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922 lines (682 loc) · 35.6 KB

File metadata and controls

922 lines (682 loc) · 35.6 KB



Data store prototype object. All data store implementations inherit from this via datastore#createDataStore.


Data store constants and helper methods.


Helper "factory" methods for data store errors (see error ids).


Prototype object for per-user events data. DataStore#events must return an implementation that inherits from this via datastore#createUserEvents.


Prototype object for per-user streams data. DataStore#streams must return an implementation that inherits from this via datastore#createUserStreams.



Identifier constants for data store errors.



PryvDataStoreError(id, message, [data], [innerError])

Constructor for data store errors.


identifier : string

A string uniquely identifying an object (user, event, stream, etc.)

timestamp : number

A positive floating-point number representing the number of seconds since a reference time (Unix epoch time).

UserStreams : undefined
UserEvents : undefined
KeyValueData : object
StoreInitializationParams : object
FnLog : function
identifier : string
timestamp : number
integrity : string
Event : object
EventsQuery : object
StreamQueryItem : object
EventDeletionItem : object
AttachmentItem : object

Object to pass when creating events with attachments or adding attachments to events

AttachmentResponseItem : object

Informations sent by the store after saving attachment

identifier : string
timestamp : number

// time in UNIX time (seconds)

Stream : object
StreamDeletionItem : object


Data store prototype object. All data store implementations inherit from this via datastore#createDataStore.

DataStore.streams : UserStreams

The UserStreams implementation. Must be set in init.

Kind: static property of DataStore : UserEvents

The UserEvents implementation. Must be set in init.

Kind: static property of DataStore

DataStore.init(params) ⇒ Promise.<DataStore>

Initialize the store.

Kind: static method of DataStore
Returns: Promise.<DataStore> - The data store object itself (for method chaining).

Param Type
params StoreInitializationParams


Called when the given user is deleted from, to let the store delete the related data if appropriate.

Kind: static method of DataStore

Param Type
userId identifier


Data store constants and helper methods.

defaults.UnknownDate : number

Timestamp representing an unknown creation/modification time.

Kind: static property of defaults

defaults.SystemAccessId : string

'System' access id for created by / modified by.

Kind: static property of defaults

defaults.UnknownAccessId : string

'Unknown' access id for created by / modified by.

Kind: static property of defaults

defaults.ExternalAccessIdPrefix : string

Access id prefix used to tag external identifiers for created by / modified by.

Kind: static property of defaults


Adds missing mandatory properties to the given event. Note: mutates the event object.

Kind: inner method of defaults

Param Type
event Object


Adds missing mandatory properties to the given events. Note: mutates the event objects.

Kind: inner method of defaults

Param Type
events Array.<Object>

defaults~applyOnStream(stream, [parentId])

Adds missing mandatory properties to the given stream and its children (if present). Note: mutates the stream object.

Kind: inner method of defaults

Param Type Default Description
stream Object
[parentId] string null for parentId of the stream

defaults~applyOnStreams(streams, [parentId])

Adds missing mandatory properties to the given streams and their children (if present). Note: mutates the stream objects.

Kind: inner method of defaults

Param Type Default Description
streams Array.<Object>
[parentId] string null for parentId of the stream


Helper "factory" methods for data store errors (see error ids).

errors.unexpectedError(message, data, innerError) ⇒ PryvDataStoreError

Kind: static method of errors

Param Type
message string
data *
innerError Error

errors.invalidRequestStructure(message, data, innerError) ⇒ PryvDataStoreError

Kind: static method of errors

Param Type
message string
data *
innerError Error

errors.unknownResource(resourceType, id, innerError) ⇒ PryvDataStoreError

Kind: static method of errors

Param Type
resourceType string
id string
innerError Error

errors.itemAlreadyExists(resourceType, conflictingKeys, innerError) ⇒ PryvDataStoreError

Kind: static method of errors

Param Type
resourceType string
conflictingKeys Array.<string>
innerError Error

errors.invalidItemId(message, data, innerError) ⇒ PryvDataStoreError

Kind: static method of errors

Param Type
message string
data *
innerError Error

errors.unsupportedOperation(message, [data], [innerError]) ⇒ PryvDataStoreError

Kind: static method of errors

Param Type
message string
[data] *
[innerError] Error


datastore.createDataStore(implementation) ⇒ DataStore

Create a new data store object with the given implementation.

Kind: static method of datastore

Param Type Description
implementation Object An object implementing DataStore methods

datastore.createUserStreams(implementation) ⇒ UserStreams

Create a new user streams object with the given implementation.

