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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Features to add with localStorage:

  1. Sync notes with localStorage : App.jsx


  2. Add note summary titles : Sidebar.jsx

  3. Move modified notes to the top of the list : App.jsx

  4. delete notes : App.jsx

Adding Firebase to the project

- Setup firebase config and initialise the app
- Create a instance of database and
- setup a collection

Use firestore function - onSnapshot to add a listner for database to sync with local states
Firestore databse overwrite ID for each document

onSnapshot - listener

addDoc - create a document with a parameters : instance of collection, new document {promise}

doc - gets a specific document, parameters : instance of database, collection name, document id {return document ref}

deleteDoc - deletes a document in the firestore database, parameter : document ref {promise}

setDoc - updates a document in the firestore database, parameter: document ref, {updated object}, {merge : true/false} either you can update/overwrite the complete document or merge it with old document {promise}


Problem: currently we are making request to firestore on every single keystroke, therefore need to reduce request for read and write from firestore

Solution: Debouncing
- delay the request for specified amount of time (let 500ms).
- if another request happens within the specified delay time, then cancel the prev request and set up a new delay for the new request.

- remove connection of updating database between editor and app - for making request to firestore
- setup a useState state of keeping track of body of note
- using setTimeout with useEffect to handle debouncing