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File metadata and controls

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ARM-11: Puppet Execution Model


This ARM describes an asynchronous execution model for Puppet and its related components. It will likely end up as a "meta-ARM" which spans a group of related changes, each of which is substantial enough to warrant its own ARM to dive into the details.


The goals of moving to an asynchronous execution model are:

  • Enable much easier scaling than is possible with a synchronous architecture.
  • Move towards a componentized architecture that allows faster refactoring.
  • Build a platform that enables sophisticated orchestration and sequencing.


This ARM does not intend to be prescriptive about wire-protocol-level implementation details.

Success Metrics

Specific metrics are unclear at this time.


Puppet's client-server architecture right now has a problem at any significant scale. Because catalog compilation is done on the master and is computationally expensive, and because clients can trigger a catalog compilation at will, cheaply, large sites find themselves in a constant struggle to avoid harming themselves with what amount to denial-of-service attacks from legitimate clients. An asynchronous architecture would allow catalog compilation to happen independent of client requests, so additional clients (or more frequent requests from the same population of clients) does not impose a linear load on the compiler hosts.

Thinking through the changes necessary to achieve this goal, it became clear that it would enable additional positive follow-on effects. In order to split out functionality that is currently combined into a monolithic puppet master process, the entaglements and incomplete separation-of-concerns between components of the codebase will need to be clearly defined, which enables quicker refactoring. And as a function of precompiling and storing catalogs, we enable sophisticated short time-scale orchestration across a population by 'releasing' catalogs to selected subsets of nodes and triggering their execution on demand.


Execution Model Diagram

Execution Model Diagram

On the node

I'm proposing the daemonized puppet agent would decouple fact submission from puppet agent execution. It would be responsible for:

  • executing facter periodically and submitting facts to a new Fact Service
  • checking for updated catalogs on the master, downloading and caching them locally if there's a newer version than the previous cached catalog
  • executing the puppet agent in one-shot mode on a schedule (optionally, always in no-op mode)
  • submitting reports (potentially as a continuous stream of events rather than waiting until the end of the run to send everything) to a new Report Service

Additionally this model uses mcollectived on the node more centrally, because mcollective-triggered runs are essential for sequenced execution. Many sites are moving to an operational mode with puppet where every run is normally in no-op mode and only deployment windows have do-something mode set; mcollective would be responsible for triggering those runs.

Currently, the puppet agent invokes facter at the beginning of each run, gathering facts in real-time and uploading them in the HTTP request for the node's catalog that it sends to the puppetmaster. In this model, the fact delivery and submission would be decoupled from the agent execution. Facter could then run on any appropriate schedule, which would probably be a much longer period than "every puppet run" because most facts do not change very quickly relative to the lifecycle of a node.

The fact service consists of a queue of pending fact submissions and some workers which pull work off the queue and persist it to fact storage, which is exactly what PuppetDB does today when it's configured to store facts in the inventory service.
The difference is that the fact submission is not tied to a catalog request by the client; instead the endpoint which receives the facts submission is responsible for detecting differences between the previous fact storage for that node and notifying the Compiler Service that it needs to compile a new catalog using these facts.

The Compiler Service is responsible for pulling compile requests of its own queue, compiling catalogs for nodes, and persisting them in catalog storage.
Requests can come into the compiler queue from fact service, from a human interacting with a commandline, or any other event such as a post-commit hook which notifies the compiler service there is new code available that needs to get out to nodes.

