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FPC templates

This directory contains several useful FPC templates that allow varying types and degrees of control over the checking process. The test harnesses in the collection of examples supplied with the distribution are coded against these certificate definitions, but can be checked against any other certificate.

The simple FPC

This template aims to be simple to read and write without sacrificing raw power in the sense of the proofs that it can find compared to others, in particular the administrative FPC.

It indexes stored formulas and lemmas by simple names, i.e., strings. A special (but not reserved) name "local" is used to refer to local formulas where needed.

Certificate constructors

The FPC defines several families of certificates. They are meant to be modular and usable independently from one another, but they can be mixed in some meaningful ways that will be mentioned.

Note that Bedwyr operates under the closed world assumption and this fact imposes that all clerk and expert definitions cover all families in one go, making them seem somewhat more complex than they actually are.

Atomic blocks

These are constructors that fully characterize a region of the proof search space. Being self-contained, and in the interest of simplicity, they manage their own limited bookkeeping needs.

  • (induction B AU SU AC SC): do the obvious (co)induction and perform bounded search as explained next.
  • (inductionS B AU SU AC SC S): like (induction B AU SU AC SC) using S as invariant.
  • (apply B AU SU AC SC): perform bounded search as explained next.
  • search: apply the initial rules to finish the proof.

Bounded proof search depends on the following set of parameters:

  • After the current negative-positive phase bipole, proof search may proceed up to B additional bipoles deeper, but no more.
  • For each bipole following the current one, up to AU asynchronous unfolding operations may be performed during the negative phase.
  • For each bipole following the current one, up to SU synchronous unfolding operations may be performed during the positive phase.
  • For the remainder of the current bipole, up to AC asynchronous unfolding operations may be performed during the negative phase.
  • For the remainder of the current bipole, up to SC synchronous unfolding operations may be performed during the positive phase.

Technically, AC and SC are decrementing counters initialized to AU and SU, respectively, at the beginning of each bipole. There aren't many good reasons to supply a certificate where the initial bipole counters are unequal to the general bounds, and in this sense the certificate constructors are simple, but a bit verbose.

In principle, any theorem provable by the obvious induction followed by application of known lemmas must have a certificate of the form (induction B A S A S) for suitable values of B, A, S. Even more, any certificate (induction B' A' S' A' S') with B'B, A'A, S'S, must succeed to prove the theorem as it is merely allowed to search strictly more deeply than the first certificate.

This assumes that bounded search is implemented correctly in the framework of the kernel. Of course, this will not be over quickly (and Bedwyr's lack of emphasis on performance doesn't help here), but it should be possible to prove many simple, tedious results with very little effort.

We said "in principle" above because Bedwyr's implementation throws errors upon encountering certain unification problems outside the scope of the G logic. This limitation will be removed in the near future.

Decision trees

These constructors represent the structure of a proof more faithfully, notably by including relevant branching and decision events. They are fully local and need no explicit bookkeeping.

  • (induction? C): do the obvious (co)induction on the first available fixed point and continue the proof using certificate C. (Note that freezing is not forbidden, so search can be a bit more complex than that, but has not been tested. Induction anywhere other than opening a proof doesn't work well yet.)
  • (inductionS? CL CR S): like (induction? C) using S as invariant, and continue the proof using CL and CR along each branch.
  • (case? A CL CR): in the current negative phase, look for the first left or. Apply the asynchronous unfolding operation at most A times to get to one such connective. To continue proof search, use certificates CL and CR for the left and right branch, respectively.
  • (apply? A S I C): finish the current bipole, and until that point perform at most A asynchronous unfolding operations and S synchronous unfolding operations. Use index I to select a formula for the positive phase. When the bipole is closed, use certificate C to continue proof search.

To close a branch in a nested certificate, simply use an atomic block. If decision trees mimic proof scripts closely, this will most often be the simple search.

Finally, to specify an index, give the name N of the lemma or local decision inside the index constructor (idx N).

Certificate pairs and elaborations

Certificates do not necessarily exist in isolation. They can complement one another, for example by providing separate pieces of information that together guide proof search more effectively. A certificate pair constructor provides the basic framework for this development.

  • (pair# C1 C2): search for a proof using certificates C1 and C2 in parallel.

