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Python 3

WRC Overall

Generate a graphic enriched tabel summarising rally evolution over multiple stages, rebased to a specific driver.

if __name__=='__main__':
    %load_ext autoreload
    %autoreload 2
import notebookimport
sr = __import__("Charts - Stage Results")
# do a step line chart for relative / rebased positions ahead / behind
import pandas as pd

from IPython.display import HTML

import dakar_utils as dakar
from dakar_utils import moveColumn, sparkline2, sparklineStep, moreStyleDriverSplitReportBaseDataframe

import sqlite3
if __name__=='__main__':
    conn2 = sqlite3.connect(dbname2)

    c2 = conn2.cursor()
from IPython.display import HTML
if __name__=='__main__':
    #We can't use codes becuase they are not unique
    #We need to use entryId
    q= 'SELECT entryId, `driver.code` AS Code FROM startlists'
    codes = pd.read_sql(q,conn2).set_index('entryId')
def _rebaseTimes(times, bib=None):
    ''' Rebase times relative to specified driver. '''
    #SHould we rebase against entryId, so need to lool that up. In which case, leave index as entryId
    if bib is None: return times
    #bibid = codes[codes['Code']==bib].index.tolist()[0]
    return times - times.loc[bib]
if __name__=='__main__':
#Should set this from current year?
#YEAR is used in a function def - reset that to None and handle?
if __name__=='__main__':
    #For WRC

Day Based Reporting

How do we limit the report to just show the stages on a particular day, or particular loop?

#Based on a function in Itinerary Basics
def dbGetSSitinerary(conn, rally, year=YEAR):
    ''' Get dataframe containing time control details for a specified rally. '''
    SELECT AS date, itc.*, ce.timeZoneOffset,
         isc.itinerarySectionId, AS section, isc.`order`
    FROM itinerary_controls itc
    JOIN championship_events ce ON itc.eventId=ce.eventId
    JOIN itinerary_sections isc ON itc.`itinerarySections.itinerarySectionId`=isc.itinerarySectionId
    JOIN itinerary_legs il ON isc.itineraryLegId=il.itineraryLegId
    WHERE ce.``="{rally}" AND strftime('%Y', startDate)='{year}'
            AND firstCarDueDateTimeLocal NOT NULL 
            AND itc.type='StageStart'
            ORDER BY firstCarDueDateTimeLocal 
    '''.format(rally=rally, year=year)
    time_controls = pd.read_sql(q,conn)
    return time_controls

Create a day index so that we can limit reports to show a particular day, set of days, or up to and including a particular day.

We could also support reporting by a section selection.

def listify(items):
    ''' Turn an argument to a list. '''
    return [] if items is None else items if isinstance(items, list) else [items]

def getStagesByDay(daynums=None, sections=None):
    ''' Return the stages for a given day, days, section or sections. '''
    daynums = listify(daynums)
    sections = listify(sections)
    schedule = dbGetSSitinerary(conn2,rally)
    #The grouper will return a group ID, but not in order?
    #schedule['daynum'] = schedule.groupby('date').grouper.label_info
    schedule['index'] = schedule[['date']].merge( schedule.drop_duplicates( 'date' ).reset_index(), on='date' )['index'].rank(method='dense').astype(int)
    tmp = schedule[['date','code','section','order','index']]
    if daynums:
        tmp = tmp[tmp['index'].isin(daynums)]
    if sections:
        tmp = tmp[tmp['order'].isin(sections)]
    return tmp
if __name__=='__main__':
#We can optimise this function so that we only generate charts for specified rows
def _gapToLeaderBar(Xtmpq, typ, stages=None, milliseconds=True, items=None):
    if milliseconds:
        Xtmpq = Xtmpq/1000
    if typ=='stage':
        Xtmpq.columns = ['SS_{}'.format(c) for c in Xtmpq.columns]
        Xtmpq.columns = ['SS_{}_{}'.format(c, typ) for c in Xtmpq.columns]
    k = '{}GapToLeader'.format(typ)
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[[c for c in Xtmpq.columns ]].values.tolist()
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[k].apply(lambda x: [-y for y in x])
    #Chart generation is the slow step, so only do it where we need it
    if items is None:
        Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[k].apply(sparkline2, typ='bar', dot=True)
        #Use loc for index vals, iloc for row number
        Xtmpq[k].loc[items] = Xtmpq[k].loc[items].apply(sparkline2, typ='bar', dot=True)
    return Xtmpq 

