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479 lines (350 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

479 lines (350 loc) · 13.6 KB

Style Guide

We'll be using multiple Airbnb's style guides as "base" guides:

Since we're applying different eslint configs that are combined with Airbnb's config, large number of these rules are already enforced. Additional rules that can be applied to have an universal style of coding across apps:

Import statements

  • Group different types of import statements for better overview. Order should be:

    • absolute path default imports
      • 3rd party libs, e.g. import React from 'react'
      • local aliases, e.g. import App from 'components/App'
    • absolute path named imports
      • 3rd party libs, e.g. import { useWindowSize } from 'react-use'
      • local aliases, e.g. import { Breakpoints } from 'utils/shared'
    • relative path default imports
      • e.g. import SideMenu from './partials/SideMenu'
    • relative path named imports
      • e.g. import { Breakpoints } from '../utils/shared'
    • style imports
      • e.g. import styles from './app.module.scss or import styles from ./

    There should be an empty line between import groups.

    Prefer default imports when available. E.g. import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty instead of import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'. Results in a smaller bundle size (depending on your bundler).

    Install to fix import errors automatically.

  • Full example WITHOUT path aliasing:

    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    import { useMount, useUnmount, useWindowSize } from 'react-use';
    import Text from '../../components/Text';
    import Navbar from '../../components/Navbar';
    import GettingStarted from './partials/GettingStarted';
    import SideMenu from './partials/SideMenu';
    import { Body, Flex } from '../../components/Layout';
    import { faq, Category } from '../../config/faq';
    import { filterQA } from './Help.helpers';
    import styles from './help.module.scss';
  • Full example WITH path aliasing:

    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    import Text from 'components/Text';
    import Navbar from 'components/Navbar';
    import { useMount, useUnmount, useWindowSize } from 'react-use';
    import { Body, Flex } from 'components/Layout';
    import { faq, Category } from 'config/faq';
    import GettingStarted from './partials/GettingStarted';
    import SideMenu from './partials/SideMenu';
    import { filterQA } from './Help.helpers';
    import styles from './help.module.scss';

Project structure


  • Every component in src/components should have the following structure:
    └── components
    └──── ComponentName
    └─────── __tests__
    └────────── ComponentName.test.tsx
    └─────── HelperComponent (if needed)
    └────────── HelperComponent.tsx
    └────────── index.ts
    └─────── ComponentName.tsx
    └─────── withComponentName.tsx (HOC, if necessary)
    └─────── index.ts


  • Every context component in src/contexts extends the src/components/* structure.
    └── contexts
    └──── index.ts (can be used to export all contexts from this directory - not required)
    └──── AuthContext
    └─────── __tests__
    └────────── AuthContext.test.tsx
    └─────── AuthContext.tsx
    └─────── withAuth.tsx (if necessary)
    └─────── useAuth.ts (if necessary)
    └─────── index.ts


  • Simple collection of use*.ts files. All hooks must start with use prefix.
    └── hooks
    └──── index.ts (can be used to export all hooks from this directory - not required)
    └──── useDocumentTitle.ts



  • Usually, here we store utility classes and helper functions that are used across the app.
  • Outline structure should look something like:
    └── functions (can be just a collection of .ts files)
    └───── e.g. objects.ts
    └── static (collection of static classes)
    └───── e.g. ScriptUtils


Component structure

Functional component (arrow function)

import React from 'react';

interface MyComponentProps {}
type MyComponentProps = {};

const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = props => {};

export default MyComponent;

Functional component (regular function)

import React from 'react';

interface MyComponentProps {}
type MyComponentProps = {};

function MyComponent(props: MyComponentProps) {}

export default MyComponent;

Functional component with generic props

import React from 'react';

interface MyComponentProps<T> extends T {}
type MyComponentProps<T> = T & {};

function MyComponent<T>(props: MyComponentProps<T>) {}

export default MyComponent;


import React from 'react';

import { User } from './some-typings';

interface CurrentUserContextValues {
  user: User | undefined;

export const CurrentUserContext = React.createContext<CurrentUserContextValues>({ user: undefined });
export const useCurrentUserContext = (): CurrentUserContextValues => React.useContext(CurrentUserContext);

Context (with wrapper)

import React from 'react';

import { User } from './some-typings';

interface CurrentUserContextValues {
  user: User | undefined;
// Or if we need to save both state and some actions in the context
interface CurrentUserContextValues {
  state: {
    user: User | undefined;
  actions: {
    setUser(user: User): void;
    resetUser(): Promise<void>;

interface CurrentUserProviderProps {
  id: string;

const CurrentUserContext = React.createContext<CurrentUserContextValues>({ user: undefined });
// or
const CurrentUserContext = React.createContext<CurrentUserContextValues>({
  state: {
    user: undefined,
  actions: {
    setUser() {},
    async resetUser() {},
// or useCurrentUserCtx -- if the name of the hook clashes with another hook
export const useCurrentUser = (): CurrentUserContextValues => React.useContext(CurrentUserContext);

const CurrentUserProvider: React.FC<CurrentUserProviderProps> = ({ children, id }) => {
  const [user, setUser] = useState<User>();