Clerks and experts treat certificate pairs simply by decomposing them and essentially calling themselves recursively on each half, compounding their individual results (e.g., continuation certificates) in result pairs. An obvious consequence is that the collection of index constructors must be extended (internally) with an "index pair" constructor. Where certificate pairs are used, so will index pairs, everywhere except to decide on lemmas: these are external and unconcerned with the fact that complex indexing schemes are being used behind the scenes.

A straightforward application of pairing is certificate elaboration. In a simple scenario, two certificates are given: a first full certificate that drives proof search and a second certificate, in lockstep with the first and missing some pieces of information that will be filled out as the two proceed with their exploration of the search space. The second certificate is essentially a copy of the first with some extra parameters, unspecified at the outset.

If we compare the two previous families of certificates, i.e., atomic blocks and decision trees, the most significant difference between them is the absence of decisional information in the former. It is clear that any successful proof must somehow figure out this information, so we can define variants of the block certificates with an additional structure to represent this:

  • (induction# B AU SU AC SC D): like (induction B AU SU AC SC) with decisions handled as explained next.
  • (apply# B AU SU AC SC D): like (apply B AU SU AC SC) with decisions handled as explained next.

In these certificates, D is a decision tree that represents all branching points (left ors) and decisions with their corresponding indexes.

Now we can take a certificate pair like (pair# (induction B A S A S) (induction# B A S A S D)) where only D is unknown and proof search will work as if given the block certificate on its own. However, the tree of decisions will be recorded in D, and if proof search succeeds this information will substantially limit the amount of searching necessary in any future executions. We may even elaborate it into a nested certificate of the second kind.


Marshalled forms are provided for block certificates to reflect the fact that when someone writes (induction B A S A S) or (apply B A S A S), they should not have to bother initializing (even more, correctly and redundantly) the current bipole counters. To this end, the following shorthand forms are declared:

  • (induction! B A S): becomes (induction B A S A S).
  • (apply! B A S): becomes (apply B A S A S).


  • Nested induction and coinduction are unsupported (limited by the kernel).

  • Bound range limitations.

    Bedwyr's pervasive signature defines the type of natural constants nat with the usual syntax. A significant limitation is that only equality is built in; no arithmetic operators are available. Moreover, they can only be implemented as operation tables.

    The simple FPC uses decrementing as the sole arithmetic primitive. An operator predicate is supplied for an interval [0, N] of the natural line and should be adjusted (perhaps automatically) if greater bounds are needed. By default, N = 20.


See the main README for a guided tutorial.

The administrative FPC

This experimental template errs on the side of detail. Its certificates (can) provide a significant amount of hand-holding to direct proof search accurately. On a high level, it is structurally similar to, and the direct foundation of, the simple FPC, with some important differences.

A general-purpose index is defined for storage of formulas. It consists of two parts:

  • A numeric index encoded as a Peano numeral with an additional don't-care value.
  • A Boolean index that labels and describes a formula, as explained below.

For lemmas, the numeric index will be a don't-care value and the Boolean index will be a simple name, i.e., that of the lemma. For local formulas, the numeric index will be a unique identifier and the Boolean index will hold bookkeeping information.

A word of caution is due. In general, the smart strategies enabled by this certificate will tend to be rather verbose. This is primarily because the current kernel is very opaque and disallows all inspection of its internal state. Read-only access would simplify matters considerably and add robustness. Lacking these capabilities, the only way for clerks and experts to "synchronize" with what the kernel is doing is to mimic the relevant pathways of its internal state. This is an ugly hack at best, and very brittle, even if the kernel is meant to be extremely stable. Improvements in this area are planned.

The inception of the FPC control structures was informed by the Tac style of proof search, and subsequently refined. These structures are the subject of most of the following subsections, and vestigial assumptions will be mentioned where appropriate.

Certificate constructors

The constructors in this FPC form a single family of tactics, similar to though more subtle in their interactions than the ones in the simple FPC.

