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Punica TS

1. Overview

Welcome to Punica! Punica has (almost) everything you need for Ontology DApp development.

Usage: punica-ts [options] [command]

Punica CLI - The Ontology Blockchain dApp development framework

  -v, --version         output the version number
  -p, --project [PATH]  specify a punica project directory
  -d, --debug           print exceptions
  -h, --help            output usage information

  init                  initialize new and empty Ontology DApp project
  unbox [options]       download a Punica Box, a pre-built Ontology DApp project.
  compile [options]     compile the specified contracts to avm and abi files
  deploy [options]      deploy the specified contracts to specified chain
  invoke [options]      invoke the function list in default-config or specify config.
  list [options]        list all the function in default-config or specified config.
  smartx                Ontology smart contract IDE,SmartX (
  node                  Ontology Blockchain private net in test mode
  test                  test Smart contracts
  wallet                manage your ontid, account, asset
  tool                  tooling functions

2. Setting up the development environment

There are a few technical requirements before we start. Please install the following:

Developing and Running

Execute these commands in the project's root directory:


git clone ''
cd punica-ts

Install dependencies

npm install


This will build the project with minimum polyfilling for better debug experience.

npm run build

You will get the packaged code under '/lib'.

3. Global install without building

npm install punica-ts -g

4. Quickstart

To use most Punica commands, you need to run them against an existing Punica project. So the first step is to create a Punica project.

4.1. Create a Project

4.1.1. Initializing a New Project

You can create a bare Punica project with no smart contracts included, use punica-ts init command.

Once this operation is completed, you'll now have a project structure with the following items:

  • contracts/: Directory for Ontology smart contracts.
  • src/: Directory for DApp source file.
  • test/: Directory for test files for testing your application and contracts.
  • wallet/: Directory for save Ontology wallet file.
punica-ts init --help
Usage: init [options]

initialize new and empty Ontology DApp project

  -h, --help  output usage information

Note: If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.

4.1.2. Creating a Box Project

You can create a bare project template, but for those just getting started, you can use Punica Boxes, which are example applications and project templates.

We'll use the ontology-tutorialtoken box, which creates a OEP4 token that can be transferred between accounts:

  • Create a new directory for your Punica project:
mkdir tutorialtoken
cd tutorialtoken
  • Download ("unbox") the MetaCoin box:
punica-ts unbox --box_name tutorialtoken
punica-ts unbox --help
Usage: unbox [options]

download a Punica Box, a pre-built Ontology DApp project.

  --box_name <BOX_NAME>  specify which box to unbox
  -h, --help             output usage information


  • You can use the punica-ts unbox --box_name <box-name> command to download any of the other Punica Boxes.
  • If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.

4.2. Compiling

You can use the following command to compile your Ontology smart contracts:

punica-ts compile

If everything goes smoothly, you can find the avm and abi file in contracts/build folder.

    │      contract.avm
    │      contract_abi.json

For more usage, you can use punica-ts compile --help command.

punica-ts compile --help
Usage: compile [options]

compile the specified contracts to avm and abi files

  --contracts [CONTRACTS]  specify contracts files in contracts dir
  -h, --help               output usage information

Note: If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.

4.3. Deployment

To deploy your contract, run the following:

punica-ts deploy

This will deploy your smart contract in build directory.

A simple deployment process looks like this:

Using network 'testNet'.
Running deployment: hello_ontology.avm
Contract has been deployed to address 0x24ed10357c6a6506297367f29ed80065a42a4625.

For more usage, you can use punica-ts deploy --help command.

punica-ts deploy --help
Usage: deploy [options]

deploy the specified contracts to specified chain

  --network [NETWORK]  specify which network the contracts will be deployed to
  --avm [AVM]          specify which avm file will be deployed
  --wallet [WALLET]    specify which wallet file will be used
  --config [CONFIG]    specify which deploy config file will be used
  -h, --help           output usage information


  • If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.
  • If multi avm file exist in your build directory, you need to use --avm option to specify which contract you want to deploy.
  • If multi wallet file exist in your wallet directory, you may need to use --wallet option to specify which wallet you want to use. otherwise, a random wallet file in wallet directory will be used.

4.4. Invocation

If you want to invoke a list of function in your deployed smart contract, a convenience way is to use invoke command.

Suppose we have an invoke config in our default-config.json:

