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392 lines (327 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (327 loc) · 12.6 KB


import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import; import; import; import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured; import com.jayway.restassured.path.json.JsonPath; import com.jayway.restassured.response.Response;

public class DriverScript extends TestBase { private String requestURL; private String headerKey; private String headerValue; private String requestName; private String requestParam; private String expectedResponseCode; private String requestBody; private String contentType; private String requestMethod; private String responseKeySet; private String errorName; private String tcid; private String fileoutpath;

private int currentTestcase;
private boolean testFailed = false;
private String urlParameters;
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DriverScript.class);

 * This method is the main method that starts the execution.
 * @throws IOException
public void run() throws IOException {
	clearResults();"Test Execution started.");

	for (currentTestcase = 2; currentTestcase <= reader.getRowCount(Constants.SHEET_NAME); currentTestcase++) {
		HashMap<String, String> rowData = reader.getRowData(Constants.SHEET_NAME, currentTestcase);
		String runMode = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_RUN_MODE).trim();
		tcid = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_TCID).trim();

		if (runMode.equalsIgnoreCase("YES")) {
			// Initialize all the values from test data sheet
			Response response = getResponse();
			if (response != null) {
				FileUtil.createFile(fileoutpath, tcid + "_Response.txt", response.asString());

				// Updating the pass result only if there is no failure
				if (!testFailed) {
		} else {"Test Skipped : " + tcid);

 * The method clears all the previous test results from the test data sheet.
private void clearResults() {"Clearing all the Test results from Excel sheet");
	for (currentTestcase = 2; currentTestcase <= reader.getRowCount(Constants.SHEET_NAME); currentTestcase++) {
		reader.setCellData(Constants.SHEET_NAME, Constants.COLUMN_FAILURE_CAUSE, currentTestcase, "");
	testFailed = false;

 * Initialize all the required parameters for a web service call.
 * @param rowData
private void initialize(HashMap<String, String> rowData) {
	requestURL           = Constants.URL + rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_API).trim();
	headerKey            = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_HEADER_KEY).trim();
	headerValue          = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_HEADER_VALUE).trim();
	requestName          = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_REQUEST_NAME).trim();
	requestParam         = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_REQUEST_PARAM).trim();
	expectedResponseCode = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_RESPONSE_CODE).trim();
	requestMethod        = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_REQUEST_METHOD).trim();
	contentType          = Constants.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON;
	requestBody          = generateValidRequestBody(requestName, requestParam);
	errorName            = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_ERROR_NAME).trim();
	responseKeySet       = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_RESPONSE_KEY).trim();
	fileoutpath	         = getFileOutPath(currentTimeStamp);
	urlParameters        = rowData.get(Constants.COLUMN_URL_PARAMETERS);

 * Call the web service and get the response.
 * @return
private Response getResponse() {
	Response response = null;
	try {

		if (requestMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
			// Call POST service
			FileUtil.createFile(fileoutpath, tcid + "_Request.txt", requestBody);
			response = RestAssured.given().headers(headerKey, headerValue)
		} else if (requestMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
			// Call GET service
			response = RestAssured.given().headers(headerKey, headerValue)
	} catch (Exception exception) {
		testFailed(exception.getLocalizedMessage());, exception);

	return response;

 * Check the HTTP response status code and validate the reponse. If 200 OK,
 * assert the response with the values from DB If 400, 499, assert the error
 * details in the response body with values in the
 * file.
 * @param response
private void validateResponse(Response response) {

	int actualResponseCode = response.getStatusCode();
	int expResponseCode = (int) Float.parseFloat(expectedResponseCode);

	if (actualResponseCode == expResponseCode) {
		if (actualResponseCode == 200) {
		} else if (actualResponseCode == 400 || actualResponseCode == 499) {
		} else {"The response code does not fall in 200/400/499, " + actualResponseCode);
			testFailed("The response code does not fall in 200/400/499, " + actualResponseCode);
	} else {	    
		testFailed("Exp response: " + expResponseCode + " Act response: " + actualResponseCode);"Exp response: " + expResponseCode + " Act response: " + actualResponseCode);

 * When HTTP Response Code 200, use this method to validate the response
 * obtained against DB values.
 * @param response
private void validateValidResponse(Response response) {

	// Fetching the JSON response
	JsonPath json = response.getBody().jsonPath();

	// Read the expected response values to be validated
	String[] responseKeys = responseKeySet.split(",");

	// TODO Validate against DB
	for (int i = 0; i < responseKeys.length; i++) {
		String key = responseKeys[i].trim();
		String actualValue = json.getString(key);
		System.out.println(key + "-----" + actualValue);

 * When HTTP Response Code 400/499, use this method to validate the error
 * response obtained against the values in properties file.
 * @param response
private void validateErrorResponse(Response response) {
	// Fetching the JSON response
	JsonPath json = response.getBody().jsonPath();

	// Get the expected error details from Property files
	String[] expValues = errorCodesProp.getProperty(errorName).split(",");

	// Read the expected response values to be validated
	String[] responseKeys = responseKeySet.split(",");

