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Live Events Chat

live-events is an app that simulates live events. You can switch between multiple channels, send messages, view channel occupancy and the participant list. The app comes with the light and dark themes.

Life event chat app for React


This application uses React v18.0.0, ReactDOM v18.0.0, PubNub JavaScript SDK v7.2.0, and PubNub React SDK v3.0.1.

To use the app, you need:


Read the tutorial to learn how to use the app and better understand the logic behind it.

Follow the steps to run the app locally.

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Install the dependencies.

  3. Copy the samples/.env.example file as samples/.env and paste your Publish and Subscribe Keys there.

  4. Go to the samples/react/live-events folder.

    cd samples/react/live-events
  5. Run the application.

    yarn run start


The live-events app showcases these PubNub Chat Components for React: