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rust-vmm reference VMM Design


The reference VMM will not provide any runtime configuration changes to the VM, the full VM configuration has to be supplied when the VM is started. The simple command line frontend is oneshot: all the configurations are specified at once, and the VMM starts with them. To alter its structure, the VMM process must be killed and re-run with the modified parameters. The core of the reference VMM is the vmm crate, which encapsulates and binds together all the other functionality-providing crates; the user-facing component is minimalistic and meant to be discarded when the VMM is forked for new usage, in order for the user to provide an UI suitable to their needs.

The first iteration of the reference VMM contains a subset of the crates available in rust-vmm: kvm-ioctls, kvm-bindings, vm-memory, linux-loader, event-manager, vm-superio and vmm-sys-util. Only the serial console device is supported. The current iteration is adding virtio devices and vCPU abstractions.

Complex functionalities that require ongoing user interaction with the VMM are not currently supported. Such functionalities include but are not limited to: device hotplug, VM pause/resume, snapshotting, migration. Next step is adding the VM pause/resume support, see tracking issue. As the necessary building blocks emerge in rust-vmm, integration in the vmm crate will not pose a large effort, but the frontend / app will require extensive modifications, see tracking issue.


The reference VMM is composed of 2 major crates packaged in a binary application: the vmm and a oneshot CLI that invokes it. The vmm crate exports an object (struct Vmm) that encapsulates all the functionality-providing rust-vmm crates, as dependencies.

Users of the reference VMM can replace the builtin command line parser with frontends of their own, as long as they are passing a VMMConfig object to the vmm crate (object that will store specialized *Config objects, e.g. struct MemoryConfig for guest memory configurations, etc.). Alternatively, users can disregard the vmm crate altogether and build their own, referring to it only for guidelines.


The vmm crate

The vmm crate defines and exports a struct Vmm that can be instantiated, configured with all the supported rust-vmm building blocks, and run. The crate consumes its rust-vmm dependencies either from or directly from their GitHub repositories, when they’re sufficiently mature for usage but not yet published. The code compiles into a single binary, at least until the point in which certain crates (or features thereof) become mutually incompatible. Should this need arise, we will combine compatible configurations into multiple VMMs.


Currently, the only available devices are the serial console, and a single block device, that is used as the root filesystem. Therefore, the reference VMM can boot a simple Linux kernel either with a baked-in initramfs (no block device configured) or with a separate rootfs. *Config structs passed by the UI are cached in a VmmConfig struct until VMM::try_from(), when the VMM is instantiated and the configurations are turned into live objects.

The steps to running a guest, presuming the configurations are parsed and stored, are as follows:

  1. Set up KVM. This is done through kvm-ioctls. It creates the KVM virtual machine in the host kernel.
  2. Configure guest memory. This is done through the vm-memory crate. This creates and registers the guest memory with KVM.
    1. Requirements: KVM set up
    2. Inputs
      1. guest memory size
  3. Create event manager for device events. This is done through event-manager.
  4. Configure the vCPUs. This is done through vm-vcpu crate, which for now is a local crate, but once the interfaces there get stabilized, they will be upstreamed in vmm-vcpu.
    1. Requirements: KVM is configured, guest memory is configured
    2. Inputs: vCPU registry values - hardcoded / embedded in VMM for the same reasons as boot parameters.
    3. Breakdown (x86_64):
      1. Configure MPTables. These tables tell the guest OS what the multiprocessor configuration looks like, and are required even with a single vCPU.
      2. Create KVM irqchip. This creates the virtual IOAPIC and virtual PIC and sets up future vCPUs for local APIC.
      3. Create vCPUs. An fd is registered with KVM for each vCPU.
      4. Configure CPUID. Required (at least) because it’s the means by which the guest finds out it’s virtualized.
      5. Configure MSRs (model specific registers). These registers control (among others) the processor features. See the reference.
      6. Configure other registers (kvm_regs, kvm_sregs, fpu) and the LAPICs.
  5. Configure legacy devices. This is done partially through kvm-ioctls, partially (serial console emulation) through vm-superio. Device event handling is mediated with event-manager.
    1. Requirements: KVM is configured, guest memory is configured, irqchip is configured (x86_64), event manager is configured
    2. Inputs: N/A
    3. Breakdown:
      1. Create dummy speaker. This needs to be emulated because some kernels access the speaker’s port, leading to continuous KVM exits for the otherwise unhandled device IO.
      2. Create serial console.
  6. Configure root block device. This is done through vm-virtio. Device event handling is mediated with event-manager.
    1. Requirements: KVM is configured, guest memory is configured, irqchip is configured (x86_64), event manager is configured Note: Virtio devices are in an early stage, and we offer support now only for configuring the root filesystem. We plan on adding support soon for network and vsock devices, and on improving the current architecture by having a much easier to use and modular one.
  7. Load the guest kernel into guest memory. This is done through linux-loader.
    1. Requirements: guest memory is configured
    2. Inputs:
      1. path to kernel file
      2. start of high memory (x86_64)
      3. kernel command line
      4. boot parameters - embedded in VMM
        1. Too complex to pass through the command line / other inputs: these are arch-dependent structs, built with bindgen and exported by linux-loader, that the user fills in outside linux-loader with arch- and use case-specific values.
        2. Some can be constants and can be externally specified, unless they make the UI unusable. Examples: kernel loader type, kernel boot flags, dedicated address for the kernel command line, etc.

