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Releases: purocean/yn


17 Dec 08:32
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 运行代码块限制最大高度,优化显示效果
  2. feat(plugin): ctx.api.proxyRequest 方法支持指定 http 代理
  3. feat(plugin): 增加 ctx.getPluginApi 方法,插件支持暴露接口给其他插件使用

  1. feat: Limit the maximum height of code blocks and optimize display effects
  2. feat(plugin): Add support for specifying HTTP proxy in ctx.api.proxyRequest method
  3. feat(plugin): Add ctx.getPluginApi method to allow plugins to expose interfaces for other plugins to use

新增扩展 AI Copilot,支持 OpenAI GPT 模型和 谷歌 gemini-pro 模型



23 Nov 15:39
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 为 PlantUML 增加渲染缓存
  2. feat: 自定义容器增加 div 类型
  3. feat: 用户自定义插件脚本支持顶层 await 关键字
  4. feat: 优化链接粘贴行为
  5. fix: 修复某些时候自定义编辑器快捷键重启后失效的问题
  6. fix: 修复宏定义使用空键值时候导致页面渲染异常的问题
  7. feat(plugin): ctx.view.getContentHtml 方法增加 useRemoteSrcOfLocalImage 选项,用于保留本地图片的远程地址

  1. feat: Added rendering cache for PlantUML
  2. feat: Added div type to custom containers
  3. feat: Added support for top-level await keyword in user-defined plugin scripts
  4. feat: Optimized link pasting behavior
  5. fix: Fixed an issue where custom editor shortcuts would become ineffective after restart
  6. fix: Fixed rendering issues caused by empty key values in macro definitions
  7. feat(plugin): Added useRemoteSrcOfLocalImage option to ctx.view.getContentHtml method for preserving remote URLs of local images


03 Nov 05:56
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. 修复导出的文档可能丢失图片问题
  2. 修复性能退化

  1. fix the issue where exported documents may lose images.
  2. fix performance regression


27 Oct 07:22
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 粘贴 tab 分割的表格时候自动转化为 markdown 格式表格
  2. feat: 表格编辑编辑单元格时支持快捷键
    • DBLClick: 编辑单元格
    • Escape: 退出编辑
    • Enter: 确认编辑并编辑下一行
    • Shift + Enter: 确认编辑并编辑上一行
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Enter: 确认编辑并插入下一行
    • Tab: 确认编辑并编辑下一列
    • Shift + Tab: 确认编辑并编辑上一列
  3. feat: 其他使用体验提升
  4. fix: 修复渲染透明背景 PlantUML 图形时显示异常的问题
  5. chore: 升级依赖:@vscode/ripgrep
  6. refactor: 不再使用 vuex
  7. feat(plugin): 支持 yank-note:// Deep Link

新增扩展 Excalidraw

  1. feat: Automatically convert tab-separated tables to markdown format when pasting.
  2. feat: Table cell editing now supports keyboard shortcuts:
    • DBLClick: Edit cell
    • Escape: Exit editing
    • Enter: Confirm editing and edit the next row
    • Shift + Enter: Confirm editing and edit the previous row
    • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Confirm editing and insert a new row below
    • Tab: Confirm editing and edit the next column
    • Shift + Tab: Confirm editing and edit the previous column
  3. feat: Other user experience improvements.
  4. fix: Fixed the issue with abnormal rendering of transparent background PlantUML diagrams.
  5. chore: Dependency upgrades: @vscode/ripgrep and
  6. refactor: No longer using Vuex.
  7. feat(plugin): Added support for yank-note:// Deep Link.


08 Oct 14:29
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 侧栏文档大纲支持折叠展开
  2. feat: 支持离线激活高级版
  3. feat: 选中文本后粘贴链接时,自动插入链接并以选中文本作为链接文本,支持带 # 的链接
  4. feat: 增加 bat 语言高亮
  5. fix: 修复 Windows 上仓库使用网络路径时候打开附件失败的问题

  1. feat: sidebar document outline supports folding and expansion
  2. feat: supports offline activation of premium version
  3. feat: When pasting a link after selecting text, the link will be automatically inserted and the selected text will be used as the link text. Links with # are supported.
  4. feat: Add bat language highlighting
  5. fix: Fixed the problem of failure to open attachments when the warehouse uses a network path on Windows


26 Sep 10:38
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  • 增强安全模式安全性
  • Enhanced Safe Mode security


26 Sep 06:20
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 增加编辑器快速提示配置项
  2. fix: 打开仓库外的文件禁用选项卡上下文菜单

  1. feat: add editor.quick-suggestion config item
  2. fix: disable context menu of file tabs of outside repository