Kind: static method of datastore

Param Type Description
implementation Object An object implementing UserStreams methods

datastore.createUserEvents(implementation) ⇒ UserEvents

Create a new user events object with the given implementation.

Kind: static method of datastore

Param Type Description
implementation Object An object implementing UserEvents methods


Prototype object for per-user events data. DataStore#events must return an implementation that inherits from this via datastore#createUserEvents.

UserEvents.getOne(userId, eventId) ⇒ Promise.<(Event|null)>

Kind: static method of UserEvents

Param Type
userId identifier
eventId identifier

UserEvents.get(userId, query, options) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Event>>

Get events for this user.

Kind: static method of UserEvents

Param Type Description
userId identifier
query EventsQuery Event query
options Object

UserEvents.getStreamed(userId, query, options) ⇒ Promise.<ReadableStream.<Event>>

Get events as a stream for this user.

Kind: static method of UserEvents

Param Type Description
userId identifier
query EventsQuery Event query
options Object

UserEvents.getDeletionsStreamed(userId, query, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<ReadableStream.<EventDeletionItem>>

Kind: static method of UserEvents

Param Type
userId identifier
query Object
[options] Object

UserEvents.getHistory(userId, eventId) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Event>>

Kind: static method of UserEvents

Param Type
userId identifier
eventId identifier

UserEvents.create(userId, eventData) ⇒ Promise.<Event>

Kind: static method of UserEvents
Returns: Promise.<Event> - - The created event

See: Create events in API reference

Param Type
userId identifier
eventData object

UserEvents.addAttachment(userId, eventId, attachmentItem) ⇒ Promise.<Event>

Add the given file to the event.

Kind: static method of UserEvents
Returns: Promise.<Event> - - The updated event

Param Type Description
userId identifier
eventId identifier
attachmentItem AttachmentItem The file's information and data

UserEvents.getAttachment(userId, eventId, fileId) ⇒ Promise.<ReadableStream>

Retrieve the specified file as a stream.

Kind: static method of UserEvents

Param Type
userId identifier
eventId identifier
fileId identifier

UserEvents.deleteAttachment(userId, eventId, fileId) ⇒ Promise.<AttachmentResponseItem>

Delete the specified file.

Kind: static method of UserEvents
Returns: Promise.<AttachmentResponseItem> - - The ids and other information related to the attachments

Param Type
userId identifier
eventId identifier
fileId identifier

UserEvents.update(userId, eventData) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Update the specified event with new data (the given event data replaces the original data).

Kind: static method of UserEvents
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - - true if an event was updated

  • PryvDataStoreError with id resource-is-readonly if either storage or parent stream is read-only
Param Type Description
userId identifier
eventData Event New event data

UserEvents.delete(userId, eventId) ⇒ Promise.<(Event|EventDeletionItem)>

Kind: static method of UserEvents
Returns: Promise.<(Event|EventDeletionItem)> - - The trashed Event


Param Type
userId identifier
eventId identifier


Prototype object for per-user streams data. DataStore#streams must return an implementation that inherits from this via datastore#createUserStreams.

UserStreams.getOne(userId, query) ⇒ Promise.<(Stream|null)>

Get a stream

Kind: static method of UserStreams
Returns: Promise.<(Stream|null)> - - the stream or null if not found:

Param Type Default Description
userId identifier
query object identifier '*', means root streamId. Notice parentId is not implemented by stores
[query.childrenDepth] number 0 0 = NO; -1 = ALL; 1.. Gives the number of levels to expand
[query.excludeIds] Array.<identifier> list of streamIds to exclude from query. if childrenDepth is >0 or < 0, children of excludedIds should be excludded too
[query.includeTrashed] boolean (equivalent to state = 'all')

UserStreams.get(userId, query) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Stream>>

Query streams

Kind: static method of UserStreams
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Stream>> - - an array of streams

Param Type Default Description
userId identifier
query object
[query.parentId] identifier '*' or null, means root streamId.
[query.childrenDepth] number 0 0 = NO; -1 = ALL; 1.. Gives the number of levels to expand
[query.excludeIds] Array.<identifier> list of streamIds to exclude from query. if childrenDepth is >0 or < 0, children of excludedIds should be excludded too
[query.includeTrashed] boolean (equivalent to state = 'all')

UserStreams.getDeletions(userId, deletionsSince) ⇒ Promise.<StreamDeletionItem>

Get a list of deleted ids since

Kind: static method of UserStreams

Param Type
userId identifier
deletionsSince timestamp

UserStreams.create(userId, streamData) ⇒ Promise.<Stream>

Kind: static method of UserStreams
Returns: Promise.<Stream> - - The created Stream

