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48 lines (32 loc) · 1.29 KB


Evaluate the performance of (probabilistic) numerical methods. What makes an efficient and well calibrated probabilistic numerical algorithm? We don't know either, but at least we can offer some quantification.

ProbNum-Evaluation offers a range of evaluation measures, including error analyses (with respect to different norms), calibration measures (chi-square statistics, non-credibility indices) and more.

To learn how to use ProbNum-Evaluation check out the quickstart guide and the tutorials. For guidelines how to contribute to ProbNum-Evaluation, please refer to the ProbNum documentation <>.

public_api/timeseries public_api/multivariate public_api/visual public_api/config

tutorials/measure_error_and_calibration tutorials/animate_gaussian_distributions tutorials/animate_gauss_markov_posterior


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