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File metadata and controls

138 lines (114 loc) · 3.87 KB

🔗 Connect to Google Cloud SQL

In this step we will add a PostgreSQL database to our best app.

Create PostgreSQL instance

Firstly we need to enable the Cloud SQL API link.

After that we can create a Cloud SQL instance with the following command:

gcloud sql instances create db --tier db-f1-micro --database-version=POSTGRES_9_6 --region=europe-west2

This command will create a PostgreSQL instance with the lowest machine (db-f1-micro), which has shared vCPU and 0.6 of RAM.

Now we will set a password to the default user:

gcloud sql users set-password postgres no-host --instance db --password petru242

Create a database:

gcloud sql databases create handson --instance=db

Record the connection name:

gcloud sql instances describe db | grep connectionName

The connection name should be like connectionName: poetic-pottery-198108:europe-west2:db

Connect Symfony with DB

Open app.yaml file and add the following setting replacing CONNECTION_NAME placeholder by the recorded one:

    cloud_sql_instances: CONNECTION_NAME

Add doctrine to composer:

composer require doctrine

Change doctrine config to:

# config/packaged/doctrine.yaml
        charset: utf8
        driver: pdo_pgsql
        host: /cloudsql/CONNECTION_NAME
        port: 5432
        dbname: handson
        user: postgres
        password: petru242

And finally we will change our DefaultController to add a bit of logic. The page will show all the IP that visited our page and time stamp when happened.

The code is the following:

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;

class DefaultController extends Controller
     * @return Response
    public function index(Request $request)
        $conn = $this->get('doctrine.dbal.default_connection');
        $userIp = $this->getIp($request);
        $this->insert($conn, $userIp);
        $visits = $this->getLast10($conn);

        return new Response(implode("\n", $visits), 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain']);

    private function createTable(Connection $conn)
        $conn->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS visits ' .
        '(time_stamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, user_ip CHAR(64))');

    private function getIp(Request $request)
        $ip = $request->GetClientIp();
       // Keep only the first two octets of the IP address.
       $octets = explode($separator = ':', $ip);
       if (count($octets) < 2) {  // Must be ip4 address
           $octets = explode($separator = '.', $ip);
       if (count($octets) < 2) {
           $octets = ['bad', 'ip'];  // IP address will be recorded as bad.ip.
       $octets = array_map(function ($x) {
           return $x == '' ? '0' : $x;
       }, $octets);

       return $octets[0] . $separator . $octets[1];

    private function insert(Connection $conn, string $userIp)
        $insert = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO visits (user_ip) values (:user_ip)');
        $insert->execute(['user_ip' => $userIp]);

    private function getLast10(Connection $conn)
        $select = $conn->prepare(
        'SELECT * FROM visits ORDER BY time_stamp DESC LIMIT 10');
        $visits = ["Last 10 visits:"];
        while ($row = $select->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            array_push($visits, sprintf('Time: %s Addr: %s', $row['time_stamp'],
        return $visits;

Deploy the updated version

Now we can deploy a new version to our app:

gcloud app deploy