23 Sep 02:16
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 应用关联 Markdown 文件:支持在文件管理器中直接打开、拖拽到应用内打开文件。非仓库文件将以安全模式渲染
  2. feat: 配置项:渲染配置增加 markdown-it-multimd-table 插件更多配置;编辑器增加控制是否键入时候展示建议提示的配置
  3. feat: 编辑体验优化:从侧栏拖动文档或图片到编辑器中时,自动插入文档链接或图片链接;选中文本后粘贴链接时,自动插入链接并以选中文本作为链接文本
  4. feat: 优化检查更新速度:应用在一些时候会通过 检查更新
  5. feat: 优化界面 UI:调整上下文菜单、优化渲染外链图标不单独换行、侧栏和大纲中的显示的数字尽量对齐等
  6. feat: 优化交互:仓库内搜索面板展示时自动聚焦搜索框并选中文本;
  7. feat: 编辑过的文件将添加到任务栏或 Dock 中应用图标上下文菜单中,方便快速打开
  8. feat: 升级 Electron 到 22.3.24
  9. fix: 修复插入附件或链接文件时,文件名中包含特殊字符不能展示为 Markdown 链接的问题
  10. feat(plugin): 增加 ctx.base.getAllRepos ctx.doc.getAllRepos ctx.doc.switchDocByPath 方法

  1. feat: application-associated Markdown files: supports opening files directly in the file manager and dragging them into the application to open files. Non-warehouse files will be rendered in safe mode
  2. feat: configuration items: The rendering configuration adds more configurations of the markdown-it-multimd-table plug-in; the editor adds a configuration to control whether to display suggestion prompts when typing.
  3. feat: editing experience optimization: when dragging a document or image from the sidebar into the editor, a document link or image link is automatically inserted; when a link is pasted after selecting text, the link is automatically inserted and the selected text is used as the link text.
  4. feat: optimize the speed of checking updates: the application will sometimes check for updates through
  5. feat: optimize the interface UI: adjust the context menu, optimize the rendering of external link icons so that they do not wrap separately, and align the numbers displayed in the sidebar and outline as much as possible, etc.
  6. feat: optimize interaction: when the search panel in the warehouse is displayed, the search box will be automatically focused and text selected;
  7. feat: the edited file will be added to the application icon context menu in the taskbar or Dock for quick opening.
  8. feat: upgrade Electron to 22.3.24
  9. fix: when inserting attachments or linked files, the file name containing special characters cannot be displayed as a Markdown link.
  10. feat(plugin): add ctx.base.getAllRepos ctx.doc.getAllRepos ctx.doc.switchDocByPath methods


05 Sep 07:25
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 增加双击侧栏标题聚焦当前打开文档功能
  2. feat: 优化编辑体验,调整编辑器自动包裹、符号配对等细节功能
  3. feat: 侧栏上下文菜单增加“添加文件”功能
  4. feat: 升级 PlantUML 到 v1.2023.10
  5. feat: 升级 markdown-it-multimd-table 到 4.2.3
  6. fix: 修复脑图内存泄露问题
  7. refactor(plugin): ctx.editor.getIsDefault 更名为 ctx.editor.isDefault
  8. refactor(plugin): 增加 ctx.editor.isDirty 方法
  10. feat(plugin): 增加 ctx.utils.waitCondition 方法

  1. feat: add double-click sidebar title to focus on the currently open document function
  2. feat: optimize editing experience, adjust editor automatic wrapping, symbol pairing and other details
  3. feat: add "Add File" function to the sidebar context menu
  4. feat: upgrade PlantUML to v1.2023.10
  5. feat: upgrade markdown-it-multimd-table to 4.2.3
  6. fix: fix mind map memory leak issue
  7. refactor(plugin): rename ctx.editor.getIsDefault to ctx.editor.isDefault
  8. refactor(plugin): add ctx.editor.isDirty method
  10. feat(plugin): add ctx.utils.waitCondition method


15 Aug 14:56
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Windows | macOS arm64 | macOS x64 | Linux AppImage | Linux deb

  1. feat: 增加“在预览中查找”功能
  2. feat: 切换已打开的文件时保留/恢复编辑器状态
  3. feat: 刷新文档的时候同时刷新图片
  4. feat: 增加轮换自定义编辑器快捷键
  5. feat: 扩展管理器中增加图标以标识官方扩展
  6. feat: 优化编辑器使用体验
  7. fix: 修复 Windows 上不能在系统中打开目录的问题
  8. refactor(plugin): 移除 remove MONACO_CHANGE_VALUE Hook,
  9. refactor(plugin): EDITOR_CHANGE Hook 更名 EDITOR_CONTENT_CHANGE

  1. feat: Add "Find in Preview" function
  2. feat: keep/restore editor state when switching open files
  3. feat: Refresh the picture at the same time when refreshing the document
  4. feat: Add shortcut keys for rotating custom editors
  5. feat: Add icons in the extension manager to identify official extensions
  6. feat: optimize the editor experience
  7. fix: fix can't open file on Windows
  8. refactor(plugin): remove remove MONACO_CHANGE_VALUE Hook,
  9. refactor(plugin): EDITOR_CHANGE Hook renamed to EDITOR_CONTENT_CHANGE