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This document describes the internal development workflow of dkd.

Feel free to do pull request on Github and ignore this guide!

Code Review

We use Phabricator to manage our code reviews.

Phabricator has a commandline tool called [Arcanist] (

This tool is used to do a pre commit review also called Review. To learn more about the difference to post commit reviews (called Audit) please read [Reviews vs Audit] (

First steps

In the first step you should install Arcanist and understand the basics of this tool by reading the documentation.

Important: Please do never call git push to push any changes to the remote repository. This will all be handled by arcanist for you.

You should now have already installed your user certificate with arc install-certificate.

Now clone this repository, if not already done, and call the command arc list that should give you a list of open Differential Revisions (code reviews).

To install the required dependencies you have to run composer install. If you have not installed composer yet, please check the [documentation] (

Review Code

The easiest way to review code is to use the web interface of Phabricator located at

The code review tool is called Differential and should be visible in the left-side application list. When you open Differential you should see different queries in the left side to select what you want to see. In the main area you should see currently active revisions that are waiting for a review. To open and review a revision simply select one by clicking on the title.

You should now see the details of the revision. In the upper area you should see a Apply Patch command that can be used to checkout and test this code in your local repository. Below that you see the history of the revision and a Revision Update History that shows you the history of code changes for this revision. The box Local Commits shows you the commits that have been done locally by the author to create this revision. Below that you should see Table of Contents that shows you all files that are affected by this revision followed by a diff view that shows you the file content that has been changed.

You can now click on a line number to comment a specific line of code.

To submit your review you have to scroll down to the Add Comment box where you can select a bunch of actions. One of them is Accept Revision if you think this change is good and can be landed into the repository. If you want the author to change anything you have to select Request Changes. If you want to change something by yourself you can commandeer the revision to you by selection Commandeer Revision.

Create a Patch

To create a new patch (Revision) you can use this workflow.

  • Go to you working copy
  • call arc feature myFeatureName which is an alias for git branch and creates a new branch with the given name.
  • do some hacking
  • to create a new revision you have now to call arc diff. This command will automatically:
    • execute the code linters (configured in the .arclint file)
    • execute the unit tests (configured in the .arcconfig file)
    • create a local commit
  • Arcanist will ask you some questions like if you want to add untracked files to the commit.
  • When you have answered them you commit message editor will open and you can fill in some stuff for the commit message
  • After closing the editor you'll get notified that you have not added any reviewer. This is ok here becaue the Reviewers are automatically added by a Herald rule.
  • When everything went fine you should get a link that points to you new created Revision that can now be reviewed by others.

Merge a Patch

A Revision can be merged as soon as any reviewer has accepted the revision. The command to 'land' the revision is displayed in the phabricator web interface at the very top as Next Step. You should see an arcanist command like arc land 'myFeatureName'. When executing this command arcanist will apply this patch and push it to the remote repository. You're done.