  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, [id]);

  return <MyContext.Provider value={{ user }}>{children}</MyContext.Provider>;

export default CurrentUserProvider;

Regular Hook (arrow function)

import React from 'react';

type UseSomethingHook = () => void;

const useSomething: UseSomethingHook = () => {};

export default useSomething;

Regular Hook (regular function)

import React from 'react';

function useSomething(): void;

function useSomething() {}

export default useSomething;

Regular Hook (with options and return type)

import React from 'react';

interface UseSomethingOptions {}
interface UseSomethingPayload {}

type UseSomethingHook = (options: UseSomethingOptions) => UseSomethingPayload;

const useSomething: UseSomethingHook = () => {};

export default useSomething;

Regular Hook (with generic options)

import React from 'react';

interface UseSomethingOptions<C> extends C {}
interface UseSomethingPayload {}

function useSomething<C>(options: UseSomethingOptions<C>): UseSomethingPayload;

function useSomething<C>(options: UseSomethingOptions<C>): UseSomethingPayload {}

export default useSomething;

Regular Hook (with generic options and payload)

import React from 'react';

interface UseSomethingOptions<C> extends C {}
interface UseSomethingPayload<P> extends P {}

function useSomething<C, P>(options: UseSomethingOptions<C>): UseSomethingPayload<P>;

function useSomething<C, P>(options: UseSomethingOptions<C>): UseSomethingPayload<P> {}

export default useSomething;


  • There should be an empty line before return statements - makes it more visible

  • Use of hooks is strongly encouraged

  • Styles should be kept outside of the component, but inside the current folder

  • Prefer functional over class components

  • Avoid one-line returns

  • Avoid unnecessary exports

  • If you need to define multiple helper functions/interfaces/constants (let's call them "helpers") that are scoped for a certain component, create a new file inside the component directory called <ComponentName>.helpers.ts (or <ComponentName>.helpers.tsx if you need to render elements) and export the helpers from there. That way we'll also enable subcomponents to use those helpers without having to deal with circular dependency

  • When using CSS (or SCSS) modules, root element in the component body should have a class called .container. Optionally, it can be wrapped with .root class for increased selector specificity. This also allows for an easier overview when inspecting elements since the class name is constructed from the file name + class name + hash.

    import React from 'react';
    import styles from './my_component.module.scss';
    const MyComponent: React.FC = () => (
      <div className={styles.container}>
        <button className={styles.button}>Click me</button>
    // When inspecting element
    <div class="my_component_container__h87f3">
      <button class="my_component_button__390f2f">Click me</button>
  • When defining colors, we should follow the Material Color System naming convention. Alternative colors (colors that are not defined as primary, secondary, error, success, etc.) should be named in the following way:

    [color]-[weight] -> where the color represents the color name (red, green, purple, etc.) and and weight represents a number between 100 and 900 (with a step of 100; or in case there are really similar colors, a step of 50), with 100 being the lightest variant and 900 being the darkest variant.

  • Required props should be listed before optional ones

  • Events should start with the on prefix; event handlers should start with the handle prefix; both prefixes can be omitted if the name of the function clearly indicates what it does. Make sure the names of the events and handlers are easy to read and that the word flow is natural. General naming structure can be described like this:

    Events: on<subject?><action> where subject is optional because sometimes it can be implied what the event refers to.
    Examples: onClick, onArrowClick, toggleLoading

    Event handlers: handle<subject?><action> where subject is optional because sometimes it can be implied what the handler refers to.
    Examples: handleClick, handleTableRowClick, submitForm, closeModal

    import React from 'react';
    interface ComponentProps {
      // Event
      onClick(id: string): void;
    const Component: React.FC<ComponentProps> = ({ onClick }) => {
      // Event handler
      const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
        const {
          currentTarget: { id },
        } = e;
      return (
        <button onClick={handleClick} id="some-id">
          Click me
    import React from 'react';
    interface ModalProps {
      // Event
      onClose(): void;
    const Modal: React.FC<ModalProps> = ({ onClose }) => {
      // Event handler
      const handleClose = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
        // do some side effects
      return (
            <h3>Modal title</h3>
            {/* If we don't need to to any side effects we can pass in `onClose` directly to `onClick` */}
            <button onClick={handleClose}>X</button>
          <div>Modal content</div>
    import React from 'react';
    const Counter: React.FC<CounterProps> = () => {
      const [count, setCount] = useState<number>(0);
      const decrementCount = () => {
        setCount(prev => prev - 1);
      const incrementCount = () => {
        setCount(prev => prev - 1);
      // Or if we want to have a single handler for decrementing/incrementing
      const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
        const {
          currentTarget: { value },
        } = e;
        setCount(prev => (action === 'decrement' ? prev - 1 : prev + 1));
      return (
            // onClick={handleClick}
            // value="decrement"
            // onClick={handleClick}
            // value="increment"
  • Add your recommendation here...