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Release Engineering Repo Standards

Standards and workflows for release engineering repositories

Control Workflows

The sections below list workflows controlled from this repository.


The Release workflow creates and updates tags and for the reusable workflows themselves, because caller repositories should be referencing these actions via a major version tag according to GitHub Actions best practices.

If there are backwards incompatible changes to any workflow, then it's important to perform a major version bump, so that any caller workflows can be dealt with appropriately.

The workflow will publish a new release tagging the latest commit, and move the major version tag (For example v1), to the latest commit as well.

To perform a manual out of band release, bump the version in info.json appropriately based on merged pull requests since the last release and run ./ to update

Schedule Release Prep

The Schedule Release Prep workflow runs every Thursday, but uses the current week number modulo 2 in order to determine if it is an odd or even week. If it is an even week (In other words bi-weekly), then for the list of repositories kickoff the Auto Release Prep workflow. In order to not create a "storm" of release prep pull requests all being open at once, it sleeps for a random interval between 1 and 5 minutes between each repository. A self-hosted GitHub runner is used due to the random sleep interval, since GitHub hosted runners bill based on minutes.


  1. The called workflow must have an Actions secret called BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN with the value being a GitHub token with repo permission, and the token be be SSO authorized for the puppetlabs GitHub organization.
  2. The called repository should contain a script that performs the appropriate preparation steps locally (For example, updating Gemfile.lock, or package-lock.json, etc. and
  3. The called repository should label pull requests appropriately in order to determine the appropriate next version bump.

Reusable Workflows

The sections below list each reusable workflow with usage, inputs, outpus, etc..

For more information about reusable workflows see Reusing workflows

NOTE: Please ensure that any repositories using these workflows reference them by a major version tag, as opposed to the default branch. Dependabot is able to detect updated tags for reusable workflows. This prevents breaking changes in the called workflows from breaking all caller workflows until the needed changes have been addressed.

Many of our tools follow Semantic Versioning, which means that applying one or more appropriate labels to pull requests is crucial both for determining the next release version of a tool and automatically generating an accurate changelog and release notes using github-changelog-generator.

Auto Release Prep

The Auto Release Prep workflow finds pull requests that have been merged since the last release and determines the appropriate next version bump based on those pull request labels. Next, it updates the semantic version in the file provided by version-file-path, commits and pushes to a new branch, then opens a pull request with the maintenance label.


  1. The caller workflow must have an Actions secret called BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN with the value being a GitHub token with repo permission, and the token be be SSO authorized for the puppetlabs GitHub organization.
  2. The caller repository should contain a script that performs the appropriate preparation steps locally (For example, updating Gemfile.lock, or package-lock.json, etc. and
  3. The caller repository should label pull requests appropriately in order to determine the appropriate next version bump.

Auto Release Prep Example

name: Automated release prep


    uses: puppetlabs/release-engineering-repo-standards/.github/workflows/auto_release_prep.yml@v1
    secrets: inherit
      project-type: ruby
      version-file-path: lib/always_be_scheduling/version.rb
name: Automated release prep


    uses: puppetlabs/release-engineering-repo-standards/.github/workflows/auto_release_prep.yml@v1
    secrets: inherit
      project-type: npm
      version-file-path: package.json

Auto Release Prep Secrets

Secret name Type Description Required
BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN string The token used to git push and open a pull request. true

Auto Release Prep Inputs

Input name Type Description Required Default value
project-type string The project type used to determine how to perform a version bump. One of npm or ruby. true ruby
version-file-path string The path to a file containing a semantic version to update. true None

Auto Release Prep Outputs


Dependabot auto-merge

The Dependabot auto-merge workflow contains jobs used to gather the metadata of a pull request opened by Dependabot, then based on a condition, the pull request is approved and auto-merge enabled, meaning that as soon as all required status checks pass, then the pull request will automatically be merged. The workflow will also label "patch" dependency bumps with the "bug" label, and "minor" dependency bumps with the "enhancement" label.


  1. The caller workflow must have an Actions secret called BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN with the value being a GitHub token with repo permission, and the token be be SSO authorized for the puppetlabs GitHub organization.
  2. The caller repository must have the auto-merge setting enabled at Settings --> General --> Check "Allow auto-merge".
  3. The caller repository should have a branch protection rule with at least at least one check in the required status check to pass before merging.
  4. If the caller repository requires pull request reviews before merging, then the bot account associated with the token used for the BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN secret should be, or a member of a team used, in the CODEOWNERS.

Dependabot auto-merge Example

name: Dependabot auto-merge

on: pull_request

    uses: puppetlabs/release-engineering-repo-standards/.github/workflows/dependabot_merge.yml@v1
    secrets: inherit
      merge-if-minor-or-patch-update: true

Dependabot auto-merge Secrets

Secret name Type Description Required
BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN string The token used to approve and enable auto-merge on a pull request. true

Dependabot auto-merge Inputs

Input name Type Description Required Default value
merge-if-minor-or-patch-update boolean Approve and enable auto-merge on the pull request if the dependency update is a minor or patch version bump. false true

Dependabot auto-merge Outputs


Ensure label

The Ensure label workflow ensures that at least one label exists on a pull request. If the check fails due to no labels existing, then simply add the appropriate label, and rerun the failed check

Ensure label Example

name: Ensure label

on: pull_request

    uses: puppetlabs/release-engineering-repo-standards/.github/workflows/ensure_label.yml@v1

Ensure label Secrets


Ensure label Inputs


Ensure label Outputs



Submit changes by opening a pull request and assigning the appropriate label.