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AI-Toolbox Build Status Stories in Ready

This C++ toolbox is aimed at representing and solving common AI problems, implementing an easy-to-use interface which should be hopefully extensible to many problems, while keeping code readable.

Current development includes MDPs, POMDPs and related algorithms. This toolbox has been developed taking inspiration from the Matlab MDPToolbox, which you can find here, and from the pomdp-solve software written by A. R. Cassandra, which you can find here.

NOTE: With regard the travis build failing, I must point out that it's due to travis, not me. The gcc build fails due to a bug in g++-4.8, but compiles correctly with g++-4.9. The clang build fails because clang uses libgcc, and the versions that are available in Ubuntu 12.04 (the environment travis offers) do not provide certain C++11 functions. Once travis updates its build machines to Ubuntu 14.04 everything will definitely start working out again.


This toolbox is aimed at Decision Theoretic Control algorithms. The general idea is to create algorithms that are able to interact with an environment in order to obtain some reward using actions, and to find the best policy of actions to use to do so.

The field divides itself into planning and reinforcement learning: planning focuses into solving problems that we know how to model: think chess, or 2048. Reinforcement learning focuses into creating a model for an environment we do not know in advance, and while learning the best policy for it.

There are many variants of these problems, with single agent worlds, multi agent, competitive, cooperative, partially observable and so on. This framework is a work in progress that tries to implement many DTC algorithms in one place, much like OpenCV is for Computer Vision algorithms.

Please note that the API is not yet stable (although most things at this point are) since at every algorithm I add I may decide to alter the API a bit, to offer a more consistent interface throughout the library.


Decision Theoretic Control is a field which is in rapid development. There are incredibly many methods to solve problems, each with a huge amounts of variants. This framework only tries to implement the most influential methods, and in their vanilla form (or the form that is most widely used in the research community to my knowledge), trying to keep the code as simple as possible.

If you need any of the variants, the code is structured so that it is easy to read it and modify it to your requirements, versus providing an endless list of parameters and include all the variants. Some toolboxes do this, but my opinion is that this makes the code very hard to digest, which makes it also hard to find out what parameters to set to get the algorithm variant you want.


Single Agent MDP:

  • Value Iteration
  • Win or Learn Fast Policy Iteration (WoLF)
  • Q-Learning
  • Dyna-Q
  • Prioritized Sweeping
  • Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)

Single Agent POMDP:

  • Incremental Pruning
  • Point Based Value Iteration (PBVI)
  • POMCP with UCB1

Fast Tutorial

In order to use this library you need to have some idea of what a Markov Decision Process (MDP) is. An MDP is a mathematical framework to work with an environment which evolves in discrete timestep, and where an agent can influence its evolution through actions.

A full-on explanation will likely require some math and complicated sounding terms, so I will explain with an example. The full documentation will include more details, and currently you can read each class documentation, which helps in understanding the whole picture.

Suppose you have a 10x10 cell grid world, with an agent in the middle. At each point, the agent can decide to move up, down, left or right. At any point in time, you can then describe this world by simply stating where the agent is (for example, the agent is in cell (5,5)). This description of the world is absolutely complete and does not require knowledge of the past: it is called a markovian "state". If knowledge of the past is required, for example to compute a speed that is then used to move the agent, you simply increase the dimensionality of the state (add a velocity term to it), until it is markovian again.

The agent can then influence the environment's state in the next timestep: it can choose to move, and where it moves will determine the environment next state. If it moves up, then the next state will be (5,6) with 100% probability. You can encode this type of movements in a transition table, that for each state will tell you the probability of ending in another state, given that the agent performs a certain action.

There is another part of an MDP: reward. Since we want the agent to move in an intelligent way, we need to tell it what "situations" are better than others. For example, we may want the agent to move in the top-left corner: thus every movement the agent does will give him 0 reward, but ending in the top-left corner will give him 1 reward.

This is all is needed to make this library work. Once you have encoded your problem in such a way, the code to solve it is generally something like:

auto model = make_my_model();
solver_type<decltype(model)> solver( solver_parameters );

auto solution = solver(model);

Or, for methods that compute the solutions not in one swoop but incrementally at each timestep the code looks like this:

auto model = make_my_model();
solver_type<decltype(model)> solver( model, solver_parameters );
policy_type policy( solver.getQFunction() );

for ( unsigned timestep = 0; timestep < max_timestep; ++timestep ) {
    size_t action = policy.sampleAction( current_state );

    std::tie(new_state, reward) = act( action );

    solver.update( current_state, action, new_state, reward);

In particular, states and actions in this library are represented as size_t variables, since for example an (x,y) position can be easily encoded in a single number.

The code currently in the test folder will help you understand the type of usage, and the documentation of each class will tell you what are they for.

Build Instructions

To build the library you need to install cmake and the boost library >= 1.53. In addition, C++11 support is required. If you want to build the POMDP part of the library, the lp_solve library is also required.

After that, you can simply execute the following commands from the project's main folder:

mkdir build
cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j

The static library files will be available directly in the build directory. At the moment two separate libraries are created: AIToolboxMDP and AIToolboxPOMDP. In case you want to link against the POMDP library, you will also need to link against the MDP one, since POMDP uses MDP functionality.

In case you do not want to build the whole library (due for example to the lp_solve requirements) you may specify to cmake what parts of the library you actually want to build, like so:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMAKE_MDP=1 ..   # Will only build the MDP algorithms
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMAKE_POMDP=1 .. # Will build both MDP and POMDP algorithms

A number of small tests are included which you can find in the test/ folder. You can execute them after building the project using the following command directly from the build directory, just after you finish make:


The tests also offer a brief introduction for the framework, waiting for a more complete descriptive write-up. Only the tests for the parts of the library that you compiled are going to be built.

To compile the library's documentation you need the Doxygen tool. To use it it is sufficient to execute the following command from the project's main folder:


After that the documentation will be generated into an html folder in the main directory.

Compiling a Program

To compile a program that uses this library, simply link it against libAIToolboxMDP.a and possibly both libAIToolboxPOMDP.a and all lp_solve libraries. Please note that since the POMDP code relies on the MDP code, you MUST link the MDP library after the POMDP one, otherwise it may result in undefined reference errors.


The latest documentation is available here. Keep in mind that it may not always be 100% up to date with the latest commits, while the one you compile yourself will of course be.


A C++ framework for MDPs and POMDPs







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