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Building a Puppy on GitHub

Dima Krasner edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 51 revisions
  1. Go to the Actions tab of (or a fork):

  1. Select the "release" workflow:

Then, specify a version number, specify a release name suffix, etc' and click "Run workflow":

Not all parameter combinations will work:

For example, if you want an Ubuntu 20.04 based build for ARM and there's no ubuntu directory under arm/, or no focal subdirectory under arm/ubuntu, this means this combination is not implemented and won't work (the configuration files are missing).

If you wish to build an updated version of a previous Puppy release using the latest woof-CE, without guarantee of 100% faithful reproduction, use these configurations:

Generally, the combinations built by scheduled runs of woof-CE are the ones most likely to work.

The release name suffix can be empty, but otherwise must start with "-" (i.e. -alpha, -alpha1, -beta2, -rc1).

  1. Wait for the build to start (refresh the page if needed), then click it:

  1. Select the build job:

  1. Get a healthy snack and monitor the logs:

  1. If the build has passed, your shiny new Puppy should be available under Artifacts for one day:

artifacts artifacts2

In addition, if you checked the "Upload release draft" checkbox, it should be available under the Releases page:

This new release is release draft: it's visible only to woof-CE members (or you, if it's a fork of woof-CE):

You can discard it (for example, if you tested it and found it to be buggy):

Or, you can publish it D26P3Z.png)

Or, you can publish it so users can see and download it:

  1. Get more healthy snacks, call your friends and throw a Puppy testing party.