    "abi": "oep4_token_abi.json",
    "defaultPayer": "ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6",
    "gasPrice": 0,
    "gasLimit": 21000000,
    "functions": [
	    "name": "Name",
            "params": {},
            "signers": {},
            "preExec": true
            "name": "Symbol",
            "params": {},
            "signers": {},
            "preExec": true
            "name": "Decimal",
            "params": {},
            "signers": {},
            "preExec": true
	    "name": "TotalSupply",
            "params": {},
            "signers": {},
            "preExec": true
            "params": {
                "account": "ByteArray:ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6"
            "signers": {},
            "preExec": true
	    "name": "Transfer",
            "params": {
                "from_acct": "ByteArray:ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6",
                "to_acct": "ByteArray:AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve",
                "amount": 1
            "signers": {
                "m": 1,
                "signer": ["ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6"]
            "preExec": false
	    "name": "TransferMulti",
            "params": {
                "args": [
                        "from": "ByteArray:ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6",
                        "to": "ByteArray:AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve",
                        "amount": 1
                        "from": "ByteArray:AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve",
                        "to": "ByteArray:Ad4H6AB3iY7gBGNukgBLgLiB6p3v627gz1",
                        "amount": 2
            "signers": {
                "m": 1,
                "signer": ["ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6", "AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve"]
            "payer": "ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6",
            "preExec": false
	    "name": "Allowance",
            "params": {
                "owner": "ByteArray:ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6",
                "spender": "ByteArray:AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve"
            "signers": {
                "m": 1,
                "signer": ["ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6"]
            "preExec": false
	    "name": "TransferFrom",
            "params": {
                "sender": "ByteArray:AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve",
                "from_acct": "ByteArray:ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6",
                "to_acct": "ByteArray:Ad4H6AB3iY7gBGNukgBLgLiB6p3v627gz1",
                "amount": 1
            "signers": {
                "m": 1,
                "signer": ["ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6"]
            "preExec": false
	    "name": "Init",
            "params": {},
            "signers": {},
            "preExec": true

To view the functions that can call:

punica-ts list

The following output we will get:

All Functions:

To run our invoke function list, run the following:

punica-ts invoke

The following output we will get:

Using network 'testNet'.
Running invocation: oep4.json
Unlock default payer account...
Please input account password: 
Invoking Name...
Invocation was successful. Result: 546f6b656e4e616d65
Invoking Symbol......

For more usage, you can use punica-ts invoke --help command.

punica-ts invoke --help
Usage: invoke [options]

invoke the function list in default-config or specify config.

  --network [NETWORK]      specify which network the contracts will be invoked
  --wallet <WALLET>        specify which wallet file will be used
  --functions <FUNCTIONS>  specify which function will be executed
  --config <CONFIG>        specify which config file will be used
  -h, --help               output usage information


  • If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.
  • If multi wallet file exist in your wallet directory, you may need to use --wallet option to specify which wallet you want to use. otherwise, a random wallet file in wallet directory will be used.

4.5 Node

punica-ts node

Ontology Blockchain private net in test mode.
Please download from:

4.6. Scpm

punica-ts scpm -h
Usage: scpm [options]

smart contract package manager,support download and publish

  -h, --help  output usage information

4.7. Smartx

punica-ts smartx

Ontology smart contract IDE - SmartX.
Please go to Smartx for debugging smart contracts:

4.8. Test

punica-ts test -h
Usage: test [options] [command]

test Smart contracts

  -h, --help          output usage information

  template [options]  generate test template file
  exec [options]      execute the test file

4.9. Wallet

punica-ts wallet -h
Usage: wallet [options] [command]

manage your ontid, account, asset

  -h, --help  output usage information

  account     manage your account
  asset       manage your asset, transfer, balance,...
  ontid       manage your ont_id, list or add.

4.10. Tools

punica-ts tool -h
Usage: tool [options] [command]

tooling functions

  -h, --help                   output usage information

  transform                    transform data
  decryptprivatekey [options]  decrypt encoded private key

4.10.1. Transformation tools

punica-ts tool transform -h
Usage: transform [options] [command]

transform data

  -h, --help              output usage information

  addresstohex [options]  transform address to hex
  stringtohex [options]   transform string to hex
  hexreverse [options]    reverse hex string
  numtohex [options]      transform number to NeoVM hex string
  generateprivatekey      generate random private key

5. Example

5.1. Checkout Version

C:\tutorialtoken> punica-ts -v

5.2. Unbox Tutorialtoken

C:\tutorialtoken> punica-ts unbox tutorialtoken
Unbox successful. Enjoy it!```

### 5.3. Compile Contract

C:\tutorialtoken> tree
│     └─build
│  └─static
│      ├─css
│      │  └─fonts
│      ├─html
│      └─js
C:\tutorialtoken> punica-ts compile
Compiled, Thank you.
C:\tutorialtoken> tree
│     └─build
│  └─static
│      ├─css
│      │  └─fonts
│      ├─html
│      └─js
C:\tutorialtoken> tree build /F

5.4. Deploy Smart Contract

After compile successful, you can deploy your smart contract into a Ontolog Network.

C:\tutorialtoken> punica-ts deploy
Using network 'testNet'.
Running deployment: oep4_token.avm
Contract has been deployed to address 0x24ed10357c6a6506297367f29ed80065a42a4625.

If the contract has been deployed into the current network, you will get the following output.

C:\tutorialtoken> punica-ts deploy
Using network 'testNet'.
Running deployment: oep4_token.avm
Contract is already deployed at 0x24ed10357c6a6506297367f29ed80065a42a4625

5.5. Invoke Function in Smart Contract

C:\tutorialtoken> punica-ts invoke
Using network 'testNet'.
Running invocation: oep4.json
Unlock default payer account...
Please input account password: 
Invoking Name...
Invocation was successful. Result: 546f6b656e4e616d65
Invoking Symbol......


Ontology Blockchain dApp development framework







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