User Interface

The programmatic API of the vmm crate consumes predefined *Config structures passed on by the frontend, using the VMMConfig structure.

The simple command line parser creates the *Config objects from plaintext parameters, in key=value format, delimited by commas. Alternatively, we can explore a serde-compatible format, as long as it does not warrant significant effort.

vmm-reference                                                           \
    --memory size_mib=1024                                          \
    --vcpu num=1                                                 \
    --kernel path=/path/to/vmlinux,kernel_load_addr=1024,cmdline="pci=off"   \
    [--block <blkdev_config> - TBD]
    [--net <netdev_config> - TBD]

The command line parser is throw-away in the process of users building a new VMM using the reference VMM as example. It is not considered stable, should never be used in production, and will not be maintained at the same grade as the VMM itself.

As new features are developed in rust-vmm, demanding runtime interactions with the guest (e.g. pause/resume), we will evaluate moving the command line parser to a separate thread, or other alternatives for an interactive UI.

Platform support

Host OS & hypervisor

rust-vmm is ultimately meant to be usable across a wide range of host OSes and hypervisors, with several of the crates already supporting Windows. Long-term, the reference VMM should support the intersection of all its crates’ supported platforms. Currently, this intersection resolves into Linux hosts and the KVM hypervisor. The first iteration of the reference VMM supports only this configuration, returning errors when users attempt to run it on something else.


Long term, the reference VMM will run on x86_64 and aarch64 platforms; to begin with, only Intel x86_64 CPUs are supported, as there is no support for a PIO serial console on aarch64, and the virtio interfaces are at an early stage.

Rust features

The reference VMM will be compiled with all its crates’ features (at least, while they’re compatible with each other), and will be able to showcase usage with all of them in turn. Code-wise, there is only one vmm crate, which activates all its dependencies’ features through its TOML. The integration tests, documentation and examples will demonstrate the various features’ functionalities. Examples of such features are: driving the event manager from the same thread or a new one, loading ELF and bzImage kernels.

To exemplify this: the same reference VMM binary can boot an ELF or a bzImage kernel, with no need to recompile it. Users control what it will boot, through the specified parameters (the user supplies the kernel image).


The reference VMM will support both glibc and musl libc (toolchains: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, x86_64-unknown-linux-musl) with glibc being the default due to x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu being Tier 1 supported by Rust. Future extensions to aarch64 support will introduce the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu and aarch64-unknown-linux-musl toolchains, defaulting (probably) to aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu on ARM, because it's also Tier 1 supported since Rust 1.49.


The reference VMM runs a minimal battery of unit and integration tests with every pull request in its repository, leveraging the infrastructure in rust-vmm-ci. The python integration tests build the VMM with all its dependencies and all their features compiled-in and boot a guest for several configurations that make sense (as opposed to, for instance, one configuration with all the possible devices).

As the command line parser is throw-away in the process of users building a new VMM using the reference VMM as example, we will not focus testing on it. Its functionalities are covered by unit tests that exercise the parsing utilities, and by the end-to-end integration tests that exercise cargo run --<params>. The core component is the vmm crate, tested with native Rust code through Rust integration tests. Each test spawns a VMM in a child process (to ensure proper cleanup of KVM resources) and demonstrates that the guest is viable. As devices are added, we will expand the guest inits to run minimal workloads, monitoring the outputs generated by the devices (metrics included).

Each rust-vmm crate is responsible to measure, evaluate, and optimize its performance in an isolated environment. Putting the pieces together, however, can bring up unexpected issues that don’t manifest in isolation; therefore, each crate included in the reference VMM will be tested in a dedicated test battery that introduces the WIP version (either the HEAD in a pull request, or the upstream one in nightly test runs) in the latest reference VMM (considered stable). These tests will not block the PR in the crate if they fail - for instance, the process of changing a crate’s interfaces is expected to break the reference VMM until it’s updated.
