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Connect and interact with Minecraft servers.
A MineSharpBot uses a MinecraftClient (see MineSharp.Protocol) to connect to a Minecraft Server.
The bot can have multiple plugins. Each plugin can handle some packets sent by the server and/or provide methods to interact with the world.

Creating Bots

A bot can be created using a MinecraftClient. To help out, you can use the BotBuilder class to fluently create a bot.

Bot Builder

  • .Host() configure the hostname
  • .Port() configure the port (default = 25565)
  • .Data() configure the MinecraftData instance
  • .AutoDetectData() (default) auto detect minecraft data version if none was configured
  • .Session() configure the session object
  • .OfflineSession() configure session to be an offline session
  • .OnlineSession() configure session to be an online session (login happens when calling Create() or CreateAsync())
  • .WithPlugin<T>() add Plugin of type T
  • .ExcludeDefaultPlugins() do not add default plugins (listed below)
  • .AutoConnect() automatically connect to the server when creating the bot
  • .WithProxy() configure a proxy
  • .CreateAsync() create a new bot with the configuration
  • .Create() equivalent of CreateAsync().Result


A plugin can handle packets sent by the server and/or provide methods to interact with the server.

Currently, these are the plugins enabled by default:

  • Chat Plugin (Read and Write chat messages)
  • Crafting Plugin (Craft items)
  • Entity Plugin (Keeps track of entities)
  • Physics Plugin (Simulate player physics)
  • Player Plugin (Keeps track of the bot himself as well as other players and the weather)
  • Window Plugin (Bot's inventory and open chests or other blocks)
  • World Plugin (Keep track of the world)

Other plugins not enabled by default:

  • Auto Respawn (Automatically respawn when dead)

To add a plugin to the bot, bot.LoadPlugin(plugin) can be used.
To access a plugin, use bot.GetPlugin<>()

Chat Plugin

  • Handles all chat packets and provides abstraction for different minecraft versions
  • Handle and parse the CommandTree
  • OnChatMessageReceived event. Fired when any chat message or game information message is received
  • 📨 SendChat() method. Send a chat message to the server.
  • 📧 SendCommand() method. Send a '/' command to the server. Only for mc >= 1.19

Crafting Plugin

  • 🔎 FindRecipes(). Find recipes for a given item that can be crafted with the items in the bots inventory
  • 🔎 FindRecipe(). Equivalent of FindRecipes().FirstOrDefault()
  • 🔢 CraftableAmount(). Calculate how often a recipe can be crafting with the items in the bots inventory.
  • 🪚 Craft(). Craft the given recipe n times.

Entity Plugin

  • Handles all packets regarding entities (position, effects, etc..)
  • OnEntitySpawn. Fired when an entity spawned
  • OnEntityDespawned. Fired when an entity despawned
  • OnEntityMoved. Fired when an entity moved
  • 🐷 Entities. Dictionary mapping all entities from their numerical server id to the Entity object

Physics Plugin

  • Update the bots position on the server
  • BotMoved. Fired when the bot moved
  • PhysicsTick. Fired after each tick of the physics simulation
  • 🎮 InputControls. Input controls used to control movement
  • 🪂 Engine. The underlying physics simulation / engine
  • WaitForTicks(). Wait until a number of physics ticks are completed
  • ⛰️ WaitForOnGround(). Wait until the bot is on the ground
  • 🔃 ForceSetRotation(). Set the bots rotation in a single tick
  • 👓 ForceLookAt(). Look at the given position in a single tick
  • 👀 Look(). Slowly transition to the given rotation
  • 👀 LookAt(). Slowly look at the given position
  • 🔫 Raycast(). Returns the block the bot is currently looking at

Player Plugin

  • Handles packets regarding the Bot entity and other players on the server
  • OnHealthChanged. Fired when the bots health, food or saturation was updated.
  • OnRespawed. Fired when the bot respawned or changed the dimension.
  • OnDied. Fired when the bot died.
  • OnPlayerJoined. Fired when another player joined the server
  • OnPlayerLeft. Fired when another player left the server
  • OnPlayerLoaded. Fired when another player came into the visible range of the bot and their entity was loaded.
  • OnWeatherChanged. Fired when the weather has changed. (TODO: Move to WorldPlugin)
  • 🤖 Self. The MinecraftPlayer representing the bot itself
  • 🤖 Entity. The Entity representing the bot itself (equivalent of Self.Entity)
  • 👨‍👧‍👦 Players. A dictionary mapping all player's uuids to their MinecraftPlayer object
  • 👨‍👧‍👦 PlayerMap. A dictionary mapping all player's numerical server id to their MinecraftPlayer object.
  • 💓 Health. Health of the Bot (value between 0.0 - 20.0)
  • 🍗 Saturation. The Saturation level of the bot
  • 🍕 Food. The food level of the bot
  • 🌘 Dimension. The name of the dimension the bot is currently in
  • 🍃 IsAlive. Boolean indicating whether the bot is alive
  • 🌧️ IsRaining. Boolean indicating whether it is raining
  • RainLevel. Float indicating how much it is raining
  • ⛈️ ThunderLevel. The thunder level
  • ☀️ Respawn(). Respawn the bot if it is dead.
  • 💪 SwingArm(). Plays the swing arm animation.
  • 🤺 Attack(). Attack the given entity

Window Plugin

  • Handles packets regarding windows
  • OnWindowOpened. Fired when a window opened
  • OnHeldItemChanged. Fired when the held item changed
  • 📦 Inventory. The Window representing the bots inventory
  • 🪟 CurrentlyOpenedWindow. The window which is currently open.
  • 🎈 HeldItem. The Item the bot is currently holding in the main hand
  • 👉 SelectedHotbarIndex. The index of the selected hotbar slot
  • WaitForInventory(). Wait until the inventory's item are loaded
  • 🧰 OpenContainer(). Try to open the given block (eg. chest, crafting table, ...)
  • CloseWindow(). Close the window
  • 👉 SelectHotbarIndex(). Set the selected hotbar index
  • 🙋 UseItem(). Use the item the bot is currently holding
  • 👨‍🔧 EquipItem(). Find and equip an item

World Plugin

  • Handles all block and chunk packets
  • 🌍 World. The world of the minecraft server
  • WaitForChunks(). Wait until all chunks in a radius around the bot are loaded
  • ⌨️ UpdateCommandBlock(). Update a command block
  • ⛏️ MineBlock(). Mine the given block
  • 👷 PlaceBlock(). Place a block at the given position

Auto Respawn

  • Automatically respawns the bot when it died
  • ⏰️ RespawnDelay. Delay before respawning