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Pyrum ("Py Rumor") is a Python interface to interact with Rumor, an Eth2 networking shell.


This interface maps async Python functions (built on Trio) to Rumor commands.

The mapping is simple:

  • A command path is equal to a series of fields
  • A command argument is equal to a call argument
  • A command flag is equal to a call keyword argument, every _ in the keyword is replaced with -

Some examples:

host listen --tcp=9001

peer connect /dns4/

Each of these calls returns a Call object:

  • Wait for successful call completion by awaiting the my_call.
  • Retrieve latest data from the dict
  • Individual data can be retrieved by calling await my_call.some_data_field() to get the respective data as soon as it is available.
  • If you expect multiple occurrences of the data, you can await multiple times, or use async for item in my_call

Full example

import trio
from pyrum import WebsocketConn, TCPConn, UnixConn, SubprocessConn, Rumor

from remerkleable.complex import Container
from remerkleable.byte_arrays import Bytes32, Bytes4
from remerkleable.basic import uint64

class StatusReq(Container):
    version: Bytes4
    finalized_root: Bytes32
    finalized_epoch: uint64
    head_root: Bytes32
    head_slot: uint64

async def basic_rpc_example(rumor: Rumor):
    alice ='alice')
    # Flags are keyword arguments
    print("started alice")

    # Concurrency in Rumor, planned with async (Trio) in Pyrum
    bob ='bob')
    print("started bob")

    long_call = alice.sleep('5s')  # sleep 5 seconds
    print('made long call')
    short_call = alice.sleep('3s')  # sleep 3 seconds
    print('made short call')

    await short_call
    print("done with short call")
    await long_call
    print('done with long call')

    # Getting a result should be as easy as calling, and waiting for the key we are after
    bob_addr = await
    print('BOB has address: ', bob_addr)

    # Command arguments are just call arguments
    await alice.peer.connect(bob_addr)
    print("connected alice to bob!")

    # You can use either await or async-for to get data of a specific key
    async for addr in
        print(f'bob has addr: {addr}')  # multiple addresses, but the last one matters most.

    # Optionally request more peer details
    peerdata = await alice.peer.list(details=True).peers()
    print(f'alice peer list: {peerdata}')

    print("Testing a Status RPC exchange")

    alice_peer_id = await

    alice_status = StatusReq(head_slot=42)
    bob_status = StatusReq(head_slot=123)

    async def alice_work(nursery: trio.Nursery) -> Call:
        print("alice: listening for status requests")
        call = alice.rpc.status.listen(raw=True)
        # Wait for inital completion of setup, i.e. the listener is online.
        # It will stay open in the background, until `await call.finished()`
        await call

        async def process_requests():
            # Each req object is a dict with all the latest log data at the time of completion of the step.
            async for req in call:
                print(f"alice: Got request: {req}")
                assert 'input_err' not in req
                # Or send back an error; await alice.rpc.status.resp.invalid_request(req['req_id'], f"hello! Your request was invalid, because: {req['input_err']}")
                assert req['data'] == bob_status.encode_bytes().hex()
                resp = alice_status.encode_bytes().hex()
                print(f"alice: sending response back to request {req['req_id']}: {resp}")
                await alice.rpc.status.resp.chunk.raw(req['req_id'], resp, done=True)
            print("alice: stopped listening for status requests")


        return call

    async def bob_work():
        # Send alice a status request
        req = bob_status.encode_bytes().hex()
        print(f"bob: sending alice ({alice_peer_id}) a status request: {req}")
        req_call = bob.rpc.status.req.raw(alice_peer_id, req, raw=True)
        await req_call
        # Await request to be written to stream
        # Await first (and only) response chunk
        resp = await

        print(f"bob: received status response from alice: {resp}")
        assert resp['chunk_index'] == 0  # first chunk
        assert resp['result_code'] == 0  # success chunk
        assert resp['data'] == alice_status.encode_bytes().hex()

    # Run tasks in a trio nursery to make them concurrent
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        # Set up alice to listen for requests
        alice_listen_call = await alice_work(nursery)

        # Make bob send a request and check a response, after alice is set up
        await bob_work()

        # Close listener of alice
        await alice_listen_call.cancel()

async def run_example():
    # Websockets
    # Start Rumor with websocket serving enabled, then open a connection from rumor:
    # rumor serve --ws=localhost:8010 --ws-path=/ws --ws-key=foobar
    # async with WebsocketConn(ws_url='ws://localhost:8010/ws', ws_key='foobar') as conn:

    # TCP sockets
    # rumor serve --tcp localhost:3030
    # async with TCPConn(addr='localhost', port=3030) as conn:

    # Unix domain sockets
    # rumor serve --ipc my_ipc.socket
    # async with UnixConn(socket_path='../some/path/my_ipc.socket') as conn:

    # Subprocess
    # Run it in "bare" mode so there is no shell clutter, and every Rumor output is JSON for Pyrum to parse.
    # Optionally specify your own rumor executable, for local development/modding of Rumor
    async with SubprocessConn(cmd='cd ../rumor && go run . bare --level=trace') as conn:
        # A Trio nursery hosts all the async tasks of the Rumor instance.
        async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
            # And optionally use Rumor(conn, nursery, debug=True) to be super verbose about Rumor communication.
            await basic_rpc_example(Rumor(conn, nursery, debug=True))

Example Output:

started alice
started bob
made long call
made short call
done with short call
done with long call
BOB has address:  /ip4/
connected alice to bob!
bob has addr: /ip4/
bob has addr: /ip4/
alice peer list: {'16Uiu2HAm4ZYRU2J9pmsCLnYSfmGEQSsCCAaHD5aXr2MheSUf7egu': {'peer_id': '16Uiu2HAm4ZYRU2J9pmsCLnYSfmGEQSsCCAaHD5aXr2MheSUf7egu', 'node_id': '384cbbccd148b82a96138d552e6909225d4169bfaf0b1ea27ccd10e02141187e', 'pubkey': '0287bd489f112f9d43bc04b7c561df3b93d35f1311b6d52df524321b7485e2012e', 'addrs': ['/ip4/', '/ip4/'], 'protocols': ['/p2p/id/delta/1.0.0', '/ipfs/ping/1.0.0', '/libp2p/circuit/relay/0.1.0', '/ipfs/id/1.0.0', '/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0'], 'user_agent': 'Rumor', 'protocol_version': 'ipfs/0.1.0'}}
Testing a Status RPC exchange
alice: listening for status requests
bob: sending alice (16Uiu2HAm6QTKBBzwpPGt1R8SQHHrUex3czzhd23VnbDkVztwibgD) a status request: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b00000000000000
alice: Got request: {'msg': 'Received request, queued it to respond to!', 'data': '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b00000000000000', 'from': '16Uiu2HAm4ZYRU2J9pmsCLnYSfmGEQSsCCAaHD5aXr2MheSUf7egu', 'protocol': '/eth2/beacon_chain/req/status/1/ssz_snappy', 'req_id': 0}
alice: sending response back to request 0: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a00000000000000
bob: received status response from alice: {'msg': 'Received chunk', 'chunk_index': 0, 'chunk_size': 84, 'data': '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a00000000000000', 'from': '16Uiu2HAm6QTKBBzwpPGt1R8SQHHrUex3czzhd23VnbDkVztwibgD', 'protocol': '/eth2/beacon_chain/req/status/1/ssz_snappy', 'result_code': 0}


MIT, see LICENSE file.


Python interface for Rumor - Eth2 networking shell







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