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Define an Efficient Spanner Struct Implementation for Slasher (#4920)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* more spanner additions

* implement iface

* begin implement

* wrapped up spanner functions

* rem interface

* added in necessary comments

* comments on enums

* begin adding tests

* test for detection

* add all detection tests

* moar tests

* tests for deleting pass

* dd test for update spans

* tests for updating

* include tracing utils

* gaz

* add mutexes

* ivan feedback
  • Loading branch information
rauljordan committed Feb 22, 2020
1 parent 83945ca commit 6fe86a3
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Showing 3 changed files with 492 additions and 1 deletion.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion slasher/detection/attestations/BUILD.bazel
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")

name = "go_default_library",
srcs = ["attestations.go"],
srcs = [
importpath = "",
visibility = ["//slasher:__subpackages__"],
deps = [
Expand All @@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ go_test(
srcs = [
embed = [":go_default_library"],
deps = [
Expand All @@ -27,6 +31,7 @@ go_test(
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions slasher/detection/attestations/spanner.go
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
package attestations

import (

ethpb ""

// DetectionKind defines an enum type that
// gives us information on the type of slashable offense
// found when analyzing validator min-max spans.
type DetectionKind int

const (
// DoubleVote denotes a slashable offense in which
// a validator cast two conflicting attestations within
// the same target epoch.
DoubleVote DetectionKind = iota
// SurroundVote denotes a slashable offense in which
// a validator surrounded or was surrounded by a previous
// attestation created by the same validator.

// DetectionResult tells us the kind of slashable
// offense found from detecting on min-max spans +
// the slashable epoch for the offense.
type DetectionResult struct {
Kind DetectionKind
SlashableEpoch uint64

// SpanDetector defines a struct which can detect slashable
// attestation offenses by tracking validator min-max
// spans from validators.
type SpanDetector struct {
// Slice of epochs for valindex => min-max span.
spans []map[uint64][2]uint16
lock sync.RWMutex

// NewSpanDetector creates a new instance of a struct tracking
// several epochs of min-max spans for each validator in
// the beacon state.
func NewSpanDetector() *SpanDetector {
return &SpanDetector{
spans: make([]map[uint64][2]uint16, 256),

// DetectSlashingForValidator uses a validator index and its corresponding
// min-max spans during an epoch to detect an epoch in which the validator
// committed a slashable attestation.
func (s *SpanDetector) DetectSlashingForValidator(
ctx context.Context,
validatorIdx uint64,
sourceEpoch uint64,
targetEpoch uint64,
) (*DetectionResult, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "detection.DetectSlashingForValidator")
defer span.End()
if (targetEpoch - sourceEpoch) > params.BeaconConfig().WeakSubjectivityPeriod {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"attestation span was greater than weak subjectivity period %d, received: %d",
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
distance := uint16(targetEpoch - sourceEpoch)
numSpans := uint64(len(s.spans))
if sp := s.spans[sourceEpoch%numSpans]; sp != nil {
minSpan := sp[validatorIdx][0]
if minSpan > 0 && minSpan < distance {
return &DetectionResult{
Kind: SurroundVote,
SlashableEpoch: uint64(minSpan) + sourceEpoch,
}, nil

maxSpan := sp[validatorIdx][1]
if maxSpan > distance {
return &DetectionResult{
Kind: SurroundVote,
SlashableEpoch: uint64(maxSpan) + sourceEpoch,
}, nil
return nil, nil

// SpanForEpochByValidator returns the specific min-max span for a
// validator index in a given epoch.
func (s *SpanDetector) SpanForEpochByValidator(ctx context.Context, valIdx uint64, epoch uint64) ([2]uint16, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "detection.SpanForEpochByValidator")
defer span.End()
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
numSpans := uint64(len(s.spans))
if span := s.spans[epoch%numSpans]; span != nil {
if minMaxSpan, ok := span[valIdx]; ok {
return minMaxSpan, nil
return [2]uint16{}, fmt.Errorf("validator index %d not found in span map", valIdx)
return [2]uint16{}, fmt.Errorf("no data found for epoch %d", epoch)

// ValidatorSpansByEpoch returns a list of all validator spans in a given epoch.
func (s *SpanDetector) ValidatorSpansByEpoch(ctx context.Context, epoch uint64) map[uint64][2]uint16 {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "detection.ValidatorSpansByEpoch")
defer span.End()
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
numSpans := uint64(len(s.spans))
return s.spans[epoch%numSpans]

// DeleteValidatorSpansByEpoch deletes a min-max span for a validator
// index from a min-max span in a given epoch.
func (s *SpanDetector) DeleteValidatorSpansByEpoch(ctx context.Context, validatorIdx uint64, epoch uint64) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "detection.DeleteValidatorSpansByEpoch")
defer span.End()
defer s.lock.Unlock()
numSpans := uint64(len(s.spans))
if val := s.spans[epoch%numSpans]; val != nil {
delete(val, validatorIdx)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("no span map found at epoch %d", epoch)

// UpdateSpans given an indexed attestation for all of its attesting indices.
func (s *SpanDetector) UpdateSpans(ctx context.Context, att *ethpb.IndexedAttestation) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "detection.UpdateSpans")
defer span.End()
defer s.lock.Unlock()
source := att.Data.Source.Epoch
target := att.Data.Target.Epoch
// Update spansForEpoch[valIdx] using the source/target data for
// each validator in attesting indices.
for i := 0; i < len(att.AttestingIndices); i++ {
valIdx := att.AttestingIndices[i]
// Update min and max spans.
s.updateMinSpan(source, target, valIdx)
s.updateMaxSpan(source, target, valIdx)
return nil

// Updates a min span for a validator index given a source and target epoch
// for an attestation produced by the validator.
func (s *SpanDetector) updateMinSpan(source uint64, target uint64, valIdx uint64) {
numSpans := uint64(len(s.spans))
if source > 0 {
for epoch := source - 1; epoch > 0; epoch-- {
val := uint16(target - (epoch))
if sp := s.spans[epoch%numSpans]; sp == nil {
s.spans[epoch%numSpans] = make(map[uint64][2]uint16)
minSpan := s.spans[epoch%numSpans][valIdx][0]
maxSpan := s.spans[epoch%numSpans][valIdx][1]
if minSpan == 0 || minSpan > val {
s.spans[epoch%numSpans][valIdx] = [2]uint16{val, maxSpan}
} else {

// Updates a max span for a validator index given a source and target epoch
// for an attestation produced by the validator.
func (s *SpanDetector) updateMaxSpan(source uint64, target uint64, valIdx uint64) {
numSpans := uint64(len(s.spans))
distance := target - source
for epoch := uint64(1); epoch < distance; epoch++ {
val := uint16(distance - epoch)
if sp := s.spans[source+epoch%numSpans]; sp == nil {
s.spans[source+epoch%numSpans] = make(map[uint64][2]uint16)
minSpan := s.spans[source+epoch%numSpans][valIdx][0]
maxSpan := s.spans[source+epoch%numSpans][valIdx][1]
if maxSpan < val {
s.spans[source+epoch%numSpans][valIdx] = [2]uint16{minSpan, val}
} else {

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