def gapToLeaderBar2(Xtmpq, typ, stages=None, milliseconds=True, items=None):
    Xtmpq = Xtmpq[['entryId','snum', 'diffFirstMs']].pivot(index='entryId',columns='snum',values='diffFirstMs')
    return _gapToLeaderBar(Xtmpq, typ, stages, milliseconds, items)
#Need to deprecate this...
def gapToLeaderBar(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages=None, milliseconds=True):
    Xtmpq = sr.dbGetStageRank(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages)#.head()
    Xtmpq = Xtmpq[['entryId','snum', 'diffFirstMs']].pivot(index='entryId',columns='snum',values='diffFirstMs')
    if milliseconds:
        Xtmpq = Xtmpq/1000
    if typ=='stage':
        Xtmpq.columns = ['SS_{}'.format(c) for c in Xtmpq.columns]
        Xtmpq.columns = ['SS_{}_{}'.format(c, typ) for c in Xtmpq.columns]
    k = '{}GapToLeader'.format(typ)
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[[c for c in Xtmpq.columns ]].values.tolist()
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[k].apply(lambda x: [-y for y in x])
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[k].apply(sparkline2, typ='bar', dot=True)
    return Xtmpq 
def gapBar(df):
    ''' Bar chart showing rebased gap at each stage. '''
    df[col] = df[[c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('SS_') and c.endswith('_overall')]].values.tolist()
    df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: [-y for y in x])
    df[col] = df[col].apply(sparkline2, typ='bar', dot=False)
    return df
if __name__=='__main__':
    display(sr.dbGetStageRank(conn2, rally, rc, typ, None).head())
    print(sr.dbGetStageRank(conn2, rally, rc, typ, None).columns)
if __name__=='__main__':
    display(sr.dbGetStageRank(conn2, rally, rc, typ, None)[['entryId','snum', 'position']].pivot(index='entryId',columns='snum',values='position'))

Chart generation is slow. Is this in the pivot steps, perhaps?

#def positionStep(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages=None):
def _positionStep(Xtmpq, typ, stages=None):
    Xtmpq.columns = ['SS_{}_{}_pos'.format(c, typ) for c in Xtmpq.columns]
    k = '{}Position'.format(typ)
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[[c for c in Xtmpq.columns ]].values.tolist()
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[k].apply(lambda x: [-y for y in x])
    Xtmpq[k] = Xtmpq[k].apply(sparklineStep)
    return Xtmpq 

def positionStep(Xtmpq, typ, stages=None):
    #Xtmpq = sr.dbGetStageRank(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages)#.head()
    Xtmpq = Xtmpq[['entryId','snum', 'position']].pivot(index='entryId',columns='snum',values='position')
    return  _positionStep(Xtmpq, typ, stages)

# TO DO - this is really clunky; need a better way
def overallAtLastStage(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages=None):
    ''' Get overall rank associated with last stage in table. '''
    Xtmpq = sr.dbGetStageRank(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages)#.head()
    Xtmpq = Xtmpq[['entryId','snum', 'position']].pivot(index='entryId',columns='snum',values='position')
    last = Xtmpq.columns
    return Xtmpq[[last[-1]]]

def generateOverallResultsChartable(conn, rally, rc, rebase=None, stages=None, days=None, sections=None):
    ''' Generate overall results table for a particular event. '''
    if days:
        stages = listify(stages) + getStagesByDay(daynums=days)['code'].tolist()
    if sections:
        stages = listify(stages) + getStagesByDay(sections=sections)['code'].tolist()
    #Using the codes list as a base, add in the position step chart showing overall position evolution
    #Note that there may be duplicate codes
    #wrc = pd.merge(codes, positionStep(conn, rally, rc, 'overall', stages=stages)[['overallPosition']], left_index=True, right_index=True)
    _stages_overall = sr.dbGetStageRank(conn, rally, rc, 'overall', stages)
    wrc = pd.merge(codes, positionStep(_stages_overall, 'overall', stages)[['overallPosition']], left_index=True, right_index=True)
    #Add in bar chart showing gap to leader at each stage
    #wrc = pd.merge(wrc, gapToLeaderBar(conn, rally, rc, 'overall', stages), left_index=True, right_index=True)
    wrc = pd.merge(wrc, gapToLeaderBar2(_stages_overall, 'overall', stages), left_index=True, right_index=True)
    moveColumn(wrc, 'overallGapToLeader', right_of='overallPosition')
    wrc['Pos'] = overallAtLastStage(conn, rally, rc, typ, stages)
    moveColumn(wrc, 'Pos', right_of='overallGapToLeader')
    #By this point it seems we may have introduced a duplicate? But how?
    #Add in step chart for stage ranks
    #wrc = pd.merge(wrc, positionStep(conn, rally, rc, 'stage', stages)[['stagePosition']], left_index=True, right_index=True)
    _stages_stage = sr.dbGetStageRank(conn, rally, rc, 'stage', stages)
    wrc = pd.merge(wrc, positionStep(_stages_stage, 'stage', stages)[['stagePosition']], left_index=True, right_index=True)

