts (e.g. Prisma Client)


  --experimental   Show and run experimental Prisma commands


  Setup Prisma for your existing database
  $ prisma2 init

  Introspect an existing database
  $ prisma2 introspect

  Generate artifacts (e.g. Prisma Client)
  $ prisma2 generate


The three commands are documented in separate chapters below. All CLI commands are non-interactive.

  • init
  • introspect
  • generate
  • format


The prisma init command helps bootstrap a Prisma project. It does not connect to a database, and it does not read any existing files in the directory.

✔ Your Prisma schema was created at prisma/schema.prisma.
  You can now open it in your favorite editor.

1. Modify the `DATABASE_URL` in the `.env` file to point to your existing database. If you need to create a new database schema, read
2. Run `prisma introspect` to turn your database schema into a Prisma Data Model.
3. Run `prisma generate` to install Prisma Client and start querying your database.

More information in our documentation:


The init command does not take any arguments.


The init command creates a new folder called prisma in the directory where it is run. Inside this directory two new files are created: schema.prisma and .env.

If a folder named prisma is already present, the init command will fail with the following warning:

 ERROR  Folder prisma already exists in your project.
        Please try again in a project that is not yet using Prisma.

Generated files


// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"


# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:

# Prisma supports the native connection string format for Postgres, MySQL and SQLite.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:


Considerations for the first-run experience

note: Each command will have a first-run section. We might pull these sections out to a separate spec

prisma init is the first software new users will run. Most new users will go through these steps:

  • Visit
  • Press the Get Started call to action
  • Begin reading the tutorial
  • Install Prisma using npm or yarn
  • Run prisma init and read the Next steps section
  • Open the two generated files
  • Adapt the database connection string
  • Run prisma introspect and get a conenction error
  • Open the connection url documentation
  • Successfully run prisma introspect
  • Look at the schema.prisma file again and try to learn how it maps their database
  • Run prisma generate

Note how the user has two sets of instructions to follow: the Get started guide and the Next steps section from the prisma init output. For this reason, we choose to keep the two generated files as minimal as posible, and focus the comments on directing the user to the docs where they will find very detailed information that will be needed if they choose to divert from the narrow first-run experience.

Obviously, the Get started guide and the Next steps section from the prisma init output must be in complete sync.


The prisma introspect command connects to the specified database and generates a canonical schema representing the database structure. It requires an existing schema.prisma file to be present and correctly configured with a datasource that points to an accessible database. The existing schema.prisma file is overwritten with the new schema, and any manual changes applied to that file are lost.

Connecting to ["database"|`[db name]`] at `[host or filename]`...
✔ Wrote Prisma Data Model into `./prisma/schema.prisma` in 2.48s

Run `prisma generate` to generate Prisma Client.

If a connection to the database can not be established, an error is printed:

Connecting to ["database"|`[db name]`] at `[host or filename]`...

Error: P1000

Authentication failed against database server at `[host or filename]`, the provided database credentials for `[user]` are not valid.

Please make sure to provide valid database credentials for the database server at `[host or filename]`.

If the database does not have any tables, a useful message instructs the user to read our getting started material:

Connecting to ["database"|`[db name]`] at `[host or filename]`...

Your database does not contain any tables. Read how to proceed: [NIKO - LINK].


The prisma introspect command can be run without arguments. Additionally, these arguments can be specified:

  • schema specify the path used to read the schema.prisma file instead of the default path. The path can be absolute or relative. Note that the generation result is written to that same file.

Canonical Schema Mapping

The Prisma Schema is a reflection of the structure of a database. The Prisma Schema can express more information than the database schema. This is a problem for the prisma introspect command, as it needs to produce a single schema for any given database. The Canonical Schema Mapping describes the defaults picked by the introspection command for all ambiguos cases. See the Introspection Spec for the full details.

For example, it is common for ORMs to automatically keep a column up to date with the latest time the record was updated. The column is typically called something like updatedAt or updated_at. Prisma provides similar functionality, but does not rely on name conventions to decide when to enable this behavior. Instead, an explicit schema attribute is used to enable this behaviour:

model User {
  lastUpdateTime DateTime @updatedAt

During introspection, the Canonical Schema Mapping is used to decide if a field should have the @updatedAt attribute applied. It dictates that this should never happen.


The prisma generate command parses the schema.prisma file, identifies generator blocks and invokes the relevant generators. Currently, we support the single generator prisma-client-js. In the future we will provide generators for other languages and support third party generators.

A generator will code-generate a data access client based on the schema. The following will describe how the prisma-client-js generator works.

Below is the CLI output from the command.

First are three lines of checkmarks describing things that happened. The first two only happens in certain cases as described below in the sections Identifying the npm project and Install @prisma/client. Second is a super minimal example. Third is a link to the API docs.

[✔ Created `./package.json`]
[✔ Installed the `@prisma/client` package in your project]
✔ Generated Prisma Client to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 1.48s

You can now start using Prisma Client in your code:

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
// or const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

Explore the full API:


The prisma generate command can be run without arguments. Additionally, these arguments can be specified:

  • schema specify the path used to read the schema.prisma file instead of the default path. The path can be absolute or relative. This does not affect the location of the generated artefacts.
  • watch enables watching the schema.prisma file and re-runs generate when the file changes.

Identifying the npm project

The prisma client is being generated into an npm project. As such, a npm project must first be identified. The generator follows normal npm conventions and will search recursively from the directory where it is invoked, all the way up to the root of the filesystem.

If no npm project is found, it will create a new package.json file (similar to npm init -y) in the folder where it is invoked to create a new npm project.

Install @prisma/client

After identifying the npm project, the generator will ensure that the @prisma/client package is installed. If it is already present in the package.json file, no action is taken. Otherwise it will run npm install @prisma/client to add the package as a dependency.

Question: How do we handle the case where @prisma/client package has a different version than the CLI/generator?

Currently, the CLI only prints a warning. This is useful for developing as versions are always different

Right now there is no reason to have this warning in the first place because CLI and Client can currently be used in any combination. In the future we might want to have a versioning system for the internal API, which could lead to errors on mismatch. See issue here.


The prisma format command formats your schema.


The prisma format command can be run without arguments. Additionally, this argument can be specified:

  • schema specify the path used to read the schema.prisma file instead of the default path. The path can be absolute or relative.


The format command will by default look for a schema.prisma file in the current directory or inside a prisma folder where it is run. The schema file will be validated then formatted and persisted.


Formatted /Users/prisma/project/prisma/schema.prisma in 448ms 🚀

If the schema is invalid it will output validation errors (same output as prisma validate)