The service persists compiled catalogs in Catalog Storage, which again already exists in PuppetDB. This area has perhaps the largest number of changes necessary from today's execution model:

  • This needs to be a
    static-compiler-ish kind of catalog (sourced urls containing the checksum of the file inside the catalog) so that changes in files result in a different catalog. Files that are referenced by URL but whose contents are not stored in the catalog need to get populated into a new Content Service.
  • Similarly, the config_version variable, or something functionally equivalent, needs to a reliable indicator of whether anything has changed in the components of the catalog; at the moment only site.pp changing causes this value to change.
  • Environments should live with real separation in this compiler service, which probably means a Ruby interpreter per environment.
  • It should be possible to pre-compile catalogs for a node but not serve them up yet; this would fix the 'thundering herd' problem because as soon as code was complete you could start compiling, but nodes would only know about the changes when they were told to look for them.
  • The PuppetDB wire format is a pure JSON implementation of the catalog format, not the same thing as the agent consumes today. They should be unified, so the translation step that happens now on the way out to PuppetDB from the compiler is no longer necessary.

The content service replaces the current puppet file_server functionality with a service which, like the filebucket does today, implements a [](Content-Addressable Storage) system, where the cryptographic checksum of the file's content is the key by which the file is retrieved. This would work in conjunction with the static catalogs to serve up content not included in the catalog itself, such as large binary blobs or system daemon configuration files.

The two main areas where the Content Service should improve on the current filebucket implementation are performance and scalability. It's widely acknowledged that Puppet today is not performant at serving large files, but the technical origins for this reputation (XML-RPC, Webrick) have largely gone away and at this point it's mostly a matter of not focusing energy on serving files efficiently. Building a distinct Content Service which does not carry extra baggage should enable (or at least, 'not hinder') high perofrmance file serving.

By 'scalability', I mean primarily that the Content Service should provide a mechanism by which writes to a particular content address will be replicated transparently across the underlying storage. This addresses a limitation that large-scale users with load-balanced puppetmasters have run into with the static compiler:

  • the compiler replaces a puppet:///url/ with a filebucket checksum
  • the compiler fills its own filebucket with the replaced file's contents
  • the agent receives the catalog, attempts to fetch contents, but hits a different load-balanced server, which does not contain the content

The Content Service should provide an API through which content can be populated by external entities (like the Compiler Service) and should internally provide consistency and availability for each content address. The backend could quite reasonably be implemented on top of third-party products.

Report Service

The report service is essentially the same storage provided by PuppetDB today.
The main potential enhancement to the reporting API to support the asynchronous execution model is a move to event-driven reporting rather than one-shot reporting.

Currently the agent gathers all events during a run and submits them in a large (sometimes quite large) upload to the report server at the end of the run. To provide more responsive feedback to administrators and shorter convergence for other parts of the ecosystem which rely on reports, it would be beneficial to move to a streaming-event model, where each node publishes an event to the Report Service as soon as it's completed.

Testing and Evaluation

What kinds of test development and execution will be required in order to validate this enhancement, beyond the usual mandatory unit tests? Be sure to list any special platform or hardware requirements.

What criteria should people use to evaluate the alternatives? If there are suggestions you have as the author for helping readers decide between alternatives (or whether to the ARM should be implemented at all), build a decision tree here.

Alternatives and Recommendation

Did you consider any alternative approaches or technologies? If so then please describe them here and explain why they were not chosen.

Describe which, if any, of the alternatives you recommend and why you prefer it. This could walk through the Author's use of the "Evaluation" decision tree explaining the rationale.

Risks and Assumptions

Describe any risks or assumptions that must be considered along with this proposal. Could any plausible events derail this work, or even render it unnecessary? If you have mitigation plans for the known risks then please describe them.


Describe all dependencies that this ARM has on other ARMs, components, products, or anything else. Dependences upon other ARMs should also be listed in the "depends:" field in the metadata.json.

Describe any ARMs that depend upon this ARM before they can be implemented.


How will this work impact other parts of the platform, the product, and the contributors working on them? Omit any irrelevant items.

  • Other Puppet components: ...
  • Compatibility: ...
  • Security: ...
  • Performance/scalability: ...
  • User experience: ...
  • I18n/L10n: ...
  • Accessibility: ...
  • Portability: ...
  • Packaging/installation: ...
  • Documentation: ...
  • Spin-offs/Future work: ...
  • Other: ...