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Adding entity relationship diagram
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jeremyf committed May 16, 2017
1 parent aca8c4a commit e9baf81
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* [License](#license)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Development](#development)
* [Workflow Relationship Diagram](#workflow-relationship-diagram)
* [Release process](#release-process)
* [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)

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The [Hyrax Development Guide]( is for people who want to modify Hyrax itself, not an application that uses Hyrax.

## Entity Relationship Diagram

* [Entity Relationship Diagram](./artifacts/entity-relationship-diagram.pdf)

# Release process

See the [release management process](
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions artifacts/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
digraph models_diagram {
graph[overlap=false, splines=true]
node[shape=Mrecord margin="0.25, 0.125"]
label="Hyrax Admin Set and Workflow ERD\nClick on the nodes to see the source code"

subgraph 0 {
node[color=green penwidth=2]
"AdminSet" [label="{ AdminSet | Root concept for deposit }" URL="";]
"PermissionTemplate" [label="{ Hyrax::PermissionTemplate | Permissions to apply\nto deposited items }" URL="";]
"Sipity::Workflow" [label="{ Sipity::Workflow | State machine for \ntransitioning Work's state }" URL="";]

subgraph 2 {
node[color=blue penwidth=2]
"Sipity::Agent" [label="{ Sipity::Agent | proxy for user or group }" URL="";]
"User" [label="{ User | \<Conceptual\> }"]
"Group" [label="{ Group | \<Conceptual\> }"]
"GroupMembership" [label="{ GroupMembership | \<Conceptual\> }"]

subgraph 3 {
"Sipity::EntitySpecificResponsibility" [label="{ Sipity::EntitySpecificResponsibility | The given Sipity::Agent\n has the given role\n for all works in this workflow }" URL="";]
"Sipity::WorkflowAction" [label="{ Sipity::WorkflowState | The valid actions\n for the given workflow }"] [URL="";]
"Sipity::WorkflowResponsibility" [label="{ Sipity::WorkflowResponsibility | The given Sipity::Agent\n has the given role\n for all works in this workflow }" URL="";]
"Sipity::WorkflowRole" [label="{ Sipity::WorkflowRole | The valid roles \n for the given workflow }" URL="";]
"Sipity::WorkflowState" [label="{ Sipity::WorkflowState | The valid states\n for the given workflow }"] [URL="";]
"Sipity::WorkflowStateAction" [label="{ Sipity::WorkflowStateAction | The actions that can\n be taken for the\n given workflow & state }" URL="";]
"Sipity::WorkflowStateActionPermission" [label="{ Sipity::WorkflowStateActionPermission | The role required to \n take the action \n for the given workflow }" URL="";]
"Sipity::Role" [label="{ Sipity::Role | All of the named \n roles for the site }" URL="";]

subgraph 1 {
node[color=red penwidth=2]
"AbstractWork" [label="{ Work | \<Conceptual\> | \<Generated\> }"]
"Sipity::Entity" [label="{ Sipity::Entity | A database proxy for \n a Work in Fedora }" URL="";]

"AdminSet" -> "PermissionTemplate" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"User" -> "GroupMembership" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Group" -> "GroupMembership" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"PermissionTemplate" -> "Sipity::Workflow" [label="possible" arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"PermissionTemplate" -> "Sipity::Workflow" [label="active" arrowtail=none, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"Sipity::Entity" -> "Sipity::Workflow" [arrowtail=crow, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"AbstractWork" -> "AdminSet" [arrowtail=crow, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"Sipity::Entity" -> "AbstractWork" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"Sipity::Entity" -> "Sipity::EntitySpecificResponsibility" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Agent" -> "Sipity::EntitySpecificResponsibility" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowRole" -> "Sipity::EntitySpecificResponsibility" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Workflow" -> "Sipity::WorkflowState" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Workflow" -> "Sipity::WorkflowAction" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Workflow" -> "Sipity::WorkflowRole" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowAction" -> "Sipity::WorkflowStateAction" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowState" -> "Sipity::WorkflowStateAction" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowStateAction" -> "Sipity::WorkflowStateActionPermission" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowRole" -> "Sipity::WorkflowStateActionPermission" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Role" -> "Sipity::WorkflowRole" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowRole" -> "Sipity::WorkflowResponsibility" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Agent" -> "Sipity::WorkflowResponsibility" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
"Sipity::Agent" -> "Group" [label="as proxy" arrowtail=none, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"Sipity::Agent" -> "User" [label="as proxy" arrowtail=none, arrowhead=none, dir=both]
"Sipity::WorkflowState" -> "Sipity::Entity" [arrowtail=none, arrowhead=crow, dir=both]
Binary file added artifacts/entity-relationship-diagram.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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