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Building a Puppy on GitHub

Dima Krasner edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 51 revisions
  1. Go to the Actions tab of (or a fork):

  1. Select the "release" workflow:

Then, specify a version number, specify a release name suffix, etc' and click "Run workflow":

Not all combinations will work. Make sure you select a combination implemented in woof-CE, otherwise it won't work. Make sure the architecture, distro and distro version are exactly how woof-CE calls them (for example, specify x86_64, ubuntu and focal64 for a x86_64 build that uses Ubuntu 20.04 packages). If you want an Ubuntu 20.04 based build for ARM and there's no ubuntu/focal directory under arm/, this means this combination is not implemented.

Also, make sure the kernel you chose is available for the chosen architecture. For example, 4.19.x is available for both x86 and x86_64, but 5.10.x is available only for x86_64.

The release name suffix can be empty, but otherwise must start with "-" (i.e. -alpha, -alpha1, -beta2, -rc1).

  1. Wait for the build to start (refresh the page if needed), then click it:

  1. Select a job (there may be only one option):

  1. Get a healthy snack and monitor the logs:

  1. If the build has passed, go back to (or your fork) and your shiny new Puppy should be available under Releases:

This new release is release draft: it's visible only to woof-CE members (or you, if it's a fork of woof-CE). You can either discard it (for example, if you tested it and found it to be buggy), or publish it so users can see and download it.

  1. Get more healthy snacks, call your friends and throw a Puppy testing party.
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