  • (induction Ctrl NamesB Cert): do the obvious (co)induction on the first available fixed point, constrained by Ctrl, and continue the proof using Cert. Use NamesB to give names to the components of the fixed point, as explained below.
  • (inductionS Ctrl S NamesB NamesS Cert): do (co)induction on the first available fixed point, constrained by Ctrl. Continue the proof using bounded search constrained by Ctrl for the base case and Cert for the inductive case. Use NamesB to give names to the components of the fixed point, as explained below. Use S as induction invariant and NamesS to give names to its components, as explained below.
  • (case Ctrl CertL CertR): do asynchronous case analysis (left or), constrained by Ctrl. Continue the proof using CertL and CertR for the left and right branch, respectively.
  • (apply Ctrl Idx Names Cert): do bounded search, constrained by Ctrl. Use Idx for the next global decision. Use Names to give names to the components of the lemma, as explained below. Continue the proof using Cert.
  • (search Ctrl): do bounded search constrained by Ctrl, except induction and global decisions.

Control structure

All certificates share a common control structure that maintains bounds and bookkeeping parameters to constrain proof search. There is some variability in the way these parameters are used by the FPC, as will be seen. The structure has the form:

(ctrl Limits Names)

Here Names represents a naming structure that will be the subject of the next heading. Now we will devote our attention to the bounds and bookkeeping structure Limits, which in turn is of the following shape:

(limits D N L UL UR UM LN LL RR)

All the parameters are naturals represented as Peano numerals. They conform several groups, usually distributed in pairs where explicit bookkeeping becomes necessary.

  • D is the depth in number of bipoles that proof search is allowed to inspect. After becoming zero, a release from the positive to the negative phase is no longer possible.
  • N and L are bookkeeping counters for the local storage of formulas. Each formula to be stored is assigned a unique numeric index given by L, which is then incremented. Local decisions pick a number in the [0, L - 1] interval iterated by N. Both parameters should be initialized to zero. Both are meant to start at zero.
  • UL is the maximum number of times that unfolding may be performed on the left for the current certificate.
  • UR and UM are bookkeeping counters giving the maximum number of times that unfolding may be performed on the right for the current positive-negative phase and after each successive decision, respectively.
  • LN and LL are internal bookkeeping counters to restrict global decision on lemmas. The current version of the FPC does not make use of them.
  • RR is a special permission that allows bipoles to end with a right release rule, otherwise disallowed.

There are some interesting differences when we compare this with the much more orthogonal configuration used in the simple FPC. They come from an original application to Tac-like proofs involving least fixed points almost exclusively, and extended only later to greatest fixed points. The treatment of unfoldings is most telling, divided in left and right vs. asynchronous and synchronous. Right unfoldings (usually synchronous) are reset on each decision on the assumption that they constitute the computational bulk of the lot, whereas left unfoldings are seen as essentially analytic. The special treatment of release on the right reinforces this.

The use of nested certificates, generally necessary to express complex proofs efficiently, blurs most of these distinctions, even for the mirrored treatment of coinduction and greatest fixed points, which would appear to be somewhat more involved. In this case, only minor differences are apparent.

Naming structure

Now we turn our attention to the second component of certificate control. Consider the example of proof scripts written, say, in Abella. It is remarkable that a script consists of a sequence of decisions, and these can be turned into a certificate. In addition to selecting formulas and lemmas, an important part of the instructions is the set of hypotheses that are used to instantiate each formula that the proof operates upon.

This information has been absent from our certificates so far, which means backtracking search must be applied to find a right combination of values, if one indeed exists. In some cases this will be easy, but in others much time will be wasted applying, say, sequences of lemmas that make no sense, or using the wrong parameters, leading in the end to complex proof attempts that must be discarded.

Syntactically, a formula can be seen as a tree whose nodes are the logical connectives and whose leaves are chosen among the Boolean constants, the fixed point operators and the equality operator. Interestingly, unfolding operations can expand a fixed point leaf into a new subtree.

Given this interpretation, a naming structure associated to a formula is another tree that replicates the branching structure of the first, at least down to each and every one of its fixed points, and gives them names. For example, the body of the fixed point for addition:

(some K\ some M\ some N\ and
  (eq Args (K ++ M ++ N ++ argv))
      (eq K zero)
      (eq M N)
    (some K'\ some N'\ and
        (eq K (succ K'))
        (eq N (succ N'))
      (Pred (K' ++ M ++ N' ++ argv))

May become:

      (name "H1")

Here linear branching (the quantifiers) is omitted from the syntax, and those branches, simple or not, that do not contain any fixed points can be given arbitrary identifiers because they will never be used to constrain the initial rules that result in instantiation of fixed points, when used as atoms.

