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File metadata and controls

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Object Agent Bundle

This bundle enables PHP objects to be rendered in Twig by translating the object's full name into a Twig template and then rendering that Twig template.

In a CMS it is often necessary to associate a certain (e.g. content) object with a (view) template by default.


Imagine that you have a project with various models which you would like to display. First it is necessary to configure how the templates should be located; this is done by mapping partial namespaces to paths.

        "Acme\\MyProject\\Model": "models"

This would cause the template for a class such as Acme\\MyProject\\Model\\Post to be located at the (Twig) path models/Post.html.twig.

The post can be rendered as follows:

{{ psi_render_object(post) }}

You then need to create the template - the template will be passed a single object named object:

{# path/to/templates/models/Post.html.twig #}
<h2>{{ object.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ object.body }}</p>