	// Validating the error response details
	for (int count = 0; count < expValues.length; count++) {
		String ActualValue = json.getString((responseKeys[count].trim()));
		if (!expValues[count].equalsIgnoreCase(ActualValue)) {		
			testFailed("Test Failed : Expected : " + expValues[count] + " Actual : " + ActualValue);"Test Failed : Expected : " + expValues[count] + " Actual : " + ActualValue);

 * Get the json request defined in the file
 * @param requestName
 * @return
private String getRequestSchema(String requestName) {
	return requestProp.getProperty(requestName);

 * Generates a valid json request from the json obatained from the
 * properties file. Uses the request parameters provided in the Excel sheet
 * to form a valid Json Request body.
 * @param requestName
 * @param requestParam
 * @return
private String generateValidRequestBody(String requestName,
		String requestParam) {
	if (requestMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
		String request = getRequestSchema(requestName);
		HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = generateRequestParamsMap(requestParam);
		String finalRequest = replaceRequestParameters(request, paramsMap);
		return finalRequest.trim();
	return null;

 * Replace the place holder parameters in the URL with valid parameter values
 * obtained from excel sheet.
 * @param urlParams
private void replaceURLParameters(String urlParams) {	
		HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = generateRequestParamsMap(urlParams);
		requestURL = replaceRequestParameters(requestURL, paramsMap);

private void writeURLToFile(String reqURL){
	try {
		FileUtil.createFile(fileoutpath, tcid + "_Url.txt", reqURL);
	} catch (IOException e) {

 * Generates a map of key value parameters from a string in the format:
 * "key:value,key1:value1..." -->
 * @param params
 * @return
private HashMap<String, String> generateRequestParamsMap(String params) {
	HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
	String[] paramSet = params.split(",");
	for (int i = 0; i < paramSet.length; i++) {
		String[] param = paramSet[i].split(":");
		if (param[1].equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
			param[1] = "";
		paramsMap.put(param[0].trim(), param[1].trim());
	return paramsMap;

 * Replace the placeholder request parameters in the json request body with
 * the values in a HashMap.
 * @param requestBody
 * @param params
 * @return
private String replaceRequestParameters(String requestBody, HashMap<String, String> params) {
	for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
		requestBody = requestBody.replace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
	return requestBody;

 * Get the output filepath with timstamp as the last folder
 * in the folder structure. 
 * @return
private String getFileOutPath(String timestamp) {
	return System.getProperty("user.dir") + Constants.TEST_OUTPUT_PATH + "\\" + timestamp + "\\ ";

 * Set the Test_Result column in excel sheet as Skipped.
private void testSkipped() {
	reader.setCellData(Constants.SHEET_NAME, Constants.COLUMN_TEST_RESULT, currentTestcase, Constants.TEST_SKIP);

 * Set the Test_Result column in excel sheet as Passed.
private void testPassed() {
	reader.setCellData(Constants.SHEET_NAME, Constants.COLUMN_TEST_RESULT, currentTestcase, Constants.TEST_PASSED);

 * Set the Test_Result column in excel sheet as Failed. And also sets the
 * failure cause in Failure_Cause column.
private void testFailed(String failureCause) {"Test Failed : " + failureCause);
	reader.setCellData(Constants.SHEET_NAME, Constants.COLUMN_TEST_RESULT, currentTestcase, Constants.TEST_FAILED);
	reader.setCellData(Constants.SHEET_NAME, Constants.COLUMN_FAILURE_CAUSE, currentTestcase, failureCause);
	testFailed = true;




public class Constants {

//public static final String URL = ""; public static final String URL = ""; public static final String REQUEST_PROP_PATH = "\src\com\amex\config\request\"; public static final String ERROR_CODES_PROP_PATH = "\src\com\amex\config\errorhandles\"; public static final String SHEET_NAME = "Sheet1"; public static final String TESTDATA_PATH = "\src\com\amex\testdata\API_Details.xlsx"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json"; public static final String TEST_OUTPUT_PATH = "\Test_Output_files";

public static final String COLUMN_TCID = "TCID"; public static final String COLUMN_API = "API"; public static final String COLUMN_HEADER_KEY = "Header_Key"; public static final String COLUMN_HEADER_VALUE = "Header_Value"; public static final String COLUMN_URL_PARAMETERS = "Url_Parameters"; public static final String COLUMN_REQUEST_NAME = "Request_Name"; public static final String COLUMN_REQUEST_PARAM = "Request_Parameters"; public static final String COLUMN_RESPONSE_CODE = "Expected_Response_Code"; public static final String COLUMN_REQUEST_METHOD = "Request_Method"; public static final String COLUMN_ERROR_NAME = "Error_Name"; public static final String COLUMN_RESPONSE_KEY = "Response_Keys"; public static final String COLUMN_RUN_MODE = "Run_Mode"; public static final String COLUMN_TEST_RESULT = "Test_Result"; public static final String COLUMN_FAILURE_CAUSE = "Failure_Cause";

public static final String TEST_SKIP = "Skipped"; public static final String TEST_PASSED = "Passed"; public static final String TEST_FAILED = "Failed";