    #Add in bar chart for gap to stage leader
    #wrc = pd.merge(wrc, gapToLeaderBar(conn, rally, rc, 'stage', stages), left_index=True, right_index=True)
    wrc = pd.merge(wrc, gapToLeaderBar2(_stages_stage, 'stage', stages), left_index=True, right_index=True)
    moveColumn(wrc, 'stageWinnerGap', right_of='stagePosition')

    wrc = wrc.sort_values('Pos', ascending=True)
    #At this point the index is the entryId
    #We can't really set the index on Code because there may be duplicate code values
    wrc=wrc.set_index('Code', drop=True)
    #Some tidying up if we have stages in the db but no results...
    wrc=wrc.dropna(how='all', axis='columns')
    cols = [c for c in wrc.columns if c.startswith('SS')]
    #We need to always rebase to make sure the stage bars are correct
    #if None rebase to the overall leader at last stage?
    if rebase is not None:
        #This will break if we provide one of the duplicate Code values...
        #If not, we should be okay...
        wrc[cols] = -wrc[cols].apply(_rebaseTimes, bib=rebase, axis=0)
    #Add in bar chart showing gap relative to other cars from rebased car
    #This needs to be done after rebasing
    wrc = gapBar(wrc)
    moveColumn(wrc, 'Gap', left_of='stagePosition')
    return wrc

if __name__=='__main__':
    tmp = generateOverallResultsChartable(conn2, rally, rc, rebase=wREBASE, days=1, sections=3)
if __name__=='__main__':
    tmp = generateOverallResultsChartable(conn2, rally, rc, rebase=wREBASE, stages=None)#[9])
    tmp = generateOverallResultsChartable(conn2, rally, rc, rebase=wREBASE, days=4)#[9])
if __name__=='__main__':
    s2 = moreStyleDriverSplitReportBaseDataframe(tmp,'')

    #Introduce a dot marker to highlight winner
    dakar.getTablePNG(s2, fnstub='overall_{}_'.format(wREBASE),scale_factor=2)
if __name__=='__main__':

Ultimate Margins

...aka time left on table...

Total time lost for driver $i$ over first $N$ stages is ${}{N}\Delta_i = \sum{s=1}^N \Delta_{i,s}$ where $\Delta_{i,s}=t_{i,w}-t_{w,s}$ and $t_{i,s}$ is the time on stage $s$ for driver $i$ and $t_{w,s}$ is time on stage $s$ for the stage winner, $w$. We then plot $y={}_{N}\Delta_i$ against $x=s:1..N$ for driver $i$.

For an even more exacting metric, we might also look at the deltas for time taken between each split.

We can also look at turning that into a percentage, cf. Formula One 107% times.

For example:${}N\nabla{i} = \frac{\sum_{s=1}^N t_{s,i}}{\sum_{s=1}^N t_{s,w}}$ and again plot $y={}_{N}\nabla_i$ against $x=s:1..N$ for driver $i$.

Note that this gives meaning to "giving 110%" in a roundabout sort of way. A driver might be running at 105% winner time in early stages, then improve to bring this down to 103%..

105 -> 103 means you give E.105 = 103: E = 103/105. To make that 100, (103/105) * (1/E) * 100 = 100. So "gave 110%" is (100 * oldPerCent/newPercent)

Alternatively... overall leader does time 110, driver does 105. So driver does P * 105 = 110, P = 110 /105 = overall / driver ? I prefer old/new formualtion - relative to driver? If he gave it 100%, his 105% behind at start of stage would be 105% behind at end of stage?

We can also look to adding lower margins to table, e.g. searching for max(positive delta) to find the amount of time lost to the leader on each stage.

Leader rebasing: also consider dynamic / leader rebasing; eg rebaser kernel is {'SS1':'LOE','SS2':'NEU', etc...} then get times for each of those to rebase against.

We need smoething along the lines of:


#ultimate times to rebase against for each stage: for each sector: get min(sector_time) where sector_time>0


We can then rebase each driver's splits against these times.

For a cruder metric based just on the stage time, we can simply find the faset stage time in each stage to rebase against.

if __name__=='__main__':
    #Need a WRC query for this
    #cols SS, Overall position, Stage position, with a driver index
if __name__=='__main__':