An additional precision regarding granularity is in order. If a leaf in a naming tree covers an entire subformula, all leaves in the formula will be given the name of the closest corresponding leaf in the naming structure. In this way it is easy to declare "buckets" of formulas that can be selected using a single name. For this reason anonymous variables should not be used for don't-care branches. Instead, some other identifier is necessary.

The essence of naming structures is giving labels to the atoms in a formula so that they can be matched with the contents of the context, in particular frozen atoms acting as hypotheses. Formulas have no annotations, so these have to be provided separately and in parallel. There are a few points where this is possible. But first we need to consider how these structures are integrated in the certificate constructors.

First we need to consider what the second member of the control structure does. We have mentioned that the current implementation of logic formulas is unannotated, but we still want to maintain some hypothesis naming information for each relevant formula. We have also established that locally stored formulas can hold this information in the Boolean half of their indexes, and so there remain two parts of the sequent that lack indexing information: the list of formulas being processed on the left, and the goal formula on the right. These two will be stored in the second member:

(names Delta Goal)

The trick creates a new requirement for the certificate: it must be aware of the ways the kernel moves formulas around the sequent and replicate them exactly in this control structure. This is a strong dependency that must be handled carefully. By design, soundness is never at risk, though failure to keep track of (exceptional) changes to the kernel would mean the pieces will not fit together any more, and hypothesis naming would become unusable. (The predictable solution is a slightly more transparent kernel that remains functionally sealed.)

The root constructor of a certificate has to match the structure of the theorem that is to be proved. If no naming features will be used, the following suffices:

(names nil (name "X"))

Initially, the list of formulas in progress is always empty. Using a single name for all stored formulas is effectively the same as not performing any name selection whatsoever. On the other hand, consider a theorem of the form:

A -> B -> C

If we want to identify A with hypothesis "H1", B with "H2" and C with the goal "G", we may write:

(names nil (split (name "H1") (split (name "H2") (name "G"))))

Similarly, suppose there is in our collection a lemma of the form:

D -> E

If our original A matches D, we may infer E from it. We can guide selection by a certificate that supplies the name of this lemma and furthermore picks the right hypotheses based on the names we gave them. So we would select "H1" and give a new name to the conclusion, e.g. "H3". We would write:

(split (name "H1") (name "H3"))

The remaining important entry point of naming structures are the induction certificates. These will always take a naming structure giving names to the unfolding of the fixed point that is being induced upon. This means that we need to know what our desired induction is, which given our guided use of induction is a reasonable assumption.

For general induction, where the invariant is supplied by the certificate, an additional naming structure matching the invariant must be supplied. For the FPC to construct the naming structure that results from the induction rule, the naming structure of the unfolding must indicate which leaf corresponds to the place where the invariant (and its own naming structure) will be injected. This is marked by the reserved leaf (name "S").

Finally, consider that nested certificates inherit the state contained in the naming structures of their immediate predecessors. Their immediate values are of no consequence, as the state that will be passed to them cannot really be predicted. In this regard, only the root value is meaningful.



No marshalled constructors are currently declared, but can be used to hide internal bookkeeping and initialization from public certificates while preserving the general forms given here. A few running counters have as their main function making selection more efficient and keeping some implementation details relatively simple in the certificate. Besides that, they are useful for debugging purposes.


  • Nested induction and coinduction are unsupported (limited by the kernel).

  • Obvious coinduction does not support naming structures fully.


The dummy FPC

This certificate doesn't do anything remotely smart. It has a single certificate constructor dummy and a single index bucket. All it does is propagate these values whenever needed. It is syntactically correct and will prove some things as well as establish obvious bugs in the kernel (given a good way to scaffold tests).

It is unconstrained in its treatment of proof reconstruction, which compounded with the DFS search strategy used by the current kernel means getting stuck is what it's best at, besides inspecting the workings of an unfettered kernel.