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Module Writing Basics for Windows

Welcome to the writing modules section of the Quick start guide (QSG) series. This document is a short walkthrough to help you become more familiar with Puppet modules, module development, and additional PE features. Follow along to learn how to:

  • Create a site module.
  • Apply your new module's class to a group with the console.

Before starting this walkthrough, you should have completed the previous exercises in the introductory quick start guide. You should still be logged in as root or administrator on your nodes.

Note: This guide assumes that you are not using r10k for code management. If you are using r10k, any modules not managed by r10k will be destroyed.

Module basics

By default, modules are stored in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules. You can configure this path with the modulepath setting in puppet.conf.

Modules are directory trees. The manifest directory of the Puppet Labs wsus_client module contains the following files:

  • wsus_client/ (the module name)
    • manifests/
      • init.pp (contains the wsus_client class)
      • service.pp (defines wsus_client::service)

Every manifest (.pp) file contains a single class. File names map to class names in a predictable way: init.pp contains a class with the same name as the module; <NAME>.pp contains a class called <MODULE NAME>::<NAME>; and <NAME>/<OTHER NAME>.pp contains <MODULE NAME>::<NAME>::<OTHER NAME>.

Many modules contain directories other than manifests; for simplicity's sake, we do not cover them in this introductory guide.

Write a Puppet module

During this exercise, you create a class called critical_policy that manages a collection of important settings and options in your Windows registry, most notably the legal caption and text users see before the login screen.

  1. On the Puppet master, make sure you're still in the modules directory, cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules, and then run mkdir -p critical_policy/manifests to create the new module directory and its manifests directory.

  2. Use your text editor to create and open the critical_policy/manifests/init.pp file.

  3. Edit the init.pp file so it contains the following Puppet code, and then save it and exit the editor:

     class critical_policy {
       registry::value { 'Legal notice caption':
         key   => 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System',
         value => 'legalnoticecaption',
         data  => 'Legal Notice',
       registry::value { 'Legal notice text':
         key   => 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System',
         value => 'legalnoticetext',
         data  => 'Login constitutes acceptance of the End User Agreement',
       registry::value { 'Allow Windows Update to Forcibly reboot':
         key   => 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU',
         value => 'NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers',
         type  => 'dword',
         data  => '0',

You have written a new module containing a single class. Puppet now knows about this class, and it can be added to the console and assigned to your Windows nodes.

Note the following about this new class:

  • The registry::value defined resource type allows you to use Puppet to manage the parent key for a particular value automatically.
  • The key parameter specifies the path the key the value(s) must be in.
  • The value parameter lists the name of the registry value(s) to manage. This is copied from the resource title if not specified.
  • The type parameter determines the type of the registry value(s). Defaults to 'string'. Valid values are 'string', 'array', 'dword', 'qword', 'binary', or 'expand'.
  • data Lists the data inside the registry value.

For more information about writing classes, refer to the following documentation:

Use your custom module in the console

  1. On the console, click Nodes > Classification, and then select the node group you want to add your module to (e.g., Windows_example).
  2. Click the Classes tab, and in the Add new class box, type or choose critical_policy. You might need to wait a moment or two for the class to show up in the list. You can also click Refresh.
  3. Click Add class and the commit change button.

Test out your module

  1. On the Windows agent node, manually set the data values of legalnoticecaption and legalnoticetext to some other values. For example, set legalnoticecaption to "Larry's Computer" and set legalnoticetext to "This is Larry's computer."

    Legal notice text larry

  2. On the Windows agent node, refresh the registry and note that the values of legalnoticecaption and legalnoticetext have been returned to the values specified in your critical_policy manifest.

    Legal notice text original value

If you reboot your Windows machine, you will see the legal caption and text before you log in again.

You have created a new class from scratch and used it to manage registry settings on your Windows server.

Using a site module

Many users create a "site" module. Instead of describing smaller units of a configuration, the classes in a site module describe a complete configuration for a given type of machine. For example, a site module might contain:

  • A site::basic class, for nodes that require security management but haven't been given a specialized role yet.
  • A site::webserver class for nodes that serve web content.
  • A site::dbserver class for nodes that provide a database server to other applications.

Site modules hide complexity so you can more easily divide labor at your site. System architects can create the site classes, and junior admins can create new machines and assign a single "role" class to them in the console. In this workflow, the console controls policy, not fine-grained implementation.

  • On the Puppet master, create the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/site/manifests/basic.pp file, and edit it to contain the following:

      class site::basic {
        if $osfamily == 'windows' {
          include critical_policy
        else {
          include motd
          include core_permissions

This class declares other classes with the include function. Note the "if" conditional that sets different classes for different OS's using the $osfamily fact. In this example, if an agent node is not a Windows agent, Puppet applies the motd and core_permissions classes. For more information about declaring classes, see the modules and classes chapters of Learning Puppet.

  1. On the console, remove all of the previous example classes from your nodes and groups (e.g., wsus_client and critical_policy). Be sure to leave the pe_* classes in place.
  2. Add the site::basic class to the console with _Add new class.
  3. Assign the site::basic class to the windows_example group.

Your nodes are now receiving the same configurations as before, but with a simplified interface in the console. Instead of deciding which classes a new node should receive, you can decide what type of node it is and take advantage of decisions you made earlier.


You have now performed the core workflows of an intermediate Puppet user. In the course of their normal work, intermediate users:

  • Download and modify Forge modules to fit their deployment's needs.
  • Create new modules and write new classes to manage many types of resources, including files, services, packages, user accounts, and more.
  • Build and curate a site module to safely empower junior admins and simplify the decisions involved in deploying new machines.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot events that affect their infrastructure.