  • item-already-exists (if item is deleted, id can be re-used)
  • invalid-item-id
  • resource-is-readonly <=== Thrown either because Storage or Parent stream is readonly


Param Type
userId identifier
streamData Stream

UserStreams.createDeleted(userId, streamData) ⇒ Promise.<Stream>

(Optional used by tests only)

Kind: static method of UserStreams
Returns: Promise.<Stream> - - The created Stream

  • resource-is-readonly <=== Thrown either because Storage or Parent stream is readonly
Param Type
userId identifier
streamData Stream

UserStreams.update(userId, updateData) ⇒ Promise.<Stream>

Kind: static method of UserStreams
Returns: Promise.<Stream> - - The update Stream

  • item-already-exists
  • resource-is-readonly <=== Thrown because item cannot be updated


Param Type
userId identifier
updateData Object

UserStreams.delete(userId, streamId) ⇒ Promise.<(Stream|StreamDeletionItem)>

Kind: static method of UserStreams
Returns: Promise.<(Stream|StreamDeletionItem)> - - The trashed Stream

  • resource-is-readonly <=== Thrown because item cannot be updated


Param Type
userId identifier
streamId identifier


Identifier constants for data store errors.

Kind: global constant


Kind: global constant
License: Copyright (C) 2021–2023 Pryv S.A. - All Rights Reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


Kind: global constant
License: Copyright (C) 2021–2023 Pryv S.A. - All Rights Reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


Kind: global constant
License: Copyright (C) 2021–2023 Pryv S.A. - All Rights Reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


Kind: global constant
License: Copyright (C) 2021–2023 Pryv S.A. - All Rights Reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

PryvDataStoreError(id, message, [data], [innerError])

Constructor for data store errors.

Kind: global function

Param Type Default
id string
message string
[data] *
[innerError] Error

identifier : string

A string uniquely identifying an object (user, event, stream, etc.)

Kind: global typedef

timestamp : number

A positive floating-point number representing the number of seconds since a reference time (Unix epoch time).

Kind: global typedef

UserStreams : undefined

Kind: global typedef

UserEvents : undefined

Kind: global typedef

FnKeyValueGetAll ⇒ object

Kind: global typedef

Param Type
userId identifier

FnKeyValueGet ⇒ *

Kind: global typedef

Param Type
userId identifier
key string

FnKeyValueSet ⇒ void

Kind: global typedef

Param Type
userId identifier
key string
value *

KeyValueData : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
getAll FnKeyValueGetAll Get all key-value data for the given user.
get FnKeyValueGet Get key-value data for the given user.
set FnKeyValueSet Set key-value data for the given user.

StoreInitializationParams : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
id identifier The store's id as defined in the platform configuration (for information)
name string The store's name as defined in the platform configuration (for information; names the root stream representing the store)
settings object The store's settings as defined in the platform configuration
storeKeyValueData KeyValueData Utility to save per-user data
logger Logger Logger for the store (messages will appear in the core logs)

FnLog : function

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
message string The log message
...context any Any additional contextual information


Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
log FnLog Log message with 'info' level
warn FnLog Log message with 'warning' level
error FnLog Log message with 'error' level
debug FnLog Log message with 'debug' level

identifier : string

Kind: global typedef

timestamp : number

Kind: global typedef

integrity : string

Kind: global typedef

Event : object

Kind: global typedef

EventsQuery : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[state] string The events' state: default (i.e. not trashed), trashed or all
[fromTime] timestamp The start time of the timeframe to retrieve events for. Default is 24 hours before toTime if the latter is set; otherwise it is not taken into account.
[toTime] timestamp The end time of the timeframe to retrieve events for. Default is the current time if fromTime is set.
[streams] Array.<StreamQueryItem> Streams query: an array of stream query items (see related documentation).
[types] Array.<string> If set, only events of any of the listed types will be returned.
[running] boolean If true, only running period events will be returned.
[modifiedSince] timestamp If specified, only events modified since that time will be returned.

StreamQueryItem : object

Kind: global typedef

EventDeletionItem : object

Kind: global typedef

AttachmentItem : object

Object to pass when creating events with attachments or adding attachments to events

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
filename string fileName
[size] number The size of the attachment
attachmentData ReadableStream
[integrity] integrity The integrity checksum of the attachment

AttachmentResponseItem : object

Informations sent by the store after saving attachment

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
id string mandatory id of the attachement - unique - per event

identifier : string

Kind: global typedef

timestamp : number

// time in UNIX time (seconds)

Kind: global typedef

Stream : object

Kind: global typedef

StreamDeletionItem : object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
id identifier
deleted timestamp