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How To Use Git with GitHub

Install Git Package on Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install git-core
Add a SSH Key

Run the following commands to add a SSH Key to your SSH-agent so you can use git without logging in again and again. It is important that you stand in your home directory

Generates a new set of SSH-keys both private and public, it will ask you to create a password.

cd .ssh && ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Add your private SSH-Key to your computers ssh-mannager (if ssh-add does not work, run eval `ssh-agent -s`


Add your public SSH-key to GitHub


Now copy the latest output and go to GitHub to add the public SSH Key to your account


Also you can copy the local public key to remote server using this command:

ssh-copy-id -i user@hostname
Download repository from github
git clone
Add new files to the tracking list
git add             // Adds everything to next push
git status            // shows changes you are about to commit
git commit -m "Some Comment"  // Prepare for push
git push            // You are sending all chosen changes to your repository
If you are ahead in branches use
git push origin master
Remove files from repository
git rm filemane         // Removes file from repo on next push
git status            // Shows changes you are about to commit
git commit -m "Removed some files"  // Prepare for push
git push            // you are sending all chosen changes to your repository
Download changes
git pull
View unpushed changes (compare your local HEAD with master remote)
git diff origin/master..HEAD
Create and start working on new branch
git checkout -b branchname
Deletion of Branch
git branch -d branchname
Merge branch into master branch
git checkout master
git merge branchname
To remove the last commit (Might be dangerous for others working on project)
git rebase -i HEAD~2
git push -f origin branchName
If you have commited and pushed file changes to remote and would like to revert the changes to this specifik file
git checkout HEAD~ -- path/to/file
git commit --amend -CHEAD
git push --force-with-lease origin <branchname>
If you would like to change the lastest commit message(given no one pulled the recent changes)
git commit --amend -m "New commit message"
git push --force origin <branchname>
Having trouble with keeping up with git? Try this


Describes How one can use Git






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