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The content of this chapter is available as a Racket file here.

#lang racket

Racket is a language with so-called first-class continuations. It can reify the current continuation automatically and on the fly. As you may imagine, creating a continuation involves copying the stack, but there are less and more efficient ways of obtaining the same effect.

Adding continuations to a language makes it easy to create a better web programming protocol, as we have seen. But first-class continuations are much more general and give programmers immense power in numerous contexts.

In Racket (and the related programming language Scheme), a continuation is created with let/cc. It can be used to give the current continuation a name: (let/cc k ... k ...)

Let's write some programs using continuations (try this in the Racket read-eval-print loop).

(let/cc k (k 3)) What is the continuation k here?

(+ 1 (let/cc k (k 3))) What is the continuation k here?

Using let/cc for exception handling: let/cc acts as the "try", invoking k as the "throw".

(define (f n) (+ 10 (* 5 (let/cc k (/ 1 (if (zero? n) (k 1) n))))))

Next we simulate a very simple kind of exception handling mechanism with first-class continuations.

(define exceptionhandler (lambda (msg) (display "unhandled exception")))

(define (f n)
  (+ 5
     (if (zero? n) (exceptionhandler "division by zero")
         (/ 8 n))))

(define (g n)
  (+ (f n) (f n)))

(define (h)
  (let/cc k
      (set! exceptionhandler (lambda (msg) (begin
                                             (displayln msg)
      (displayln (g 1))
      (displayln (g 0))
      (displayln (g 2)))))

Try evaluating (h) in the read-eval-print-loop.

Now we encode a simple debugger with support for breakpoints. The breakpoint variable stores the continuation at the current breakpoint

(define breakpoint false) ; initalized with a dummy value

The repl variable stores the continuation that jumps to the read-eval-print loop

(define repl false)       ; initialized with a dummy value

The break function captures the current continuation, stores it, and jumps to the REPL:

(define (break) (let/cc k
                    (set! breakpoint k)

To continue, we jump to the previously stored continuation:

(define (continue)

Here is a simple test program of our "debugger":

(define (main)
  (display "1")
  (display "2")
  (display "3"))

; nothing to do after this, hence k is the REPL continuation
(let/cc k
  (set! repl k))

Let's now consider a more sophisticated usage of let/cc, namely to program a simple form of cooperative multi-threading, often called co-routines. A co-routine designates points in the routine where a switch to another routine should occur - a so-called yield point.

With let/cc we can program co-routines within the language, without having any dedicated built-in support for it:

(define queue empty)

(define (empty-queue?)
  (empty? queue))

(define (enqueue x)
  (set! queue (append queue (list x))))

(define (dequeue)
  (let ((x (first queue)))
    (set! queue (rest queue))

(define (fork)
  (let/cc k
      (enqueue (lambda () (k 1))) ; enqueue thunk

(define (join)
  (if (not (empty-queue?))

(define (yield)
  (let/cc k
    (enqueue k)
    ((dequeue))))  ; invoke thunk

(define (fact n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
(define (fib n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))

(define (printfibs n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (begin (print "Fertig mit fibs") (newline))
        (print (format "Fib(~A)=~A" n (fib n)))
        (printfibs (- n 1)))))

(define (printfacts n)
  (if (zero? n)
      (begin (print "Fertig mit facts") (newline))
        (print (format "Fact(~A)=~A" n (fact n)))
        (printfacts (- n 1)))))

(define (test-forkjoin)
  (if (= (fork) 0)
      (printfibs 8)
      (printfacts 12))
  (if (= (fork) 0)
    (printfibs 10)
    (printfacts 8))