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Installing the Cromwell To Use Local Scratch Device

In this section we will install the Cromwell Workflow Management system and configure it, so it can use the local scratch device on the compute nodes. (these installations are done in a centos 8 enviornment)

1. In order to install Cromwell, the sbt build tool is required, so we will install this now.

a. Add the sbt online repository
dnf config-manager --add-repo
b. Install SBT build tool
dnf -y install sbt

2. Now we can download Cromwell from git repository

a. Create a directory into which we will install Cromwell
mkdir cromwell
b. Now, we set the owner of that directory to the cromwell user and group and change the permissions in order to allow access to all users.
chmod 775 -R cromwell
chown -R cromwell:cromwell cromwell
c. Login to the cromwell user account.
su - cromwell
d. We will now use git to clone the Cromwell git repository
cd cromwell
git clone
e. This guide was tested and validated with version 52 of cromwell, so we will checkout that version.
cd cromwell
git checkout 52

3. We will now configure Cromwell to use the local NVMe disk as scratch space

a. Open the backend/src/main/scala/cromwell/backend/RuntimeEnvironment.scala file for editing
b. Comment out line 3, so it reads:
//import java.util.UUID
c. Remove lines 23 through 27, i.e. the following lines:
val tempPath: String = {
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString
val hash = uuid.substring(0, uuid.indexOf('-'))
d. Add the following text in line 23 now:
def tempPath: String = "/genomics_local"
e. Save and exit the file
f. Open the file backend/src/main/scala/cromwell/backend/standard/StandardAsyncExecutionActor.scala for editing
g. Go to line number 380. You will see the following content:
|export TMPDIR="$$tmpDir"
h. Replace those two line with the following text:
|mkdir -p $$tmpDir/tmp.$$$$
|export TMPDIR="$$tmpDir/tmp.$$$$
i. Save and exit the file.You can also execute the following commands:
sed -i "s/^\(import\ java.util.UUID\)/\/\/\1/" \
sed -i '23,27d' \
sed -i '23i \ \ \ \ \ \ def tempPath: String = \"/genomics_local\"' \
sed 's/\(\s*|export _JAVA_OPTIONS.*\)\"/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ |mkdir -p \$\$tmpDir\/tmp\.\$\$\$\$\n\1\"/' \
sed 's/\(\s*|export _JAVA_OPTIONS.*tmpDir\)\"/\1\/tmp\.\$\$\$\$\"/' \
sed 's/\(\s*|export TMPDIR=.*tmpDir\)\"/\1\/tmp\.\$\$\$\$\"/' \

4. Now we can build the patched Cromwell

sbt clean
sbt assembly

5. When the build was successful, we can move the new jar file into the cromwell directory

cp server/target/scala-2.12/cromwell-52-*-SNAP.jar \

Configure the Execution Environment for Cromwell

In this section we will configure the Cromwell execution environment.We will use the default configuration file as a starting point and change it to reflect our needs. *• Configure MariaDB as the database Cromwell should use *• Add the SLURM backends, so Cromwell can schedule job using SLURM

1. First, we download the default Cromwell reference.conf configuration file.

src/main/resources/reference.conf cromwell/

2. We will now add SLURM as the backend Cromwell should use

a. Open the cromwell/reference.conf file for editing
b. Goto line 479 which should read:
default = "Local"
c. Change the "Local" in that line to "SLURM"
d. Remove the following 5 lines, i.e. lines number 480 through 484
providers {
Local {
actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory"
config {
include required(classpath(""))
e. Now add the following text after line 479, i.e. after the line reading default ="SLURM". Ensure that the lines that show line-breaks in this document are, in fact, single lines in reference.conf
providers {
#Modifying temp directory to write to local disk
temporary-directory = "$(/genomics_local/)"
actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory"
config {
root = "cromwell-slurm-exec"
runtime-attributes = """
Int runtime_minutes = 600
Int cpu = 2
Int memory_mb = 1024
String queue = "all"
String? docker
submit = """
sbatch -J ${job_name} -D ${cwd} -o ${out} -e ${err} -t ${runtime_minutes} -p ${queue} ${"-c " +
cpu} --mem ${memory_mb} --wrap "/bin/bash ${script}"
kill = "scancel ${job_id}"
check-alive = "squeue -j ${job_id}"
job-id-regex = "Submitted batch job (\\d+).*"
temporary-directory = "$(/genomics_local/)"
actor-factory = "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory"
config {
root = "cromwell-slurm-exec"
runtime-attributes = """
Int runtime_minutes = 600
Int cpu = 2
Int memory_mb = 1024
String queue = "bwa"
String? docker
submit = """


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