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Yivi web

This plugin contains a front-end for Yivi flows in the web browser.

It is designed to be used with yivi-css. yivi-css is not a dependency of this package by design. This means that the CSS must be imported separately. How to do this, you can check in the README of yivi-css. In this way you can also adapt yivi-css to your own design and import this custom style instead.

If you do want to use yivi-css (which is recommended), you may also consider using the yivi-frontend package instead for ease of use, or take a look at the yivi-web example for a more hands-on implementation example.


const YiviCore = require('@privacybydesign/yivi-core');
const Web      = require('@privacybydesign/yivi-web');


const yivi = new YiviCore({
  element: '#yivi-web-form'




The element option should contain a selector that points to an element in which to render the Yivi form. This is a required option.


You can set the interface language by setting the language option. Currently supported values: en and nl. Default is nl.


You can set the delay in milliseconds that should be waited before the helper message is shown as fallback. This only involves the mobile flow on Android. This delay is measured from the point that the user presses the button to open the Yivi app. A recommended value here is to double the polling interval. Default is 1000 ms.


If you have more specific translation requirements, or if your use-case is not logging a user in, you can override any of the strings in the interface using the translations option. It is good practice to be specific in these texts to avoid unnecessary confusion for your users.

const yivi = new YiviCore({
  translations: {
    header:  'Sign the agreement with <i class="yivi-web-logo">Yivi</i>',
    loading: 'Finding your agreement...'

You can find the default values in the translation files.


The option showHelper is a boolean that determines if the yivi-css helper should be shown or not. Default is false.

Note: the helper is also triggered during the mobile flow on Android. In that case, the helper becomes visible when the user presses the button to open the Yivi app, and the app fails to open. So, when showHelper is set to false, the helper is only visible as fallback and disappears again as soon as the happy flow continues. When showHelper is set to true, the helper will be visible unconditionally.